Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pain In Ovaries During Ovulation


ANSA (SPE) - 12/06/2009 - 18:01:00

UIL AGGRAVATES REFORM ISSUES MINISTERO (ANSA) - ROMA, 12 GIU - Con la riforma del ministero dei beni culturali approvata oggi dal Consiglio dei ministri, ''i problemi del ministero non solo rimangono insoluti ma addirittura si aggravano''. Lo denuncia la Uil beni culturali, che critica la nuova organizzazione voluta da Bondi e annuncia come ulteriore aggravio l'arrivo per la fine di luglio di ''una tonnellata di nomine''. L'aver mantenuto una struttura pesante al centro, commenta il segretario generale del sindacato Gianfranco Cerasoli, ''determina ancor di piu' l'appesantimento della macchina burocratica poiche' non e' sostenibile che per approvare un intervento sul territorio si continuino a dover effettuare ben 7/8 passaggi. La semplificazione non e' nella cultura del Mibac and of those who wanted reform.'' The new Directorate General for development, said Cerasoli,''will enter 'now in competition and in disputes with other Directorates General and the Regional Directorates having the ability' 'absorbance' of the new Director-elect Mario Resca. Resca will have the same 'problems view the shortage of resources there' so much more 'that his appeals to the Government for a policy of tax exemption, they fall on deaf ears. The relationship between the various centers of responsibility '- the union adds - in order to protect and' sticky and does not produce results. In all this' - claims Cerasoli - it adds a ton of appointments that will make the end of July beginning of August General Managers Central and Regional Managers and Supervisors in a context of great confusion with a totally absent from the Minister and Secretary problems that deals only with the City 'of Rome, almost with a role as Commissioner.''(ANSA). LB 12-Jun-09 17:53 NNN


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