Monday, December 28, 2009

Repair Cat Scratches On Wood

Commemorazione della fucialazione dei 7 fratelli Cervi

Sono passati 66 anni da quel 28 Dicembre, giorno in cui i figli di Alcide vennero fucilati insieme a Quarto Camurri nel poligono di tiro di Reggio Emilia pagando con la vita la propria fedeltà a quegli ideali di libertà e di giustizia sociale che erano stati loro trasmessi fin da bambini dal padre.

Alle soglie del 2010, Gelindo, Antenore, Aldo, Ferdinando, Agostino, Ovidio, Ettore ed il loro sacrificio devono rivivere nella nostra memoria affinché tutti noi e le nuove generazioni non dimentichino il valore prezioso della libertà conquistata a fatica, in un momento in cui questo bene è in grave pericolo a causa del clima generale che sta avanzando di odio nei confronti dell’”altro”, di guerra tra poveri, alimentata dalla politica razzista del Governo, del sempre più diffuso revisionismo storico e della crescita indisturbata di gruppi neo-fascisti.

Per questo la Federazione della Sinistra (Rifondazione Comunista, Comunisti Italiani, Socialismo 2000 e Lavoro e Solidarietà) attiva nella difesa delle democrazia e della libertà, ribadisce la necessità di ricostruire una coscienza antifascista e una rete di antifascismo militante raccogliendo il patrimonio ricco di ideali e di esperienze che i partigiani stanno lasciando a tutti e ai giovani in particolare.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Vertigo Ear Wax Removal

Federazione della Sinistra: al via una campagna referendaria su legge 30, nucleare e acqua.


will be a great referendum campaign on several key elements (the publicity battle for water, demand for the repeal of Law 30, no to nuclear power) to kick off from January, the social battles of the newly formed Federation of the Left, provided Federated, which now includes Prc-Se, PDCI, 2000 Socialism and Labour and Solidarity, but wants to open up as much as possible to all the social, trade union membership and what is now the area of \u200b\u200bthe alternative left in our country.

Lotta alla precarietà, dunque, attraverso la richiesta di abolizione della legge 30 e delle leggi ad essa collegata per restituire un futuro di lavoro stabile e sicuro alle nuove generazioni, lotta al programma di re-introduzione delle centrali nucleari che vuole impiantare in diverse regioni italiane il governo Berlusconi e lotta per la difesa dell'acqua ma anche della sanità e del welfare pubblico contro i tentativi di imporre una loro gestione privatistica. Questi i punti-chiave della campagna politica e sociale della Federazione della Sinistra che, a partire da gennaio, raccoglierà le firme su questi tre fronti per dei referendum popolari.

La Federazione della Sinistra lancia anche un appello a tutte le forze politiche e sociali presenti in our country to join forces, in view of the upcoming regional elections, and to reconstruct, through a process of aggregation, a united left alternative of which will converge on the desire and expectations of all popular Italian left.

These, in summary, decisions taken today by the first National Council of the newly formed Federation of the Left (PRC, PDCI, 2000 Socialism and Labour and Solidarity). The National Council of the Federation is composed of 70 members and has also elected a tight coordination of 7 people (composed by: Paolo Ferrero, Claudio Grassi, Rosa Rinaldi for the PRC, Alessandro Pignatiello and Orazio Licandro for the PDCI, Cesare Salvi to Socialism 2000 and Gianpaolo Patta for Work-Solidarity) and a national spokesperson, who for the first three months will be the PRC secretary Paolo Ferrero.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can Vitamin A Capsules Be Use On The Face

Per l'acqua pubblica!

Anna Magri - Secretary of the Circle of PRC Montecchio Emilia

The City Council of December 14, Communist PRC will present a ' Agenda on Principles for the protection, the government and management Public water and provisions for water service ripubblicizzazione .
The document stems from the awareness that water is a common good of humanity, the universal common good, a common public good, therefore unavailable to the market, which belongs to everyone. From
this knowledge were born and continue to the birth of the PRC Communist battles against the privatization of Enia, Iride-Enia against the merger and against the Ronchi Decree (DL 135/09) in which the government has taken away the drinking water for citizens to hand , in 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business for private parties.
Nell'OdG asks that the town of Montecchio Emilia commitments on four points: first, to constitutionalize the right to water, recognizing it as a human right and recognizing that the management of water service is a public service free of local economic importance and secondly, to promote a culture in its own territory to safeguard the risorsa idrica e di iniziativa per la ripubblicizzazione del Servizio Idrico Integrato; terzo, ad aderire e sostenere le iniziative del Coordinamento Nazionale “Enti Locali per l’Acqua Bene Comune e per la ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico integrato”; quarto, a sottoporre all’Assemblea dell’Ambito Territoriale Ottimale (AATO) l’approvazione delle proposte e degli impegni dei primi tre punti.
All'Ordine del Giorno è collegato un emendamento allo Statuto Comunale che riconosce che la gestione del servizio idrico integrato è un servizio pubblico locale privo di rilevanza economica, in quanto servizio pubblico essenziale per garantire l’accesso all’acqua per tutti e pari dignità human to all citizens.
Giorgio Ricci, head of the PRC Communist City Council, will speak on behalf of the Committee for the Defence of Common Goods of the Val d'Enza to which they belong, for now, as well as the Communist PRC, including Italy of Values \u200b\u200bMontecchio Emilia, a Cavriago 5 Stars - Group Val d'Enza, Provincial Committee Water Well Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Member of the Italian Forum of Water Movements), Movement to Stop land consumption - European cheese, The Fifth Hill - Quattro Castella, Civic List Cavriago Municipality, Civic List Working at St. Hilary, left, and freedom, Left Gattatico.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ca Mobile Bartending Laws

Nasce il Coordinamento per la difesa dei beni comuni della Val d'Enza

On December 1 Cavriago took place in the constituent meeting of the Coordination Defence Heritage Towns of the Val d'Enza. This coordination is open to all forces who oppose the privatization of the commons, from water.

In recent years the citizens of Val d'Enza have witnessed the gradual privatization of services and management of common goods of the same. A liberal policy was endorsed over the past decades
also by government forces of our territories, who have used the land and its resources as a safe to draw from in order to balance budgets squeezed by rules issued by the central government uncivilized. The aim of

coordinamento è quello di riportare nell’agenda politica delle nostre comunità e delle amministrazioni locali il tema della difesa dei beni comuni, per garantirne l'accesso ad ogni persona.

La prima battaglia che stiamo organizzando è quella di contrastare tutte le politiche di esternalizzazione e privatizzazione dei servizi legati all'acqua. Per questo sia il decreto Ronchi, che privatizza servizi e beni comuni, sia la scelta dell'unificazione Enia-Iride, così come si sta prefigurando, devono essere contrastasti.

Tutte le forze firmatarie si impegnano a presentare nei consigli comunali dove sono presenti un ordine del giorno comune che impegni le giunte degli otto comuni della Val d’Enza a modificare
in the statute defining water as a "right not economically significant" with the objective of maintaining public ownership and management, or of all citizens.

in this initiative campaigns will follow in the streets, collecting signatures for the referendum against the Ronchi Decree and the organization of public initiatives to sensitize the people on this issue of vital importance.

Promoters of coordination:
Italy of Values; Cavriago 5 Star - Group Val d'Enza, Provincial Committee Water Well Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Member of the Italian Forum of Water Movements) Stop Motion consumption of land - Committee cheese; The Fifth Hill - Quattro Castella, Civic List Cavriago City, Civic List Working at St. Hilary, the Communist Party of the PRC; Left and freedoms; Left Gattatico.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Does Maaco Do Payment Plans

Su la testa!

Anna Magri, Secretary of the Club PRC-FDS Montecchio Emilia

Dear friends and dear companions,

Saturday, December 5 was for all of us one of those days that you know it represents the beginning of something or, rather, the beginning of something else. And for us communists, for us of the PRC, was the baptism of the relaunch we have decided Congress in Chianciano 2008 and for which the body of the party has worked this past year.

Saturday, December 5 at the Teatro Brancaccio in Rome we gathered in thousands to greet the birth, in fact, the Federation of the Left that brings together the Communist Refoundation, the Italian Communists, Socialists and Labour and Solidarity in 2000 - which are political actors promoters - but which aims to aggregate all those anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal arising in relation to cultural and political autonomy and right to social democracy.

Companions, joins the Federation, the foundation for the reconstruction of a left that has a minimum critical mass significantly, and is, and then finally, just the opposite divisions of the years that have inexorably disintegrated the credibility of the Left in general, but also that of the communists.

a year in this part of our party is stubbornly locked in crisis, and overall we can say that the PRC is divided and has done so by investing in a complex, structured its organizational form in support of disputes and conflicts, and building showing an alternative system within the contradictions that the crisis opened against the ruling classes.

So, our ideas are good, but to be credible we must be stronger, we have to rely more and rely more solo se il PRC non resterà autoreferenziale. La Federazione della Sinistra offre questa occasione: al Brancaccio abbiamo gettato le fondamenta di questo straordinario progetto riaggregativo, facciamolo vivere nelle lotte e in tutti i territori!

Ma la straordinarietà del 5 dicembre non si è limitata alla prima assemblea nazionale della Federazione della Sinistra, l’altro fatto positivo è stata la straordinaria manifestazione contro Berlusconi, organizzata spontaneamente dal popolo della rete, di internet, dei blog e di Facebook.

Abbiamo scoperto che c’è un popolo che non si rassegna ad un presidente del consiglio che va a trovare i dittatori, che ha il più grande conflitto d’interessi mai seen before in a Western democracy, which is ad personam "laws to save himself and his whole world of abuse, corruption, mafia and prostitutes. And we need to reconnect with the people!

On 5 December was a great day, we put together a unified proposal for the left and we had a big rally against Berlusconi and Berlusconi, with many, many red flags.

I know that the large-circulation national newspapers and the TV has, as usual, complained, but we were and we were almost one million. Arrendiamoci not know and do it all, you run the photos that you have done, say it to seniors who could not come, gridiamolo strong and pounding on the network: in Rome on December 5 was a river of red flags!

Companions ON THE HEAD!

Play action assembly

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yugioh Why Do U Make A Battery Man Deck


PARTENZA DA LARGO CAIROLI (angolo Foro Bonaparte) MILANO, ORE 9.30
Il giorno dello sciopero lanciato dal Coordinamento Precari Scuola e indetto da CGIL e USI rappresenta una grande occasione di mobilitazione in difesa della scuola pubblica, contro i tagli, la cosiddetta “riforma” Gelmini e i provvedimenti “ammazza-precari”. Facciamo un
a tutti i lavoratori della scuola - docenti temporary, permanent staff and ATA -, to the different unions and alliances, associations and organizations in defense of public schools and all citizens to take to the streets, to build together, with no abbreviations and flags, but with a Banner unit, a large chunk of the school, asking loudly:
or withdrawal of state cuts to public school, provided by art. L133/08 of 64, and all the measures which were implemented
or withdrawal of the regulation schemes for the reorganization of secondary schools
or withdrawal of the Bill Aprea
Ø The establishment of a three-year plan, aim at a progressive release in the role of all temporary workers, included in the lists are exhausted and permanent
Ø The refusal of the L167 "salvaprecari" of November 24, 2009
or abolition of territorial pacts Ø The Ministry of Education-Region
absolute equality of treatment between temporary teachers and role
or the inability to assign 24 hours of teaching
or suspension of any form of direct and indirect public funding of private schools
or abolition of the ceiling of one teacher for every two students with disabilities (W244 / 07)
try to raise once again the world of education and citizenship of all sullo scempio della scuola statale, che si sta compiendo nel completo disinteresse dei media. Non accettiamo soluzioni “tampone” o semplici rinvii, che non arrestano il piano di licenziamento di massa di 150.000 lavoratori in tre anni e lo scadimento complessivo del sistema scolastico pubblico italiano.
Coordinamento Scuola Mantova - Coordinamento “3 ottobre” Milano, C.P.S. Nazionale
Info: - www.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Does It Mean When The Backs Of Knees Hurt

Quale sicurezza?

In recent months, we often found in city councils agree with the Democratic Party's view that security is a false problem used by the right for electoral purposes. Similarly, we found a good convergence in the League to take a stand against the proposal of the patrols to control the territorio.Oggi come to discover that the PD leadership of Val d'Enza invest a huge sum, greater than that allocated for anti-crisis measures in an apparatus of surveillance that is intended to make you feel more secure cittadini.Qual is the difference between the rounds, which nobody wanted, and the cameras, but now that the PD is installed? Is there a crime problem in Val d'Enza? Really a video surveillance system from 500,000 € helps make our country safer? Or, paradoxically, implicitly fed the feeling of insecurity already strongly influenced by mass media that create daily suspicion, mistrust and fear? E 'the answer that will give the center-left widespread unease produced by a precarious society that men and women, makes them uncertain and subject to fear? We this represents a serious political mistake of the folded center-left if the left and right are not concepts you can not bring in our common recipes leghiste.La municipal police disseminate information on crimes, minor crimes. If, as we believe, the Val d'Enza should not be in contrast to the rest of the country, we find that they are constantly decreasing. Spread these data, we face against information in regard to the incessant campaign of fear spread by televisioni.Da here are starting to offer more common in our recipes, which are based on solidarity, hospitality, integration. We finance projects and community centers to combat youth problems, will promote actions in support of workers in difficulty, support tasks to support the integration of foreigners. Instead of installing cameras animate the spaces that are now left to themselves and make available the streets and squares of cities and paesi.Questi are the reasons for our opposition to the cameras and these are our alternatives.
Communist Party of the PRC, circles Bibbiano, Campton, Canossa, Cavriago, Gattatico, Montecchio Emilia, San Polo d'Enza, S. Ilario d'Enza.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Can I Use Thermasilk Shampoo On My Dog

No Berlusconi Day - Manifestazione Nazionale Opposizione Sociale

All opposition political parties
The unions' associations

Civil society

The economic crisis is causing increasing social distress. The increase in job insecurity, loss of jobs, wages and pensions with which they struggle to make ends meet are a common scene across the country.
The government instead of intervening to resolve this situation with the serious cuts in social spending and education, with the compression of wages and pensions in the attack on the national labor contract is just the latest. In addition, the Executive shall make every effort to foment war between the poor with racist and xenophobic measures on immigration.
What's more, the Government has introduced measures such as the tax amnesty that legalized tax evasion and malfeasance, has earmarked a huge amount of money to the banks for the purchase of fighter jets and unnecessary for major works such as the Strait of Messina bridge.
The Government therefore serves to aggravate the crisis, defends the powers that be and the same time seeks to destroy Italian democracy carrying through the implementation of the plan of P2 Licio Gelli. The proposals of tampering of the Constitution are accompanied by a daily act of undermining the Constitution of the material, the attempt to gag the freedom of information, to limit the autonomy of the Judiciary, of distorting the role of the union and to silence workers.
To counter this operation which is both anti-democratic, fascist and socially unjust, we must build a policy response generally strong and unified.
We are committed to build mass opposition to restore democracy in the country and in the workplace and requiring the government to change economic and social policy.
is why we demand the resignation of Berlusconi in the light of his clear moral unworthiness to occupy the post of prime minister. And
offer to all opposition forces to call for the next 5 December a joint demonstration against the policies of Government and to demand the resignation of Prime Minister.

Antonio Di Pietro - Paolo Ferrero

We are organizing buses for the No Berlusconi Day For information or reservations please call 348 1728077 or write to

Friday, November 20, 2009

Poptropica How To Find Out Multiverse

Rifondazione Comunista con le lavoratrici e i lavoratori della UniMac Gherri

Refoundation Communist participated in this morning to guard the workers UniMac Gherri before the establishment of Montecchio. The UniMac Gherri, announced the closure by the end of the year the production unit of Parma (18 employees laid off in July from zero hours) to centralize all activities on the site of Montecchio Emilia (20 employees, in part, from now in laid off).
Blockade of layoffs, the extension of unemployment benefits to all workers and workers who lose their jobs, the creation of a social wage for the unemployed, the demand for higher wages and pension general, the fight against insecurity , are the main points of our proposal and our claims.
The Communist Party of the PRC - European Left sided with the workers of the UniMac Gherri Montecchio Emilia and supports all forms of struggle that will be democratically decided and that workers are willing to continue to achieve economic and social conditions that safeguarding work and wages, to ensure for themselves and their families, dignity and future.
ask the property to propose a plan of exit from the crisis that protects all workers involved.
We also urge the Mayor of Montecchio, which this morning has brought his greetings to the workers, to work for the reopening of the institutional table.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chamomile Teal With Valerian

Rifondazione Comunista per l'acqua bene comune

The Berlusconi government, deaf as expected protests by thousands of citizens and civil society in these coming weeks against the Bill Ronchi, who made privatization of the Italian public waters, has placed a vote of confidence in the Senate, the armored decree. As we Rifondazione chosen to adhere to the call made by the Forum Itallie movements to the water that has asked the Italian Parliament to withdraw the decree 135, which the decree to privatize water in Italy. The defense of water as a common good has been one of the battles that characterize the history of the communist PRC. The choice of the Senate to privatize the water in addition to being wrong and dangerous, as this will become an essential commodity, common to all citizens of a privilege and profit for the few, is also in contrast to the choices that other countries that had previously opted for the path of water privatization, which now are back to where they started and that water services are ripubblicizzando-PRC community has been and will be present in all the mobilizations in defense of public water and will require all its elected in local government to undertake to support the defense of water as a common good and public good. The PRC finally agrees to make the issue one of the major themes of public water in the event of December 5, No Berlusconi Day

Agenda submitted to the City Council on principles for the protection, governance and public management of water and provisions for water service ripubblicizzazione

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do Id Scanners Detect Duplicates

Il lavoro e la crisi: we demand answers

In Italy, in the last quarter of 2008, in the central north unemployment increased, while in the south, there was a hemorrhage of jobs, the unemployment rate in the country for the second quarter 2009 results to be 7.4%, the working population. In this way we could determine the conditions for an increase of one million more disoccupati.Grandi industrial groups are also at risk of closure for political masters of speculative (see the case of the ten thousand employees of the Group Eutelia / Agile / Phonemedia , which in addition to the threat of layoffs have been in recent days, at the headquarters in Rome, a vile assault squad). The FIAT
refusing to submit the business plan and establishments, such as Pomigliano, are extraordinary in layoffs.

We strive to

Block layoffs for the next 36 months.

Tackle the relocation , predicting that companies that relocate should be required to return all the contributions and financial support received.

Generalizing social safety nets overcoming the elements of division between workers with different employment relationship.

radical overhaul of unemployment benefits and create the social wage for the unemployed.

Raise the contrast to the precariousness of labor relations and the law 30, overcoming the distinction between fictional and quasi-subordinate employment.

Building public policy tools for the ecological reconversion of the economy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Credit Creator For Poptropica

general mobilization - LAST DAY TO DO SOMETHING!

Parliament privatization of water!
E 'urgent and essential to mobilize extraordinary!
The Senate, November 4, approved the Art 15 of Decree 135/09, which deprives the public drinking water tap, the most valuable asset, to deliver it, in 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business for individuals and banks.

Decree 135/09 will arrive in the Chamber of Deputies from Tuesday, November 10 (in Affairs Constitutional) and will be discussed in the courtroom Monday, November 16.

The Italian Forum of Water Movements Calls citizenship, the "people of water", the social and spatial networks, environmental protection and the protection of common goods, trade unions and student movement, for extraordinary mobilization.
mobilize to prevent the conversion of the law decree 135/09!
all participate and all the garrison!

Thursday, November 12 10:30
Presidium of Parliament (Piazza Deputies) and in all territories
Every reality declines to suit mode, times and places mobilization


The process of DL 135/09 has accelerated: the measure will be discussed starting Tuesday November 10 in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and Monday, November 16th is already scheduling classroom. The final vote is expected on Tuesday 17 or Wednesday 18. Only if you changed will revert to the Senate for final consideration. However
be possible until the whole process must be completed by November 24. Consequently
also our enforcement actions have to adapt to these very short notice.
Below is a calendar of initiatives planned for the next few days:

* Tuesday, November 10 - mailbombing components on the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies (about )

* Tuesday, November 10 - Delivery to leaders of the House's amendments to the Water Forum of the Movements in Art. 15 DL 135/09

* by Wednesday, November 11 should be sent to the secretariat of the Forum ( ) all signatures on the appeal on-line collections of local (in digital format, Word file or files. pdf), which will be delivered to the President of Room G. Purposes at the garrison or at least Monday, November 16

* Thursday, November 12, 10:30 to 13:30 hours - Dean of the Parliament and in all the territories - actually declines each mode to suit your needs, when and where the mobilization. Learn more about

* Thursday, November 12 - mailbombing all Deputies

* Friday, November 13 - mailbombing all Deputies

* Monday, November 16 - mailbombing all Deputies

Tuesday * November 17 - mailbombing on all the deputies (where the examination of the decree continued)

Paul Carsetti
Secretariat Italian Forum of Water Movements


November 10 mailbombing components on the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies

The Senate, November 4, Art 15 of the approved DL 135/09.
This measure will land at the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on November 10.
If enacted into law, Decree 135/09, deprive citizens and the sovereignty of the Regions and Communities drinking water tap.
We think it is an epilogue to avoid, is inviolate for a concept that includes water as a universal right and not as a commodity, but for the devastating effects that privatization could lead to the citizens on the basis of growth rates.
Therefore, in light of the foregoing, the conclusion of the examination before the Senate and in anticipation of discussion of this measure in the House of Deputies (scheduled for early November 16) is necessary to implement a mailbombing on members of the Commission in order to put some 'pressure by requiring that our demands are supported in the debate. In order for the

mailbombing produce effects, it is important that the sending of mail is made simultaneously by as many people as possible, concentrate all day on Tuesday 10 Follow the site in November all initiatives that will field the Italian Forum of Water Movements.

Or contact: Paul
Secretariat Italian Forum of Water Movements Via di S. Ambrose # 4 - 00186 Roma Tel / Fax. 06/68136225 Mon.-Fri. 15:00 to 19:00

privatize the 'WATER!


Friday, October 23, 2009

Discipline Paddle Teacher

The third way

(At the official presentation of the circulation area of \u200b\u200bthe Movement for Degrowth Felice will be held Tuesday, November 3 at 18.00 at the conference room of the library of Albino Campobasso conference entitled: Nuclear?! The reasons of decrease Felice.
Among the interventions stand that of Archbishop Giancarlo Maria Bregantini and national president of the movement Maurizio Pallante.)

Nuclear energy is the future! The new generation plants are safe! Uranium does not pollute! Solve the energy problems Italians! These are some of the many raving reviews that can be heard in any bar or bus, but it should not be difficult to attribute them to some politician.

In fact, after the now famous return to nuclear, October 5 during a meeting in the town of Flamanville, in France, ' ENEL, EDF, together with ( Électricité de France) , ha dichiarato che il programma per la costruzione dei reattori in Italia è già stato stabilito a grandi linee. Come molti sanno, dovranno essere realizzati inizialmente 4 reattori di “terza generazione” in zone non ancora definite in quanto le valutazioni sono complesse, ma la certezza è la necessità di avere nelle vicinanze sorgenti d’acqua per il raffreddamento e una rete elettrica in grado di sopportare elevati carichi. La situazione è preoccupante dato che tutto questo viene portato avanti, orgogliosamente , da una classe dirigente che così facendo mostra tutti i suoi limiti in campo energetico. Gli “illuminati” affermano che il futuro Economic and industry of our country are related to nuclear energy, as this will satisfy the energy needs of Italian. Among some citizens, as on any other subject matter, blindly trust . Others, annoyed, expressed its disagreement by proposing the development of renewable energy.

The situation is very different from when in 1972 the book The Limits to Growth it highlighted the possibility that fossil fuels were not able to meet world demand and the long denounced the escalation of 'pollution pollution caused by combustion processes. So to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels is outlined two positions: the proponents of 'nuclear energy on one side and the other those who supported the' solar . The two positions are faced to sound of criticism: the nuclear technology was considered very dangerous and the risk of accidents with leakage and diffusion of radioactive substances were very high, they can not deny these problems, proponents of nuclear power, argued that the development technology could have also solves the solar energy could not be considered an alternative to fossil fuels because its contribution was little more than symbolic.

Similarly in these days we are witnessing a debate that confronts the media like to meet national energy needs, ideas to invest in nuclear power with those who prefer invest in renewable energy. Today, as then the logic is the same. Whether it is dependent on nuclear or solar always responds to the logic of growth. The increase in energy consumption is treated as an unchangeable given and want to satisfy with different sources. Bearing in mind that more than half of all energy that is extracted, is conveyed, transforming, transporting and finally in the new form is used is wasted not be considered scempio a prescindere da quale fonte viene utilizzata per la produzione?

Come ci spiega Maurizio Pallante, se il nostro sistema energetico è rappresentato da un secchio bucato la nostra preoccupazione non deve essere su quale fonte utilizziamo per riempirlo, ma dobbiamo impegnarci a tappare i buchi! Bisogna quindi fare un discorso a monte, cioè ridurre al minimo il consumo di fonti fossili mediante una riduzione della domanda di energia che risponde alla logica della decrescita , la terza via. Nel riscaldamento degli ambienti, oltre agli sprechi causati dalla scarsa efficienza delle caldaie, almeno la metà del calore prodotto is dispersed in the atmosphere because of the bad insulation of buildings. If you reduce this waste and inefficiency these result in lower consumption of fossil fuels much greater than would replacing them with other sources. It 'a better kWh kilowatt-hour saved a replaced (and wasted). We can see that reducing the waste of energy, ie a decrease of production and consumption of goods that is not good, would result in a decrease of GDP . We would so the same services without any waiver or limitation, but with less energy consumption at source. This is not to equate nuclear power and renewable energy, first of all this reinforces even more the futility of a source is not secure. Renewable energy sources instead become fundamental importance only after dealing with this important step on the waste. In Italy renewables make a contribution even laughable, but not in Germany where he was instead made a double strategy: a waste reduction, 2 replacement sources. They are able to meet with renewable energy needs very high compared to ours, also reducing CO2 emissions.

"The strategy of decrease an integrated approach is seen as the first element in the reduction of consumption. If decrease consumption renewables can contribute a higher percentage, and you also save money that you can invest in renewable energy. The decrease in consumption is therefore the fundamental premise for a significant development of renewable sources, both from the point of view of energy needs that from a financial point of view. "It is obvious that the fears themselves are not sufficient . Only through an approach that includes upstream waste minimization we can say the total uselessness of nuclear power. Meanwhile

We offer some suggestions to refute any statement of our politicians about the nuclear utility ..







Nuclear is not a renewable energy source because it is based on using a fuel, uranium, which exists in nature in finite quantities.

that nuclear power is a renewable source also told the European Union, in particular Ferran Tarradellas spokesman Commissioner Andris Piebalgs :

"Nuclear energy is not considered a source renewable, and is not calculated into the mix of sources with which each country must achieve the targets agreed upon "(Lucia Venturi, greenreport )

< consider the annual increase di potenza degli impianti eolici, solari e nucleari constatiamo come negli ultimi anni la potenza nucleare si sia sostanzialmente stabilizzata , mentre le rinnovabili presentano tassi di crescita elevatissimi . Considerando le tendenze dei prossimi anni si evidenzia come, in valori assoluti, vento e sole supereranno la nuova potenza nucleare installata. Questo calcolo, tra l’altro, non prende in considerazione la potenza nucleare obsoleta progressivamente abbandonata. Più in generale, nel periodo 2008-12 la produzione addizionale di elettricità solare ed eolica, e quindi il contributo alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas climalteranti of these green technologies, should be at least 4 times higher than the net contribution of nuclear power (ie also considering the closure of old plants). (Gianni Silvestrini , QualEnergia )


The intrinsic safety does not even exist in the so-called new generation of nuclear power is concentrated on the search for Generation IV, which also participates in Italy through Euratom.

"Intrinsic safety does not mean higher levels and control points in a reactor, but to develop reactors that power down automaticamente nel momento in cui si arriva al cosiddetto incidente tipico di riferimento, quando si raggiungono cioè condizioni di perdita del liquido refrigerante . Per ottenere questo è necessario cambiare la fisica di reattori e per farlo serve ricerca. Non mi risulta che all’interno del consorzio Generation IV esistano significative prestazioni di ricerca sulla sicurezza intrinseca». (Massimo Scalia , greenreport )

< > (Massimo Scalia , Gianni Mattioli L’Unità 27marzo 2008)


< Considering that the average lifetime of operation of the 117 units already closed is about 22 years to double that already seems optimistic, but we have taken to reach 40 years of life expectancy for reactors operating or under construction and we calculated how many plants per year will be closed. This evaluation allows to assess the number of stations to be activated over the next decades to keep the same number of operating stations. In addition to the units currently under construction and with a given set of power, 70 reactors (40,000 MW ) must be designed, built and launched by 2015 - one every month and a half – inoltre serviranno ulteriori 192 unità (168.000 MW ) nei prossimi dieci anni successivi – una ogni 18 giorni. Questo risultato non è diverso dall’analisi del 2004». (da: Lo stato dell’industria nucleare mondiale nel 2007 scritto da Mycle Schneider )

< > dal IV Rapporto Ipcc del 2007. Questo significa che se anche il nucleare non produce emissioni climalteranti , agli attuali tempi di realizzazione non sarà sufficiente a fermare la febbre del pianeta.


«Il Nuclear power is out of business, so no one invests in the U.S. "(Gianni Silvestrini , greenreport )

< Reuters about the only new reactor by 1600 MW, under construction in Europe, namely in Finland ( Olkiluoto). Its commissioning was guaranteed by the two construction companies, France's Areva and Germany's Siemens for 2009, but especially that of the Finnish Government would guarantee the plant to the Finnish electricity at low cost. The news agency that the note gives us is that in 2009 will not start anything, because commissioning has been delayed to 2011 kWh and above that che questa centrale produrrà costeranno molto cari visto che il costo della centrale è lievitato in pochi anni dai due ai tre miliardi di euro, più o meno quattro volte il costo di una centrale a gas metano a ciclo combinato di pari potenza.>> (Massimo Serafini, greenreport )

«Nessuno potrebbe costruire impianti nucleari in assenza di garanzie sui prestiti e senza quegli incentivi i nuovi impianti forse non sarebbero sulla rampa di lancio», dichiara Christopher Crane , presidente della Exelon , una delle principali imprese elettriche Usa, riferendosi ai forti incentivi previsti dal Bill Energy Act of Bush in 2005. According to data from

Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the report "The Future of nuclear power " published in 2003 the cost of kilowatt-hours produced coal and gas, respectively, are of 4.2 cents and 4.1 cents, while the nuclear kilowatt-hour (of a plant can operate for forty 'years) well costs 6.7 cents.

<> (Leonardo Maugeri in: With all the energy possible)

Nuclear power is' clean?

Certainly in terms of emissions, nuclear power is cleaner than a coal, oil or gas fuel: as much as a windmill or solar panel . It is less certain in the case also with microincidenti leaking radioactivity (no need to get cases like Chernobyl ): <> (Stefano in General Do you remember Chernobyl?)

But in addition to security , another major problem that remains unresolved Atomic Energy waste: there are no concrete solutions to today problem of disposing of radioactive waste arising from plant or from their decomissioning . The approximately 250 thousand tons of highly radioactive waste produced to date in the world are all waiting to be conferred in disposal sites, stored in warehouses "temporary" or left in the same facilities where they were generated. The same is true of course for our country that has a second inventory edited by apathy about 25 thousand m3 of waste, 250 tons of spent fuel - 99% of the radioactivity in our country - which must be added to the approximately 1,500 m3 of waste produced annually in research, medicine and industry and the approximately 80-90 thousand m3 waste deriving from the dismantling of the 4 plants and fuel cycle facilities. (The unresolved problems of nuclear energy twenty years after the referendum, Legambiente 2007)

In the EU-25 nuclear wastes are growing at a rate of 40 thousand cubic meters per year amounted to 100 thousand tons, as if it were a building-based 850 square meters and 10 floors high, and increases of 1 year plan: a giant mole that has only two seats available across Europe for reprocessing, or La Hague in France and Sellafield in England. (Leonardo Maugeri, with all the energy possible)


"At the end of 2007 are 439 operating reactors in the world, 5 in less than five years ago. There are 34 units "under construction" according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 20 in less than in the late 90s. In 1989, 177 reactors were operating in what are now the 27 EU member states but this number is reduced to 146 units at the end of 2007.

Currently, the 439 operating reactors comprising at around 371,700 megawatts, and the combined capacity of 436 units in the world in 2000 was less than 352,000 MW - in contrast with the prediction from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the '70s estimated that 4,450,000 megawatt. Today

nuclear plants generate electricity 16%, 6% of commercial primary energy and 2-3% of world final - with a downward trend - just less than hydroelectric. Twenty-one of 31 states to have nuclear power plants have reduced their share of nuclear power in the energy mix in 2006 compared to 2003.

"Even if Finland and France build a reactor each - the report says (World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2007, greenreport) - China other 20 units

and Japan, Korea and Eastern Europe to add some other station, the global trend of nuclear power will probably be down for the next two or three decades>>


<> (Massimo Scalia, Gianni Mattioli Unit)

According to other estimates, at current rates of consumption, its availability is estimated for about 70 years, but if the demand grew, we could propose such a situation similar to that of "oil wars" and the schedule of implementation plants. And the fast-breeder reactors, the type Superfhenix, not only did not give more concrete results at the time, but could represent serious dangers for the use the military for their ability to produce plutonium so as to make it usable in a subsequent energy conversion, but also in a possible bomb.

In the current world is running right now, with current technology to use nuclear energy, the strong likelihood that there may be countries that want to escape the scrutiny of the international community - as in the case of Iran - which could be used civilian nuclear energy as a pick to acquire nuclear weapons.


< > (Fabrizio Vigni, greenreport)

Grazie al referendum del 1987, l’Italia è stato il primo paese tra i più industrializzati ad uscire dal nucleare. Solo alla fine degli anni ’90, infatti, verrà seguita dalla Germania con la definizione dell’ exit strategy dalla produzione di energia elettrica dall’atomo entro il 2020, e più recentemente dalla Spagna. Siamo proprio sicuri che vi siano popolazioni e territori disponibili ad ospitare una centrale atomica? E voi sareste disponibili?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Does It Take A Week To Receive Mail In California

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wheel Chair Wiring Schematic

manned FROM 9 TO 13 September

A tutti i docenti precari e non, al personale ATA, ai ricercatori, agli studenti e alle famiglie e alla società civile

... we do not play: see action!

Coordination School Mantua

adheres to the mobilizations of the National Coordination Precarious School and following the protest actions taking place throughout Italy in solidarity with all involved in precarious places, and

manned from 9 to 13 September during The "Festival of Literature in Mantua

AT 16.00
info and contacts: Coordination
School Mantua, Mantua section of Coordination Precarious National School.
Coordination Precarious
School Forum:

What Is The Number On Alabama Helmet

Appeals in defense of public school School Mantua Coordination is being delivered and signed during the days of the Festival


In these days all over Italy is experiencing a real emergency: More than 25,000 teachers are staying out of work due to cuts implemented by the Education Minister Gelmini in consultation with the Minister of Economy Tremonti. This which had been widely announced since last fall, there has been scattered everywhere despair and anger, bewilderment and disappointment.
Those who until a few months ago there were only numbers, anonymous figures, have become people with names and surnames. Thus in Italy there are Francesco, Antonio, Clare, Ross, Mary, who are "enjoying" the hard way the blade cuts indiscriminate. The emergency
but travels on two roads that intersect: one is the loss of jobs, the other the loss of quality of public schools, inevitable when you consider that many problems stem from cuts in teaching posts and more reduced funding to schools.
Our appeal to the entire civil society and in these particular days of the Festival of Literature to the whole world of culture. We ask for support for the battle that toghether all school personnel from Sicily to Lombardy. Practical help to reiterate very clearly that without a quality school culture can not be done!
We ask everyone to join our fight by signing this appeal against the dismissal of all personnel of the public school and ask the government for the recruitment of all temporary workers indefinitely on all vacancies in the organic law and fact .
are required that can not leave indifferent those involved in culture, those who dedicate themselves every day dissemination of knowledge and information.
Our battle for a secular school, free, democratic and a country which protects the workplace affects everyone and must belong to everybody! Civil society
ask finally take to heart the problem of school, to create a network of solidarity, noting that the school strikes hitting the living core of our democratic country!

Coordination School Mantua

Friday, September 4, 2009

Edu Science Astronomical Telescope



"Too many students per class," the complaint Codacons Gelmini
Association announces exposed to 104 prosecutors in Italy for "disturbance of public service" and an action collectively against the cuts in staff in the school of organic EXCEPT Intravaia

"overcrowded classes and Codacons complaint minister Gelmini. The news that this year the Italian classes would have a greater number of pupils had been anticipated a few days ago by But the Consumers' Association led by Carlo Rienzi goes to the facts. Complaint Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini, and the directors of USR (the regional education offices) to 104 proxies for "public service interruption and disruption and violation of safety rules in classes that exceed 25 students and announced a collective megaricorso against cuts in organic personal leave home almost 18 000 temporary and who blew up the protest in recent days. Codacons to support the complaint brings up one of the rules on the much more class disregarded in recent years: the Fire (Dm August 26, 1992) which provides for a crowd of 26 people maximum per class. In practice, between pupils and teachers, must not exceed 26 units: one teacher and 25 students, two teachers and 24 pupils and so on. But you could still get: a classroom of 36 square meters can accommodate up to 18 boys. The only rules that affect the peripheral of the ministry leaders (of the provincial education offices and the regional education offices) when you prepare the workforce are those issued annually by the Viale Trastevere, which increasing year by year the number of pupils per class. According to the latest in a class of high school could get even 30 students. But then check the other legislation: the fire and the fact that health and hygiene in this case establishes a square of 1.96 square meters per student. In order not to disappoint any of the provisions in question should be, from time to time, consider the indices more restrictive. But, you know, the theory is one thing while practicing another. And the manager is the head teacher.
"In classes where you insert more than 25 pupils to overcome the lack of teachers' cut 'by Gelmini - says consumers' association in a statement - Is committing a serious crime: it endangers the safety of children and violate the standards of public hygiene in the minimum space that must have a classroom. "Codacons, outlawed in cases of class, ask the attorney to initiate criminal proceedings against the minister and the regional directors and "illegal seizure classes." "It 'from 1971 which is a maximum limit of students per class. Provide for now - says the president Codacons, Carlo Rienzi - classes of 30 or 40 students is a real madness that makes people run unnecessary risks to students and teachers. "Rienzi states that" the complaint was presented today in the 104 and Procure teachers is now precarious damaged by the cuts that families whose children are placed at risk will become a civil party. "And when you come into class action families can act represented by Codacons for damages." Another source of suffering for the school that threatens to blow up the protest. An alarm the security of classrooms, which in a few days after the start of classes was also launched by Cittadinanzattiva, which since Sept. 17 "is launching a campaign to mobilize the public of the overcrowding of classrooms." The reason is plain. "Flakes of plaster , signs of decay, wheelchair, in addition to the furnishings in inadequate numbers than students and often broken: the security of classrooms is very disappointing, " Cittadinanzattiva complaint. "At the deficiencies that we find for years now - they explain - there is now a danger of overcrowded classrooms" because "the decree 112 of 25 June 2008 provides, in fact, training classes, an increase of the number of students per classroom. " For this Cittadinanzattiva, in parallel with data on school safety and the livability of the classrooms, will launch a specific campaign on the problem of overcrowding in the details of which will be available on the website of the association,, starting next September 17. (September 2, 2009)

End Module

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A precarious and not all the teachers, the personale ATA, ai ricercatori, agli studenti e alle famiglie


Il Coordinamento Scuola Mantova

aderisce alle mobilitazioni del Coordinamento Precari Scuola nazionale e a seguito delle iniziative di protesta in corso in tutta Italia solidarizza con tutti i precari impegnati nelle piazze, e preannuncia un

PRESIDIO PERMANENTE DAL 9 AL 13 SETTEMBRE durante il “Festival della Letteratura” di Mantova, con interventi di protesta nel corso degli incontri programmati per l’evento.

Info e contatti: Coordination
School Mantua, Mantua section of Coordination Precarious National School.

Coordination Precarious
School Forum:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tips For Restaurant Dishwashers

MIBAC - Appointments of General

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It ended the phase of preparing the new appointments of General Managers, Central and Regional, which will formally take possession charge from August 6, 2009.

The full list is as outlined at the time:

Mario Resca to lead the new Directorate-General for the promotion of cultural heritage, Roberto Cecchi the new Directorate-General for the landscape, fine arts, architecture and contemporary art, Antonia Pasqua Recchia the new direction that brings together the budget and staff are the main changes, moreover widely announced in recent months, as contained in the appointments indicated today by Culture Minister Sandro Bondi.

In the document, which will arrive this evening on the table of the Minister of Public Renato Brunetta, shows the confirmation of the Secretary General of the ministry, Giuseppe Proietti (already appointed by the Council of Ministers on 31 July).

the office of general management at the Cabinet of Ministers is indicated Mario Guarany (deputy chief of staff), the office of general management at the Office of the Minister / Office Legislative indicates Gino Famiglietti (deputy chief legislative)

the Directorate General of Antiquities was reconfirmed Stefano De Caro (Rumors that they gave to the last to leave for Calabria ) confirmed the general managers of cinema and live performance, as well as Luciano Scala that remains at the Directorate-General for archives and libraries Maurice Wallace , cultural institutions and copyright.

Al Secine (service internal control) and 'Peter Graziani indicated. Executives of General Staff are Anna Maria Buzzi, Alfredo Giacomazzi, Bruno De Santis .

Some news also in regional offices: particularly in Campania, where he arrived Gregory Angelini (deep knowledge of the bureaucracy and mechanisms for funding) in Tuscany, where it goes Maddalena Spiders (he was the Director General Budget) in Lazio, where, after the resignation of Luciano Marchetti (to devote himself entirely to the role of deputy commissioner of civil protection for the cultural heritage of Abruzzo) arrives Mario Lolli Ghetti , in Calabria, where Francesco goes Prosperetti (former director of Parc) Paul Scarpellini Regional Director of the Marches, and Laura Napoleon Director Region of Basilicata

Dall'elenco reso pubblico se non vi sono variazioni a riguardo risulterebbero confermati tutti i restanti incarichi a suo tempo conferiti.

Inoltre, non ci resta che attendere le nomine e le conferme dei Soprintendenti, e dei Direttori di Archivi e Biblioteche che potranno essere fatte presumibilmente dal 13 agosto p.v..

Sarà nostra cura tenervi aggiornati on, if there were other innovations.

On this occasion, my best regards


( Dr. Joseph Urbino)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Can You Get Silver For Vba


With a little 'delay publish the appeal of the Mantua School Coordination for the event on 15 July.

Here we are! Once again shout out our anger and outrage at a policy, one of Berlusconi's government, which deadens the work of many workers and employees of the school.
hiding behind the word mortify many meanings: layoffs, job insecurity, lack of rights, inability to build a family, migration from South to North.
Again, this coming September, we will inflict painful cuts first and then the Minister Fioroni Gelmini. A cut in the silence of many teachers and operators of the school. She calculated 20,000 this year and 42,000 next year. It 's like saying that the entire city of Mantua will stay at home without work, is like saying that a company big and powerful to dismiss and send home all their workers. We do not want to fall into the trap of the war between the poor, but all these cuts, for all this humiliation, no one talks about all this mess!
closed the spotlight on October 30, stopped the itch for TV, politicians, journalists and trade union no longer spoke of these cuts and the situation of the school. Something different happens to Alitalia, Fiat, etc.. The only difference is that the so-called graduates of the school will be 6 times more than those of the national airline. But we repeat to you: THE WAR BETWEEN THE POOR NON CI STIAMO!
Siamo indignati, arrabbiati, offesi ma non ci scoraggiamo e quindi eccoci di nuovo qui a gridare la nostra rabbia e la nostra voglia di lottare!
In questi mesi i docenti, gli studenti, gli operatori scolastici, i genitori non si sono fermati. Spenti i riflettori, spento l'interesse falso di molti sindacati, sfumato l'interesse fasullo e ipocrita di tanti politici, hanno continuato a far sentire la loro voce, hanno continuato a sensibilizzare la gente nelle strade, nelle piazze, sotto la pioggia, con il vento e con il sole sui problemi legati alla riforma del ministro Gelmini e sui licenziamenti futuri. Un esercito pacifico, silenzioso per la stampa si è mosso in modo rumoroso e colorato per le strade e le piazze delle città Italian from North to South
Now that the school will start to close, we decided to give us an appointment, let us listen, to seek protection of rights and work for everyone!
On 15 July we decided to take to the streets, braving the heat and the heat of Rome. We decided to go back to make our voice heard loud and clear against the bill Aprea, against dismissal of the entire school staff, calling on the government taking all the precarious indefinitely on all vacancies in organic law and fact.
In this letter-appeal we ask all my colleagues, to all parents, all students in all public opinion, all parties, associations, movements, trade unions to support this struggle and to support these claims.
ask to join the demonstration on July 15 in Rome, to be in place in many Deputies and shouting in a loud voice the indignation, anger and the desire to rebel against the government measures.
We ask everyone to help us be heard by those at the government!
to colleagues, to all my colleagues call for a stronger commitment, a stronger stance, an act of outrage toward the government's measures and layoffs to put in yards.
the role of colleagues, to those "systems" and "quiet" with the "job" we call for greater solidarity because this struggle can not be only temporary. The bill affects all Aprea, also aims to precarious places hard and tends to disrupt the free school, public, democratic and secular. Civil society
ask finally take to heart the problem of school, to create a network of solidarity, noting that the school strikes hitting the living core of our democratic country. It is not just a problem of protection of jobs but also a defense of an institution where everyone works every day giving the best and we strongly believe! Coordination
School Mantua
For information about our activities in Mantua and the July 15 event, you can consult our blog at:

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born Coordination Precarious School.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great success of the national demonstration of precarious Precarious dellascuola.Nasce Coordination Scuola.Il organizing committee welcomes the success of the sit indel-July 15 Square in the House, where a thousand people datutta Italy (Palermo, Taranto, from Rome to Milan, Naples aRavenna, from Venice to Genoa), calling for the withdrawal deitagli attended the school, the provisions of Act 133 of 2008, Atempo permanent recruitment of all workers on temporary vacancies, Aprea ilritiro of the bill to reform the system istruzionepubblica. Politicidell'opposizione representatives spoke at the event (Antonio Di Pietro's Italia dei Valori, Paolo Ferrero of the PRC, Gennaro Migliore Left and Freedom, SinistraCritica Flavia D'Angeli, Dario Franceschini, Giuseppe Fioroni and Maria Coscia of the PD), the MimmoPantaleo FLCGIL, Rino di Meglio Guild of teachers and a delegation of CISLScuola.I present were compared on three-point platform of the proposed daiprecari scuola.Una delegation of eight people, representative of the school's precarious comitatiautorganizzati of North, Central and the southern Italy, was received by the Culture Committee of Parliament, attended by members of the Democratic Party and the chairman ofthe Commission Valentina Aprea. The delegation exposed the piattaformarivendicativa, which briefly put the Hon. Aprea, supporting plane of entries in the role of twenty thousand people in the next annoscolastico and the intention to stabilize the precarious and qualified with years of service.The nonabilitati 'On Aprea has also reiterated that his plan was amended at the mockery on the trasformazionedelle schools in foundations. In the view of the precarious inruolo provided inputs are insufficient, do not even cover ipensionamenti, and promises about the depletion of the rankings and the recruitment of temporary workers are impossible to implement in the face allaconsistente reduction in funding for public education. Aprea Suquesto point has not been able to give any response, leresponsabilità downloading the Ministry of Finanze.La President Aprea has however reiterated that the new arrangements will cover only new direclutamento access to education, claws rankings are exhausted will not be eliminated and that the dirittiacquisiti by teachers that are in the afternoon we will salvaguardati.Nel convened the National Assembly of the precarious dellascuola, which consists of the Coordination Precarious School cheunifica all the experiences of self-organization of precarisviluppatesi during the last school year. During assembleasi discussed the proposal of the government contracts of availability, which was regarded as undesirable, since it goes to that envisaged in direzioneopposta from all precarious, that is taking atempo permanent job vacancy. The Assembly decided to launch persettembre state of agitation throughout Italy and also hold demonstrations and seguentiiniziative-) leaflets at the invitations of the precarious leassegnazioni for the next school year .-) Assemblies, meetings and meetings of the precarious reality in all local-) safeguards at the offices of the provincial school in September ;-) primasettimana unannounced action of protest earlier this year scolasticoL'assemblea has offered to prepare other soggettiin mobilized in a national demonstration school in the month diottobre.Il Coordination Precarious School convene a seminar perapprofondire the mobilization strategies and content programmaticida held in Naples in the month of settembre.Il Coordination Precarious School

Saturday, July 11, 2009

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Here is the link with the interview on Radio Base 07/02/2009 09:45

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: viewfinder even the law Aprea
Coordination School Mantua, we are worried
On 15 July in Rome demonstration of precarious

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pain In Ovaries During Ovulation


ANSA (SPE) - 12/06/2009 - 18:01:00

UIL AGGRAVATES REFORM ISSUES MINISTERO (ANSA) - ROMA, 12 GIU - Con la riforma del ministero dei beni culturali approvata oggi dal Consiglio dei ministri, ''i problemi del ministero non solo rimangono insoluti ma addirittura si aggravano''. Lo denuncia la Uil beni culturali, che critica la nuova organizzazione voluta da Bondi e annuncia come ulteriore aggravio l'arrivo per la fine di luglio di ''una tonnellata di nomine''. L'aver mantenuto una struttura pesante al centro, commenta il segretario generale del sindacato Gianfranco Cerasoli, ''determina ancor di piu' l'appesantimento della macchina burocratica poiche' non e' sostenibile che per approvare un intervento sul territorio si continuino a dover effettuare ben 7/8 passaggi. La semplificazione non e' nella cultura del Mibac and of those who wanted reform.'' The new Directorate General for development, said Cerasoli,''will enter 'now in competition and in disputes with other Directorates General and the Regional Directorates having the ability' 'absorbance' of the new Director-elect Mario Resca. Resca will have the same 'problems view the shortage of resources there' so much more 'that his appeals to the Government for a policy of tax exemption, they fall on deaf ears. The relationship between the various centers of responsibility '- the union adds - in order to protect and' sticky and does not produce results. In all this' - claims Cerasoli - it adds a ton of appointments that will make the end of July beginning of August General Managers Central and Regional Managers and Supervisors in a context of great confusion with a totally absent from the Minister and Secretary problems that deals only with the City 'of Rome, almost with a role as Commissioner.''(ANSA). LB 12-Jun-09 17:53 NNN

Monday, June 15, 2009

What Does It Mean When You Have Low Temperature

Since this Government through its Ministers Gelmini-Tremonti Brunetta confirmed all his measures to the detriment of the public school state: it has kept all the cuts, he came back more than 20 years teaching and teaching in the system with the return only the master and the abolition of the presence and form, has decreased the time school, confirmed the increase in class sizes of up to 33 per classroom, in accordance with the rules on safety, fire prevention and education indexes minimum functionality;
As this government is about to put in the hands of private foundations state public school, transforming it into effect resulting in best companies ranking of teachers;
As the school public State out of these measures impoverished and unqualified for the benefit of private education;
GIVEN that next year will be wiped out about 57,000 jobs teachers and ata,
The permanent staff of the school, faculty, staff and technical / administrative staff, met NATIONAL ASSEMBLY UNITARY May 24 in Rome, promotes


before Parliament on 15 July, 10.30.
To say we want to be heard.
to defend a state public school open, free, pluralistic and secular;
THE RIGHT TO STUDY for everybody;
For a school of quality' through increased investment and to set school policy ;
to save hundreds of thousands of JOBS,

we invite all school workers, temporary workers and not all citizens to support and participate actively in this initiative.
The Organizing Committee: Committee
Precarious Professors of Salerno and Avellino: Alessandro D'Auria
Committee Precarious Catania: Giuseppe Condorelli Antonio Precarious Ligurian
Committee: Paul Bands
Committee Precarious Rome: Giovanna Mazzullo
Committee Precarious School Ravenna: Edmund Febbrari coordinate work of the school 3 October New York:
Coordination Precarious Naples: Antonella Vaccaro
Coordination School Mantua: Ilene Silver i.condorcet @
Precarious School Forum section. Palermo: Maria Pia Labita
Movement Teachers Precarious Rome:
Precarious Teachers Network Brands: Melanie Segal
Network Bari Precarious Professors: Anthony Buonamico
National Network of Precarious School: http:// /
Network Precarious Agrigento School: Emma Giannì
Network of Precarious School of Pisa: Daniele Ippolito precariscuola.pisa @
Network Organized Teachers and ATA precarious Veneto: Manuel Snipes manuel.posadas @
Network Precarious Livorno: Marco Marmeggi
Network Precarious Terni: Daniela Ricci da.ricci @