Friday, September 4, 2009

Edu Science Astronomical Telescope



"Too many students per class," the complaint Codacons Gelmini
Association announces exposed to 104 prosecutors in Italy for "disturbance of public service" and an action collectively against the cuts in staff in the school of organic EXCEPT Intravaia

"overcrowded classes and Codacons complaint minister Gelmini. The news that this year the Italian classes would have a greater number of pupils had been anticipated a few days ago by But the Consumers' Association led by Carlo Rienzi goes to the facts. Complaint Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini, and the directors of USR (the regional education offices) to 104 proxies for "public service interruption and disruption and violation of safety rules in classes that exceed 25 students and announced a collective megaricorso against cuts in organic personal leave home almost 18 000 temporary and who blew up the protest in recent days. Codacons to support the complaint brings up one of the rules on the much more class disregarded in recent years: the Fire (Dm August 26, 1992) which provides for a crowd of 26 people maximum per class. In practice, between pupils and teachers, must not exceed 26 units: one teacher and 25 students, two teachers and 24 pupils and so on. But you could still get: a classroom of 36 square meters can accommodate up to 18 boys. The only rules that affect the peripheral of the ministry leaders (of the provincial education offices and the regional education offices) when you prepare the workforce are those issued annually by the Viale Trastevere, which increasing year by year the number of pupils per class. According to the latest in a class of high school could get even 30 students. But then check the other legislation: the fire and the fact that health and hygiene in this case establishes a square of 1.96 square meters per student. In order not to disappoint any of the provisions in question should be, from time to time, consider the indices more restrictive. But, you know, the theory is one thing while practicing another. And the manager is the head teacher.
"In classes where you insert more than 25 pupils to overcome the lack of teachers' cut 'by Gelmini - says consumers' association in a statement - Is committing a serious crime: it endangers the safety of children and violate the standards of public hygiene in the minimum space that must have a classroom. "Codacons, outlawed in cases of class, ask the attorney to initiate criminal proceedings against the minister and the regional directors and "illegal seizure classes." "It 'from 1971 which is a maximum limit of students per class. Provide for now - says the president Codacons, Carlo Rienzi - classes of 30 or 40 students is a real madness that makes people run unnecessary risks to students and teachers. "Rienzi states that" the complaint was presented today in the 104 and Procure teachers is now precarious damaged by the cuts that families whose children are placed at risk will become a civil party. "And when you come into class action families can act represented by Codacons for damages." Another source of suffering for the school that threatens to blow up the protest. An alarm the security of classrooms, which in a few days after the start of classes was also launched by Cittadinanzattiva, which since Sept. 17 "is launching a campaign to mobilize the public of the overcrowding of classrooms." The reason is plain. "Flakes of plaster , signs of decay, wheelchair, in addition to the furnishings in inadequate numbers than students and often broken: the security of classrooms is very disappointing, " Cittadinanzattiva complaint. "At the deficiencies that we find for years now - they explain - there is now a danger of overcrowded classrooms" because "the decree 112 of 25 June 2008 provides, in fact, training classes, an increase of the number of students per classroom. " For this Cittadinanzattiva, in parallel with data on school safety and the livability of the classrooms, will launch a specific campaign on the problem of overcrowding in the details of which will be available on the website of the association,, starting next September 17. (September 2, 2009)

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