Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Credit Creator For Poptropica

general mobilization - LAST DAY TO DO SOMETHING!


Parliament privatization of water!
E 'urgent and essential to mobilize extraordinary!
The Senate, November 4, approved the Art 15 of Decree 135/09, which deprives the public drinking water tap, the most valuable asset, to deliver it, in 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business for individuals and banks.

Decree 135/09 will arrive in the Chamber of Deputies from Tuesday, November 10 (in Affairs Constitutional) and will be discussed in the courtroom Monday, November 16.

The Italian Forum of Water Movements Calls citizenship, the "people of water", the social and spatial networks, environmental protection and the protection of common goods, trade unions and student movement, for extraordinary mobilization.
mobilize to prevent the conversion of the law decree 135/09!
all participate and all the garrison!

Thursday, November 12 10:30
Presidium of Parliament (Piazza Deputies) and in all territories
Every reality declines to suit mode, times and places mobilization



The process of DL 135/09 has accelerated: the measure will be discussed starting Tuesday November 10 in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and Monday, November 16th is already scheduling classroom. The final vote is expected on Tuesday 17 or Wednesday 18. Only if you changed will revert to the Senate for final consideration. However
be possible until the whole process must be completed by November 24. Consequently
also our enforcement actions have to adapt to these very short notice.
Below is a calendar of initiatives planned for the next few days:

* Tuesday, November 10 - mailbombing components on the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies (about www.acquabenecomune.org )

* Tuesday, November 10 - Delivery to leaders of the House's amendments to the Water Forum of the Movements in Art. 15 DL 135/09

* by Wednesday, November 11 should be sent to the secretariat of the Forum ( segreteria@acquabenecomune.org ) all signatures on the appeal on-line collections of local (in digital format, Word file or files. pdf), which will be delivered to the President of Room G. Purposes at the garrison or at least Monday, November 16

* Thursday, November 12, 10:30 to 13:30 hours - Dean of the Parliament and in all the territories - actually declines each mode to suit your needs, when and where the mobilization. Learn more about www.acquabenecomune.org

* Thursday, November 12 - mailbombing all Deputies

* Friday, November 13 - mailbombing all Deputies

* Monday, November 16 - mailbombing all Deputies

Tuesday * November 17 - mailbombing on all the deputies (where the examination of the decree continued)

Paul Carsetti
Secretariat Italian Forum of Water Movements


November 10 mailbombing components on the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies

The Senate, November 4, Art 15 of the approved DL 135/09.
This measure will land at the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on November 10.
If enacted into law, Decree 135/09, deprive citizens and the sovereignty of the Regions and Communities drinking water tap.
We think it is an epilogue to avoid, is inviolate for a concept that includes water as a universal right and not as a commodity, but for the devastating effects that privatization could lead to the citizens on the basis of growth rates.
Therefore, in light of the foregoing, the conclusion of the examination before the Senate and in anticipation of discussion of this measure in the House of Deputies (scheduled for early November 16) is necessary to implement a mailbombing on members of the Commission in order to put some 'pressure by requiring that our demands are supported in the debate. In order for the

mailbombing produce effects, it is important that the sending of mail is made simultaneously by as many people as possible, concentrate all day on Tuesday 10 Follow the site in November
www.acquabenecomune.org all initiatives that will field the Italian Forum of Water Movements.

Or contact: Paul
Secretariat Italian Forum of Water Movements Via di S. Ambrose # 4 - 00186 Roma Tel / Fax. 06/68136225 Mon.-Fri. 15:00 to 19:00
e-mail: segreteria@acquabenecomune.org
Website: www.acquabenecomune.org

privatize the 'WATER!



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