Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can Vitamin A Capsules Be Use On The Face

Per l'acqua pubblica!

Anna Magri - Secretary of the Circle of PRC Montecchio Emilia

The City Council of December 14, Communist PRC will present a ' Agenda on Principles for the protection, the government and management Public water and provisions for water service ripubblicizzazione .
The document stems from the awareness that water is a common good of humanity, the universal common good, a common public good, therefore unavailable to the market, which belongs to everyone. From
this knowledge were born and continue to the birth of the PRC Communist battles against the privatization of Enia, Iride-Enia against the merger and against the Ronchi Decree (DL 135/09) in which the government has taken away the drinking water for citizens to hand , in 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business for private parties.
Nell'OdG asks that the town of Montecchio Emilia commitments on four points: first, to constitutionalize the right to water, recognizing it as a human right and recognizing that the management of water service is a public service free of local economic importance and secondly, to promote a culture in its own territory to safeguard the risorsa idrica e di iniziativa per la ripubblicizzazione del Servizio Idrico Integrato; terzo, ad aderire e sostenere le iniziative del Coordinamento Nazionale “Enti Locali per l’Acqua Bene Comune e per la ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico integrato”; quarto, a sottoporre all’Assemblea dell’Ambito Territoriale Ottimale (AATO) l’approvazione delle proposte e degli impegni dei primi tre punti.
All'Ordine del Giorno è collegato un emendamento allo Statuto Comunale che riconosce che la gestione del servizio idrico integrato è un servizio pubblico locale privo di rilevanza economica, in quanto servizio pubblico essenziale per garantire l’accesso all’acqua per tutti e pari dignità human to all citizens.
Giorgio Ricci, head of the PRC Communist City Council, will speak on behalf of the Committee for the Defence of Common Goods of the Val d'Enza to which they belong, for now, as well as the Communist PRC, including Italy of Values \u200b\u200bMontecchio Emilia, a Cavriago 5 Stars - Group Val d'Enza, Provincial Committee Water Well Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Member of the Italian Forum of Water Movements), Movement to Stop land consumption - European cheese, The Fifth Hill - Quattro Castella, Civic List Cavriago Municipality, Civic List Working at St. Hilary, left, and freedom, Left Gattatico.


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