Wednesday, August 5, 2009
It ended the phase of preparing the new appointments of General Managers, Central and Regional, which will formally take possession charge from August 6, 2009.
The full list is as outlined at the time:
Mario Resca to lead the new Directorate-General for the promotion of cultural heritage, Roberto Cecchi the new Directorate-General for the landscape, fine arts, architecture and contemporary art, Antonia Pasqua Recchia the new direction that brings together the budget and staff are the main changes, moreover widely announced in recent months, as contained in the appointments indicated today by Culture Minister Sandro Bondi.
In the document, which will arrive this evening on the table of the Minister of Public Renato Brunetta, shows the confirmation of the Secretary General of the ministry, Giuseppe Proietti (already appointed by the Council of Ministers on 31 July).
the office of general management at the Cabinet of Ministers is indicated Mario Guarany (deputy chief of staff), the office of general management at the Office of the Minister / Office Legislative indicates Gino Famiglietti (deputy chief legislative)
the Directorate General of Antiquities was reconfirmed Stefano De Caro (Rumors that they gave to the last to leave for
Al Secine (service internal control) and 'Peter Graziani indicated. Executives of General Staff are Anna Maria Buzzi, Alfredo Giacomazzi, Bruno De Santis .
Some news also in regional offices: particularly in Campania, where he arrived Gregory Angelini (deep knowledge of the bureaucracy and mechanisms for funding) in Tuscany, where it goes Maddalena Spiders (he was the Director General Budget) in Lazio, where, after the resignation of Luciano Marchetti (to devote himself entirely to the role of deputy commissioner of civil protection for the cultural heritage of Abruzzo) arrives Mario Lolli Ghetti , in Calabria, where Francesco goes Prosperetti (former director of Parc) Paul Scarpellini Regional Director of the Marches, and Laura Napoleon Director Region of Basilicata
Dall'elenco reso pubblico se non vi sono variazioni a riguardo risulterebbero confermati tutti i restanti incarichi a suo tempo conferiti.
Inoltre, non ci resta che attendere le nomine e le conferme dei Soprintendenti, e dei Direttori di Archivi e Biblioteche che potranno essere fatte presumibilmente dal 13 agosto p.v..
Sarà nostra cura tenervi aggiornati on, if there were other innovations.
On this occasion, my best regards
( Dr. Joseph Urbino)
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