born Coordination Precarious School.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Great success of the national demonstration of precarious Precarious dellascuola.Nasce Coordination Scuola.Il organizing committee welcomes the success of the sit indel-July 15 Square in the House, where a thousand people datutta Italy (Palermo, Taranto, from Rome to Milan, Naples aRavenna, from Venice to Genoa), calling for the withdrawal deitagli attended the school, the provisions of Act 133 of 2008, Atempo permanent recruitment of all workers on temporary vacancies, Aprea ilritiro of the bill to reform the system istruzionepubblica. Politicidell'opposizione representatives spoke at the event (Antonio Di Pietro's Italia dei Valori, Paolo Ferrero of the PRC, Gennaro Migliore Left and Freedom, SinistraCritica Flavia D'Angeli, Dario Franceschini, Giuseppe Fioroni and Maria Coscia of the PD), the MimmoPantaleo FLCGIL, Rino di Meglio Guild of teachers and a delegation of CISLScuola.I present were compared on three-point platform of the proposed daiprecari scuola.Una delegation of eight people, representative of the school's precarious comitatiautorganizzati of North, Central and the southern Italy, was received by the Culture Committee of Parliament, attended by members of the Democratic Party and the chairman ofthe Commission Valentina Aprea. The delegation exposed the piattaformarivendicativa, which briefly put the Hon. Aprea, supporting plane of entries in the role of twenty thousand people in the next annoscolastico and the intention to stabilize the precarious and qualified with years of service.The nonabilitati 'On Aprea has also reiterated that his plan was amended at the mockery on the trasformazionedelle schools in foundations. In the view of the precarious inruolo provided inputs are insufficient, do not even cover ipensionamenti, and promises about the depletion of the rankings and the recruitment of temporary workers are impossible to implement in the face allaconsistente reduction in funding for public education. Aprea Suquesto point has not been able to give any response, leresponsabilità downloading the Ministry of Finanze.La President Aprea has however reiterated that the new arrangements will cover only new direclutamento access to education, claws rankings are exhausted will not be eliminated and that the dirittiacquisiti by teachers that are in the afternoon we will salvaguardati.Nel convened the National Assembly of the precarious dellascuola, which consists of the Coordination Precarious School cheunifica all the experiences of self-organization of precarisviluppatesi during the last school year. During assembleasi discussed the proposal of the government contracts of availability, which was regarded as undesirable, since it goes to that envisaged in direzioneopposta from all precarious, that is taking atempo permanent job vacancy. The Assembly decided to launch persettembre state of agitation throughout Italy and also hold demonstrations and seguentiiniziative-) leaflets at the invitations of the precarious leassegnazioni for the next school year .-) Assemblies, meetings and meetings of the precarious reality in all local-) safeguards at the offices of the provincial school in September ;-) primasettimana unannounced action of protest earlier this year scolasticoL'assemblea has offered to prepare other soggettiin mobilized in a national demonstration school in the month diottobre.Il Coordination Precarious School convene a seminar perapprofondire the mobilization strategies and content programmaticida held in Naples in the month of settembre.Il Coordination Precarious School
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