Monday, December 7, 2009

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Su la testa!

Anna Magri, Secretary of the Club PRC-FDS Montecchio Emilia

Dear friends and dear companions,

Saturday, December 5 was for all of us one of those days that you know it represents the beginning of something or, rather, the beginning of something else. And for us communists, for us of the PRC, was the baptism of the relaunch we have decided Congress in Chianciano 2008 and for which the body of the party has worked this past year.

Saturday, December 5 at the Teatro Brancaccio in Rome we gathered in thousands to greet the birth, in fact, the Federation of the Left that brings together the Communist Refoundation, the Italian Communists, Socialists and Labour and Solidarity in 2000 - which are political actors promoters - but which aims to aggregate all those anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal arising in relation to cultural and political autonomy and right to social democracy.

Companions, joins the Federation, the foundation for the reconstruction of a left that has a minimum critical mass significantly, and is, and then finally, just the opposite divisions of the years that have inexorably disintegrated the credibility of the Left in general, but also that of the communists.

a year in this part of our party is stubbornly locked in crisis, and overall we can say that the PRC is divided and has done so by investing in a complex, structured its organizational form in support of disputes and conflicts, and building showing an alternative system within the contradictions that the crisis opened against the ruling classes.

So, our ideas are good, but to be credible we must be stronger, we have to rely more and rely more solo se il PRC non resterà autoreferenziale. La Federazione della Sinistra offre questa occasione: al Brancaccio abbiamo gettato le fondamenta di questo straordinario progetto riaggregativo, facciamolo vivere nelle lotte e in tutti i territori!

Ma la straordinarietà del 5 dicembre non si è limitata alla prima assemblea nazionale della Federazione della Sinistra, l’altro fatto positivo è stata la straordinaria manifestazione contro Berlusconi, organizzata spontaneamente dal popolo della rete, di internet, dei blog e di Facebook.

Abbiamo scoperto che c’è un popolo che non si rassegna ad un presidente del consiglio che va a trovare i dittatori, che ha il più grande conflitto d’interessi mai seen before in a Western democracy, which is ad personam "laws to save himself and his whole world of abuse, corruption, mafia and prostitutes. And we need to reconnect with the people!

On 5 December was a great day, we put together a unified proposal for the left and we had a big rally against Berlusconi and Berlusconi, with many, many red flags.

I know that the large-circulation national newspapers and the TV has, as usual, complained, but we were and we were almost one million. Arrendiamoci not know and do it all, you run the photos that you have done, say it to seniors who could not come, gridiamolo strong and pounding on the network: in Rome on December 5 was a river of red flags!

Companions ON THE HEAD!

Play action assembly


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