In recent months, we often found in city councils agree with the Democratic Party's view that security is a false problem used by the right for electoral purposes. Similarly, we found a good convergence in the League to take a stand against the proposal of the patrols to control the territorio.Oggi come to discover that the PD leadership of Val d'Enza invest a huge sum, greater than that allocated for anti-crisis measures in an apparatus of surveillance that is intended to make you feel more secure cittadini.Qual is the difference between the rounds, which nobody wanted, and the cameras, but now that the PD is installed? Is there a crime problem in Val d'Enza? Really a video surveillance system from 500,000 € helps make our country safer? Or, paradoxically, implicitly fed the feeling of insecurity already strongly influenced by mass media that create daily suspicion, mistrust and fear? E 'the answer that will give the center-left widespread unease produced by a precarious society that men and women, makes them uncertain and subject to fear? We this represents a serious political mistake of the folded center-left if the left and right are not concepts you can not bring in our common recipes leghiste.La municipal police disseminate information on crimes, minor crimes. If, as we believe, the Val d'Enza should not be in contrast to the rest of the country, we find that they are constantly decreasing. Spread these data, we face against information in regard to the incessant campaign of fear spread by televisioni.Da here are starting to offer more common in our recipes, which are based on solidarity, hospitality, integration. We finance projects and community centers to combat youth problems, will promote actions in support of workers in difficulty, support tasks to support the integration of foreigners. Instead of installing cameras animate the spaces that are now left to themselves and make available the streets and squares of cities and paesi.Questi are the reasons for our opposition to the cameras and these are our alternatives.
Communist Party of the PRC, circles Bibbiano, Campton, Canossa, Cavriago, Gattatico, Montecchio Emilia, San Polo d'Enza, S. Ilario d'Enza.
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