Thursday, December 23, 2010

How Much Does A Sprinkler Valve Cost

In Sydney's future water and private!

Milan December 23, 2010 - Despite the actions of mobilizing citizens through email and principals during the month of November, the region of Lombardy approved the water service at 57 PDL. Tuesday December 22 at 17.00, after a very busy session, the political forces of the majority (PDL and the Northern League) have given the green light to PDL 57 with some small changes to the version licensed by the Commission VIII on 25 November, where c 'had a favorable opinion of the hip.
In the final vote all the forces of opposition (PD-IDV-UDC-SEL) left the room complaining lack the urgency of this measure, and the inadequacy of the law in fact relies on the water market and the big corporations ready to enter the water management in Italy. This measure, said Rosario Lembo, president of the Italian World Water contract means that "the Lombardia region stands out once again to be the forerunner of the models of water privatization proposed by the national government with the Ronchi Decree, European multinational companies offering the chance to grab the efficient management of public companies Lombard until now controlled by the municipalities. In parallel we have witnessed once again the farce of a league, defending champion of local autonomy e dei beni. dei territori, che accetta di espropriare i comuni della propria autonomia gestionale dei servizi idrici trasferendo le competenze alla provincia". Le forze della maggioranza hanno inoltre deliberatamente trascurato l'orientamento del Governo Nazionale e la richiesta delle altre Regioni di posticipare la soppressione degli AATO al 31/12/12011, come confermato dal
decreto Mille Proroghe approvato nella stessa giornata dal governo. In merito al provvedimento i comitati dell'acqua avevano chiesto il rinvio della discussione in aula in attesa della definizione del quadro legislativo nazionale entro cui impostare norme regionali sulla gestione dell'acqua pubblica a seguito dello svolgimento dei referendum sull'acqua nella primavera del 2011. Il Coordinamento dei Comitati chiedeva inoltre alla regione l'avvio di una riflessione politica sulle modalità di organizzazione del servizio idrico integrato impostata sui bacini idrici e non sulla dimensione amministrativa provinciale e, tenuto conto della recente sentenza della Corte Costituzionale, la classificazione del servizio idrico come servizio pubblico locale di interesse generale, da organizzare su base regionale, provvedendone la gestione diretta a mezzo di Consorzi tra Comuni. Al fine di salvaguardare l'autonomia decisionale dei Comuni in merito alle modalità di affidamento del servizio idrico, il Coordinamento dei Comitati chiedeva l'accoglimento di un emendamento che consentisse la costituzione di un'Azienda speciale consortile in capo alla Provincia,in luogo della Special Agency, whose assembly composed of all mayors of the scope, is the ruling body for the resolution of custody of the service, rather than delegating the same function to a board of three persons as stipulated in Article 48 of the PDL 57. This option would enable them to maintain the requirements of current legislation and Community expectations for the management of a company completely owned by the public. "At this point," said Rosario Lembo Lombard on behalf of the committees for the defense of public water, "to counter the new regional legislative framework that provides only the instrument of competition for the award must retrieve the Lombardi mayors' enthusiasm and activating the political will in the first place to defend the autonomy of decision-making authority over the entire field of 2011, according to the national extension. Secondly, the city council must reclaim the spirit of the referendum that led to 144 the Lombard regional water change the previous law which imposed the obligation of making tender water services requesting a modification of the PDL 57 and both support the campaign by declaring Committees for it. "

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Create Your Own Wrestling Belt Freegames


ROTORS (PD):" PDL ALLOY AND VOTE YOURSELF A water law that goes against all logic "

" The national government gives an extension that allows all Regions of waiting for the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court, the holding of the referendum and made a legislative requirement clearer. But the Lombardy Region, recklessly, with 39 out of 80 councilors, and a minority adopted the Law on Water "is the comment by Gianantonio Walker, regional director of the Democratic Party, after the vote today, Wednesday, December 22, 2010, in the Regional Council . The opposition has until the last obstruction, and at the time of the vote, has left the Chamber. But despite apparently lacked a quorum, a majority-PDL League has decided to go and vote for the bill.

"Yet it is a law on water that did not have time urgency. There was no hurry to vote on a rule which deprives the municipalities from the management of water service, by making a revolution regardless of the national regulatory framework, which does not allow management in house, putting his hand in a sector which currently has tariffs lowest in Europe, forcing the ATO to entrust again by December 31 service, which places regulatory elements in conflict with rulings of the Constitutional Court, "says Walker.

"For this reason we have done our duty to the end. The majority government of this region once again did not listen to hundreds of thousands of clerks, to the many who avevano manifestato la propria preoccupazione, alle innumerevoli proposte emendative fatte al testo, e si è arroccata con una posizione difficilmente comprensibile. Ma questo Formigoni e i suoi lo dovranno spiegare ai Comuni e ai cittadini lombardi”, conclude l’esponente del Pd.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Difference In Dutch Master Palma To De Luxe

Joint Committee on the vicedirigenza MIBAC - summary sheet


part of the proposed reform of the PA., Started around the 90s of last century with the aim of improving its efficiency and reduce costs, one that has been implemented with in everyday language, is referred to as the so-called privatization of the public sector, namely the approval, under the regulatory and technical-operational, with the privatization of public work.

The choice of the legislature to act in this direction is resulted from the perception that most of the failures of the organization and administrative action had occurred due to a too rigid regulatory regime is warranted for the public employee and, therefore, the application of principles and criteria taken from the world privatization would have a positive effect on efficiency and cost of administrative action.

In order to push towards achieving more efficient and effective public organization and the separation between politics and administration, the reform has been implemented by management and the creation of vicedirigenza which should represent the area of \u200b\u200bthe square guidelines of the Italian, like the provisions in the labor suite.

The vicedirigenza is introduced into the public Frattini called law (Act July 15, 2002, No. 145 on "Measures for the reorganization of state leadership and to encourage the exchange of experiences and interaction between public and private "), which added to Leg. March 30, 2001, No 165 containing "General on the organization of employment by the government", art. 17-bis, entitled Vicedirigenza.

This framework, although provided for in the 2002 primary by ranking rule, it has now been implemented.

La mancata attuazione è stata qualificata dal tribunale di Napoli (sezione lavoro, nella sentenza del 3 febbraio 2009) condotta inadempiente e come tale viene percepita da quei lavoratori pubblici che troverebbero nel compimento della previsione normativa il riconoscimento dell’impegno sempre più articolato che si richiede ai funzionari pubblici e vedono negata la loro posizione e professionalità dall’inadempimento dei rappresentanti delle parti contrattuali.

Ciò ha determinando un susseguirsi di contenziosi sul valore precettivo o programmatico della norma, peraltro decisi in maniera non uniforme dai giudici e conseguente diversità di comportamenti anche nella pubblica amministrazione, tant’è Some regions have already set up a new area (Apulia, Liguria and Sicily).


Article. 17-bis of Legislative Decree . March 30, 2001, No 165 in the text currently in force, stabilsce " Collective bargaining in the sector ministries governing the establishment of a special separate area in which it falls vicedirigenza graduate staff member at positions C2 and C3, who has completed a total of five years of seniority in these positions or corresponding qualifications VIII and IX of the previous system. In the first application the provision di cui al presente comma si estende al personale non laureato che, in possesso degli altri requisiti richiesti, sia risultato vincitore di procedure concorsuali per l'accesso alla ex carriera direttiva anche speciale. I dirigenti possono delegare ai vice dirigenti parte delle competenze di cui all'articolo 17”.

L’art. 10 comma 3 della legge 145 del 2002 stabilisce che: “la disciplina relativa alle disposizioni di cui al comma 3 dell’articolo 17, che si applicano a decorrere dal periodo contrattuale successivo a quello in corso alla data di entrata in vigore della presente legge, resta affidata alla contrattazione collettiva, sulla base di atti d’indirizzo del Ministro per la funzione pubblica all’Agenzia Bargaining for the government (ARAN) is also the requirement for the maximum amount of financial means. "

Therefore, Article. 10 referred the regulation setting up a new area to the contract period following the current year, 2002, being the date of entry into force of the law of July 2002. Then, the next contract period was going to coincide with the four-year period, 2006-2009.

On 15/03/2006 the Department of Civil Service has issued the notice of address for the national collective agreement under the definition of the branches of collective bargaining of state government for the period 2006-2009, providing that the ARAN occasion of the signing of this framework contract's implementation of the provisions of art. 7 paragraph 3 of Act 145 of 2002 regarding the establishment of a special area for the staff of the deputy leadership

In the contraction phase of the resources, the legislature has acted in accordance with an authentic interpretation of the purpose to produce cost savings. This act Mar. 4, 2009, No 15 (entitled " Delegation to the Government, designed to optimize labor productivity public and the efficiency and transparency in public administrations as well as additional provisions of the duties of the National Council for Economy and Labour and the Court of Auditors ") and art. 8 provides a " standard in interpreting the laws of deputy leadership" which says " L ' article 17-bis of Legislative Decree 30 March 2001, No 165 , as amended, is interpreted as meaning that the vicedirigenza is governed exclusively by and under the national collective bargaining in the sector of reference, which may introduce a specific constitutional provision in this regard. The staff in meeting the requirements set by that article can be addressed only through the discipline of vicedirigenza is provided that the latter part of the national collective bargaining in the sector of reference. They are subject to the effects of trained judged on the date of entry into force of this Act. "

In order art. 8 of 15/2009 Ln, under so-called interpretative stressed that only in this case would have retroactive applicability, it is noted that such provisions merely confirms the view of Article. 39 of the Constitution, stressing the representation of trade unions (Both sides) entrusted with the function of collective bargaining as the sole task.

In fact, it is clear that the rule mentioned can be attributed to collective bargaining regulations material deputy leadership of the art. 17 a DGLS 165/01, while maintaining the nature preceptive foreshadowed by the legislature in 2002 and not simply the ratio programmatic.

Legislative Decree 27 October 2009, No 150 (Implementation of Law March 4, 2009, No. 15, on the optimization of labor productivity and efficiency, and public transparency in public administrations.) did not alter the art. 17a of Leg. March 30, 2001, No 165 , which remains today the basic discipline .

Article. 17-bis states that " Collective bargaining in the sector ministries governing the establishment of a special separate area of \u200b\u200bthe deputy leadership."

The estimates in a standard primary rank of "special separate area for the vicedirigenza represents the will of the legislature not to bring this category in the contract sector, but in a specific contract, the impossibility to define the relationship work of the management by the tools used by the contract staff level, because the management staff performs tasks similar to those of the manager rather than those of employees.

In order aimed at the institutional arrangement of the acts of the Agency to address the representation of the general government for the establishment of the deputy leadership of the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, Renato Brunetta, written reply, published Monday, March 1, 2010 in Annex B of the seat No 4-05740 291 the question presented by Luigi Bobba, stated that "the Civil Service Department, as sector committee, has met attraverso l'emanazione di un apposito atto di indirizzo all'Agenzia per le rappresentanze delle pubbliche amministrazioni, del 15 marzo 2006 (atto quadro sulla composizione dei comparti di contrattazione), in cui era contenuta una precisa indicazione per la costituzione dell'area vicedirigenziale nel comparto Ministeri. Analogamente si è disposto attraverso l'atto di indirizzo del 7 maggio 2007, relativa al Contratto collettivo nazionale del lavoro del comparto Ministeri 2006-2009”.

Poiché secondo la norma interpretativa dell’art. 17 bis la contrattazione collettiva nazionale del comparto di riferimento “ ha facoltà di introdurre una specifica previsione costitutiva al riguardo” e preso atto dal sito ARAN (comunicato del 21 settembre 2010) che è in corso la trattativa relativa al contratto collettivo quadro per la definizione dei comparti di contrattazione e aree dirigeziali triennio 2010 – 2012, appare urgente sollecitare l’Amministrazioni e le OOSS perché avviino la trattativa per l’istituzione dell’apposita area.

In proposito, vanno verificate le resistenze delle parti sociali e considerate le possibili ripercussioni per l’Amministrazione e per le rappresentanze sindacali.


Alla luce di quanto sopra esposto si invita perciò l’Amministrazione ad attivare la procedura per l’avvio del confrontation with the unions, as per law.

favorable ruling

Judgement Court Judgement of the Court of Rome n.4399/08;

Judgement of the Court of Rome No. 12847/2009;

Eagle Court Judgement 229/10 Judgement of the Court of Naples

No 1276/10 of 19.1.2010

a line of interpretation followed by the Court LAYING NON-LAW 15/2009, AND AGREE TO THE TITLE 'THE VICEDIRIGENZA as a right, throw it all away. No
ALSO THE JUDGEMENT 229/2010 of the Court of L'Aquila, July 7, 2010, upheld the action of certain employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure e Trasporti e per l'effetto ha dichiarato il diritto dei ricorrenti a essere inquadrati nell'area della vicedirigenza di cui all'art. 17 bis del D.Lgs. n. 165/01 "con tutte le conseguenze giuridiche ed economiche". La sentenza 229/2010 segue le n. 97/2010, 98/2010, 99/2010 e 167/2010 dello stesso Tribunale di L'Aquila che pure hanno ritenuto che la pubblica amministrazione si è mostrata inadempiente.


SENT. 229/10
r.g. 566/08
CRON. 1455/10


Il Giudice del Lavoro presso il Tribunale di L'Aquila dr. Italo Radoccia, visto l'art. 281 sexies, nella causa civile di prima istanza iscritta al numero in epigrafe del Ruolo Generale Affari Contenziosi
......., - ricorrenti

elettivamente domiciliati in L'Aquila alla via ... presso lo studio dell'Avv. .... e rappresentato e difeso dall'avv..... giusta delega in atti;


Ministero per le Infrastrutture e i Trasporti - contumace

Oggetto: inquadramento superiore

ha pronunciato la seguente


Il ricorso è fondato e merita accoglimento per le ragioni di seguito esposte.
I ricorrenti hanno agito in giudizio chiedendo il diritto alla qualifica ex art. 17 bis del D.Lgs. 165/01, introduced by. 7 paragraph 3 of Law 145/02 provides that the figure of Vicedirigenza.
Under that rule, in fact, collective bargaining Ministries Fund's governing establishment of a special area in which it falls vicedirigenza graduate staff member at positions C2 and C3 that have accrued a total of five years' experience in such positions or corresponding qualifications VIII and IX.
Article. 10 Section 3 of Act 145 of 2002 provides that "the rules governing the provisions of paragraph 3 of art. 17, above, which apply from the time of contract following that on the date of entry into force of this Law is entrusted to collective bargaining, based on acts of the minister for the Civil Service Agency for Collective Bargaining government (Aran) is also the requirement for the maximum amount of financial means. Accordingly, Article 10 differed
regulation setting up a new area to the contract period following the course, as the 2002 being the date of entry into force of the law of July 2002. So the next contract period was going to coincide with the four-year period, 2006-2009.

In compliance with the provisions of that last article, the Department of Civil Service has issued the notice of address for the contract collective national framework defining the tasks of collective bargaining of state government for 2006-2009, stating that ARAN occasion of the signing of this framework contract's implementation of the provisions of art. 7 paragraph 3 of Act 145 of 2002 regarding the establishment of a special area for the staff of vicedirigenza and about the running of classification should be considered with art. 10 of Law 145 of 2002 which provides that the provisions in question shall apply from the contract period following the course that must be made to coincide with the signing of collective agreements for the first four years 2006-2009 and 2006-2007.
Only Law 266 of 2005 was then prepared to cover expenditure for the implementation of Article. 17 a mentioned.

Based on these provisions is clear that Article. 17 a can not be recognized as a truly normative scope precisely because the legislature intended to provide a gradual and progressive formation case devolved autonomy negotiations on the basis of the address set up by the Ministry.

The right of ricorrante arises only when the process is concluded with the adoption of the above act of address, speaking in March 2006, without which collective bargaining could not intervene to regulate the matter to it delegated. You can
therefore be considered only after the adoption of the said Act are to speak of the applicants' right to obtain the grade in the capacity of vicedirigenza since that date the funding occurred and failing, however, the contract covered the area in back Contract 2006-2009.

Therefore, just by the lack of regulation of the Negotiable 2006-2009 vicedirigenza with the PA was in default as shown by the demand and term of validity of the Negotiable imniziale invoked comes responsibility on the administration failure to recognize the applicants the right to classification, so it can not assert the invalidity of the collective agreement in so far does not provide anything.
The applicants have acquired the right to acquire the four years 2006-2009 where these are within 5 years from the entrance or in the capacity C2 and C3 in this case from day 07.19.2007, as is proven by documents.

due to the novelty of the legal matter and the likely conflict of case law, the parties hereby fully offset the costs of litigation.


definitely saying, welcomes the action and the effect declaring the applicants' right to be classified in the vicedirigenza of Article. 17 bis of Legislative Decree no. 165/01 with all legal and economic consequences; declare all settled between the parties the costs of litigation.
Decided L'Aquila, hearing on 7/7/2010.

Judge Dr. Italo Radoccia

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Black Poo After Red Wine???


poco fa presso la sede del Comitato Promotore referendario è stata notificata l'ordinanza della Corte Suprema di Cassazione (scaricabile al seguente link con cui si dichiarano legittimi i tre quesiti referendari.

In particolare nell'ordinanza si specifica quanto segue:
- è stato accertato il superamento the number of 500,000 signatures required for each question;
- not the merger goes ahead of our 2nd question with that promoted dall'IdV;
- extends on 1 question with the phrase "as amended following the decision n . 325, 2010 the Constitutional Court ";
- extends the 2nd question with the phrase" as amended by Article 12 of Presidential Decree No. 168 of 7 September 2010. "
should be emphasized that these changes do not affect in any way the content of the questions.

This is a result that everything and everyone we expected!

It is a further step forward in the referendum for the public water!

This is a confirmation the extraordinary work done by the people of the water!

speed ahead towards the social re-appropriation of water!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making A Tractor Cake

who will win?

Cancun Summit on the climate of China held

CANCUN (MEXICO) - It 's under construction and will be held until next December 9 in the sixteenth Cancun UN conference on climate change.
There were two major news emerged yesterday.
The first comes from Great Britain, where the independent committee set up by UK law on climate has urged the government to put a significant goal for 2030: reduce by 60% the emissions of greenhouse gases. The Committee believes that it is possible to implement this project since the cost adaptation sarebbbero only 1% of GDP.
The second new feature, however, about the importance of changing attitudes in the countries of the so-called basic groups (Brazil, South Africa, India and China). In the longer their rigid position contrary to any legally binding commitment with regard to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as adverse to agree mechanisms for measuring and monitoring of commitments, had favored the deadlock in the negotiations. The tough stance taken by these countries in the past, only intending to adopt voluntary measures on the reduction of greenhouse gases, had also allowed the U.S. to find an obvious justification for their position on mirror (They also have not wanted to bind commitments from Europe). The Head of Delegation of China Xie Zhenguo
reported that China is prepared to conduct a voluntary emissions cuts but "in the form of a legally binding instrument." In a press conference the Indian Jairam Ramesh said that the countries of the BASIC Bancomat binding measures and mechanisms to verify compliance, but only if the Kyoto Protocol will be confirmed if you can use the funds agreed in Copenhagen to sustain low carbon transition in developing countries, if you can count on the transfer of green technologies and if, above all, the U.S. will undertake to do the same.

USA (ASCA) - Cancun, Dec. 7 - First Basic a press conference of the countries (China, Brazil, India and South Africa), then the operations of Brazil, Ambassador Sergio Serra mouth and China, which entrusts the chief negotiator Xie Zhenhua, and games being the 16th United Nations Conference on Climate in Cancun are reopened. It is because 'this country, when in Italy and' now night, announced plans to cut its emissions by voluntary commitments, but as part of an agreement more 'general legally binding, and to accept the introduction of a mechanism for measuring and monitoring of commitments. The three conditions are clear to open to negotiation, and lists the Head of Delegation of India Jairam Ramesh: having a second period of operation of the Kyoto Protocol, with the developed countries pledged to reduce their emissions beyond 2012, to be stepped up funding in favor of developing countries, from 30 million in''Fast Start''decided in Copenhagen but never seen, and finally there is a new mechanism for reliable and effective technology transfer. Against this, however, 'China and' already 'declared its willingness to cut their emissions by 40 to 45% by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, and to put this commitment''to the whole of a resolution that is binding, transforming our efforts in a part of international engagement.''

While Japan, Canada and Russia are currently still on the non-acceptance of a second term of the agreement in Copenhagen, the buck passes into the hands of the United States, however, when trying to escape the pressing given the fact that Congress has not 'failed to pass in time to Cancun that climate bill which Obama pointed relished as a clear mandate for environmental policy. Todd Stern's chief negotiator, in fact, said the U.S. and 'clear''that there is' an agreement to do'' but also that''must be balanced between the various issues''and that''does not know where we will arrive to find it since the issue at the moment and 'hanging and if you ask me' where we are 'with respect to a general agreement, unlike Copenhagen I can only tell you that I do not know,''he told reporters. This need 'to find a middle ground, in fact, explains Stern still''does not mean that there is' an agreement made on the details, we do not seek high-level principles, but guiding principles with respect to key elements.''

What, however, 'the United States make it clear, and' that all the commitments made by countries Basic crash on a failure to base that the multilateral system that works on the climate has a level of control: an absence of mechanisms to assess the cutting of emissions and mitigation and adaptation that are truly effective in making the statements into reality '. In the text drafted for this purpose by the working group on measures of long-term (WGLCA)''There 's a little on the issue of transparency (MRVs). I'm not terribly concerned about this, but 'completely inappropriate and I think everyone can see it. There are other areas that need work, but the texts on which we work are still a beginning.''

On the barricades, however, to represent the interests of vulnerable countries, small islands and Africa are the countries of the Bolivarian Alternative (AOSIS).

Responding to allegations of their failure to condemn the summit, the negotiator Bolivian Pablo Solon said that''we must find an agreement on the nature and those 300 thousand people die each year for natural disasters. Here you play with human life.'' You can not 'wait a year''to find out how Wikileaks has shown us that even Cancun, as Copenhagen - has countered Solon - that the U.S. government has not conducted a negotiation but an imposition. Together, Ecuador, Bolivia has seen as many as 3 million dollars in funding for climate cleared by the U.S. in April 2010 as a result of the refusal to sign an agreement in Copenhagen.'' Bolivia, meanwhile,''will remain 'at the table until last minute,''he concluded Solon. And this game, just like the one in Copenhagen, most likely will play 'in the final rush.

sys / cam / alf

December 6, 2010:
CANCUN (MEXICO) - Today the crucial week an 'agreement in Cancun'. It seeks an understanding which could result in''a''balanced package of agreements. Stay open the knot of the Kyoto Protocol.

Tuesday 'afternoon, in the locality' of Mexico, to 16 / a UN conference on Climate Change (COP 16), there's Heads of State and Ministers, to which the working groups will submit the texts for the final negotiations.

''I hope - he said in an informal session held on Sunday the president of the Cancun conference, Patricia Espinosa - that we can complete the package before the opening of the high-level session on Tuesday 'afternoon. I am optimistic that in these two days we can proceed quickly.'' The same

Espinosa dictated the schedule, assigning two ministers, one of the developed countries and one of the countries in the developing world, each of the main negotiating topics: Sweden and Grenada for the 'shared vision'; to Algeria and Spain adaptation; Australia and Bangladesh for finance, technology and capacity building; New Zealand and Indonesia for mitigation and for the checks and controls; England and Brazil, finally, the issues of extension of the Kyoto Protocol.

The international treaty has run a serious risk of being deleted. China would then declared its readiness to discuss cuts in emissions, as long as' ensuring a continuation of the Kyoto protocol after 2012.

On this point, the work of the first week, and 'led to a proposal that includes two approaches: to leave the protocol' as is 'or make it more' strong. No number or commitment, for now, in the text, but several options that bode well as to find a new counting system to calculate the reduction of emissions through the forests.

December 3, 2010:
ROME -''On the eve of the arrival of ministers Environment at the climate summit in Cancun, Mexico, and 'necessary to bring the environmental emergency in the middle of negotiations.'' The WWF calls on the fifth day of the UN World Conference on Climate Change.

''The ministers - added Carstensen, head of WWF Italy climate and energy - have a duty to bring the commitments to the real needs' listed the community 'scientific.'' According Midulla and 'then''Now it's time to stop with the' tricks', as is the chapter 'deforestation', where someone tries to use its agreement to cover the CO2 emissions and not to cut.''

According to the latest report by the United Nations World Food Programme to keep the average temperature increase below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial era we must eliminate 5 giga-tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2020 . In addition, Midulla warns,''we expect that Italy arrive with a good dose of will'''also' cause yesterday in Cancun is the European Climate Foundation and the Worldwatch Institute presented studies ''Which shows a path toward de-carbonization''matched''in perspective an increase in GDP.'' Now, claims the WWF,''we wonder when it will start in Italy 'to get serious.''

Friday, December 3, 2010

How Do I Fix A Ford Falcon Door Lock


Region Lombardy regional law postponed the vote on the water! The Regional Council will
ridiscuterà December 23; partial victory of the Committees for public water.
The mobilization of the Lombardy Regional Coordinating Committees for Public Water, mailbombing implemented through the regional directors and the presidium on the front of the Pirelli Tower, led to the postponement of a vote by the Regional Council of Lombardy Project di legge sui servizi idrici locali.
In occasione del dibattito di oggi, 30 novembre, in Consiglio Regionale, i Comitati per l’acqua pubblica hanno organizzato un presidio e un volantinaggio all’ingresso del Pirellone; il “pressing” è poi proseguito con la presenza di una delegazione del Coordinamento Regionale dei Comitati, composta da Roberto Fumagalli e Rosario Lembo, come auditori ai lavori del Consiglio.
Grazie al lavoro di ostruzionismo da parte dei Consiglieri di opposizione, con la presentazione di una serie di emendamenti (a partire da quelli proposti dal Coordinamento Regionale acqua pubblica), unita ad una puntuale contestazione sul merito e sull’urgenza del provvedimento, la discussione si è continued throughout the day and the evening parties of the majority have accepted the proposal to postpone the formal vote for the measure at the next session of the Regional Council scheduled for December 23.
A maturing the decision of the court certainly helped the constant action of e-mails sent by the committees and citizens, but has also affected the presence of directors of the garrison towns of Lombardy. The rapporteur of the Act read in the courtroom of the Appellate Public Water Regional Coordination and the reasons for the event on Nov. 13, some opposition councilors have read in the classroom during their action of protest messages sent via e-mail for more than three thousand citizens.
the merits of the objections al provvedimento, le preoccupazioni sottolineate dai Consiglieri sono state quelle relative all’esproprio ai Comuni della titolarità del servizio idrico, all’obbligatorietà della messa a gara della gestione dell’acqua, alla mancata salvaguardia delle gestioni affidate a società totalmente pubbliche.
A questo punto, in preparazione della prossima seduta del 23 dicembre, si rende necessaria, accanto all’azione di monitoraggio e di vigilanza dei comitati e dei cittadini, una forte mobilitazione dei Sindaci nei confronti del Consiglio Regionale e delle forze politiche ivi rappresentante, per rivendicare con forza la titolarità dei Comuni rispetto ai modelli di affidamento e di gestione dei servizi idrici.
Il rinvio the vote takes into account the possibility that the abolition of authority should be extended ATO, even pending the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the appeal brought by the Veneto Region. Lombardo
Regional Coordination Committees for Public Water

AND PRESS RELEASES:, 27249615.html
www.libero-news .com / articolo.jsp? id = 542474 / in-out / sondrio-service-integrated-water-in-the-debate-region -slide-to-23-December-2010 / id = 189483 / stories / Bergamo 20citt%% C3% A0/171033_acqua_slitta_voto_in_regione /

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Games Where I Can Get Pregnant


The testimony of Mario Monicelli. Thank you, Master

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Metronidazole Concieve

Rifondazione against tax increases for workers and retirees

Giorgio Ricci, the municipal council of the Communist Refoundation, voted against the proposed doubling of additionality income tax proposed by the municipality. Since 2012, in fact, the surcharge will go from 0.35 to 0.6 regardless of current income. As usual will be the employees to pay the consequences.
PRC had proposed raising the exemption threshold up to a flush or income under 25,000 € gross per year (average income from employment), the request then lowered to € 15,000, before applying to income above 0.6%. Proposal and even considered by the majority who were willing only to a dichiarazione di intenti, senza cifre, non tecnicamente possibile.
Aumento delle addizionali irpef, fasce irpef ingiuste e inique, federalismo fiscale, evasione fiscale e la probabile riduzione dell'irap scaricano su lavoratori dipendenti e pensionati la riduzione delle tasse a ricchi e imprese. E' ora che si abbassino le tasse a lavoratori dipendenti e pensionati e che chi più ha, più paghi.
Sappiamo da che parte sta il governo Berlusconi. Ancora una volta ci chiediamo, questa amministrazione da che parte sta?

Cb President George Problem

The French side of the secretaries!

Wholesale Mopeds For Resale

Monicelli, a great director, a Communist Refoundation Communist

Mario Monicelli ha deciso di non essere più in our midst. Through cinema - great tool of modernity - this slender and great man, with dignity and a sense of humor, always fought for justice and equality.
He talked about war, friendship, communism, history, feminism, and even a few months ago of "revolution." His eye has always been the humble, those who fight. "Hope said, is a trap devised by the owners. We must have the courage to rebel ... and look for redemption in Italy there has never been."
I want to remember him, unrepentant Communist, who honored us with his enrollment at Chapterhouse and with the support of campaigns. Thanks Mario, for your work.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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December 4th relaunch the campaign a referendum.

Brescia December 4, 2010
At the Summit Global Climate Change in Cancun, re-launched the campaign in favor of public water
What if the crisis reaches the earth at the same time that man? This is the time of the water and political accountability. Because water is a human right, is thirsty and hungry, and the environment, employment and unemployment, exclusion and poverty, it is war or peace. One million four hundred thousand people have signed in favor of the referendum for public water. We ask the government for a moratorium on the privatization process on hold that citizens express their will through the referendum vote in 2011.
Program of the day
HOURS 14:45 Opening Session - Salon Piamarta-Brescia Via San Faustino
HOURS 15:00 Debate "What future for the common resources?" Leaders spoke of the Water Committee and the Common Good of the environmentalist world Brescia Brescia
17:15 HOURS Public Speeches
17.45 Close of hours of discussion to follow screening of the film "Home"
HOURS 19.15 Closing of the Water Festival.
infoline: 3389051715-3332315296

Sunday, October 31, 2010

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finally approved the 'related work', repealing the incentive-design and re-cut for the umpteenth time to l 2% incentives for technicians to public administration , as referred the 92, paragraph 5, of D. Legislative decree 163/2006.

But when? The effect of rules on the recovery of the incentive

In two separate rulings by the Court of Auditors had once provided advice on the implementation of the reduction in incentives question, put forward by local authorities in the light of the succession of laws on the subject. In particular, the Court, assuming the prohibition of retroactivity of the law is a general principle of confirmed by the Constitutional Court had considered that the reduction would be valid only for tasks assigned after 01/01/2009, the date of entry into force of the rule specifically provides that the reduction of 2% to 0.5%.

opinion to the contrary had been released instead of the General Accounting Office , which considered that the provision limiting the cap on incentives had retroactive effect, thereby extending All benefits not yet paid .

This interpretation is la più logica, in quanto trattandosi del ripristino di un diritto acquisito, sarebbe ingiusto che le stesse prestazioni venissero liquidate in quantità diverse, solo per l’indeterminatezza delle norme adottate dal parlamento e dai suoi continui ripensamenti.

Inoltre anche poiché la PA ha sempre impegnato il 2% nella contabilità, sarebbe ben strano che il fantomatico fondo per i dirigenti, che dalla data di promulgazione della norma no esisterebbe più, ora, ricevesse risorse economiche.

Comunque sino alla pubblicazione in GU, continueranno ad essere pagati allo 0,5%.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Remove Stud With Round Backing?

against immoral earnings of the Board of IREN

of Giorgio Ricci *

Communist Refoundation brought to City Council in Montecchio Emilia, Monday, Oct. 18, the issue of hefty compensation awarded to directors of IREN. The agenda submitted by the PRC are considered to be immoral choices taken by the Board of Directors on remuneration of IREN President (500 000 Euros), Director (400 000 €), CEO (€ 470,000) and Vice-President (70 000 € ) and calling for a reduction of fees until equiparali to those receiving a Regional Council of Emilia Romagna (no more than 44 470 euro per year).

At a time like the present it is essential that the policy gives a strong signal to reduce its costs, proponents of the agenda and asked the Mayor, who along with other mayors of Reggio Emilia is a significant part of its public shareholders IREN, to serve as ambassadors.

It said that in early October, the Board had already voted for a paltry 10% of self-reduction of fees, as required by the majority of mayors of Reggio Emilia, among them the Mayor of Montecchio, but it was a planned reduction on an increase in fees by almost 50% compared to those received by the same directors before the merger Iris - Enia, ie, with an increase in fees "only" 40%, he makes little effort to look democratic by granting to give up a little slice!

sharing, hoped and expected, of advancing an agenda that demands sobriety had to overcome political divisions, has not reached if not in words, as too many other times we had to see, at the time of the vote, a majority confused and unprepared on the issues under discussion, did not have the courage to substantiate the sentences in concrete decisions and consequent actions. The agenda was then rejected after general allegations presenters to make easy demagogy on the economic difficulties of the citizens, and to put excessive restrictions the hefty fees, without considering that this could compromise the quality of essential service offered by the multi-utility.

We believe that the law - duty to control the public shareholders should be exercised, even more so in consideration of essentiality of services (electricity, gas, district heating, water services, environmental services), in a strict and uncompromising, not neglecting to acknowledge and act on the salaries of even an untouchable apparatus -
ruling caste.

* Parent Communist Refoundation - City of Montecchio Emilia

Monday, October 18, 2010

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Centrality of public school funding to private schools and

opening of the new school year Italy has woken up to the last place among the OECD countries, investment in public education, and after us there is only Slovakia and makes us better than even Brazil. In percentage terms, to make the idea, only 9% of our public spending is earmarked for the school, while the average of other OECD states is 13.3%.
for our province, this means: in less than 150 teachers in schools of all levels, increase class size, gradually reducing the time in primary school, from thirty to twenty-seven hours per week, in spite of the different demands of the families and despite all efforts, publicly took the minister to respect the choices expressed parents; fragmentation of hours of teachers, in order to cover hours not covered in chunks over several classes (in the face of the teacher only!) drastic reduction of administrative and technical support staff, with the result that some comprehensive schools fail to ensure supervision of children or minimum services for the proper functioning of schools, lack of funds for project activities and / or workshops that qualify the training offer.
All this while the Minister says it will draw, for her daughter, a better school (probably does not refer to the public!) And defines "social evil" all those who for decades have provided temporary operation of the public school every opening of the year, but everything goes as planned, school leaders have had any indication to appease protests of teachers and hold the parents, while the three-year plan to reduce jobs is inexorably making.
Let it be clear that this does not happen "in the absence of the Italians," as he likes to say Gherardo Colombo in his wanderings among the Italian schools, we must take direct responsibility for all what happens, because we wanted to, not only by voting but also failing, failing to vote, failing to attend, failing to train the young generations, the ball then passes to local administrations, the first interface between citizens and the State, we ask to meet the cuts imposed on public education, with compensatory resources (such as asking the same PD in those in which government was in opposition), not shirk its responsibility for dealing with the quality of public school Today more than ever, means reoccupation of our future, invest in securities, make antibodies.
The economic crisis, job losses have forced many families, the municipalities of the province, to give the school full time for the difficulties to cope with the lines of the table, as many have been and will be forced not to enroll their children to educational tours, sports or recreation courses, summer camps (for many, the only alternative to the road during the long period of closure of schools), do not take to heart all these situations, not to intervene with subsidies that qualify more time to stay in school and enhance the educational offer, not to increase educators in the face of cuts to support teachers, operated by the government, confirming the negative value means that culture is only for those who can afford it and if there is not really a school for all and for all. If all this happens without the local government tried to go for broke, we lost not only the best schools which have aroused the envy of the world-renowned educators, as well as everything that has been the result struggles, achievements, research, discussion, but most will have lost confidence in the future of the younger generation, confidence in the possibility of change and therefore participation. We're playing a generation, we believe that, today more than ever, it is necessary that the Administration intended to focus the resources of the school, the only public school, the only state affected by the cuts, moreover, if the cover is short must have the courage to choose which way to pull it!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Viper Filmstream Looks


calls to suspend the law Ronchi.

The Forum thanked the Italian movement of water and 1 million 400 thousand Italian citizens who signed the referendum questions.

This new reality appeal to all parties, all organizations and committees, the media, to all citizens who have supported and those who have fought a sincere appeal
Think of these people who have crowded the banquet and signed the questions!
are more than 4% of the electorate of our country and have placed their signature is not encouraged because of this or that party, nor to argue with either the consent to search for the other. They did not even clear to all parties.
No! The people of the banquet he understood that the battle for public water is the battle for life is a battle for access to a universal right is a battle to reduce consumption. These concepts are incompatible with any form of privatization. This banquet was the people across all i partiti.
Ha firmato per chiedere ai partiti di non sottrarsi al loro ruolo istituzionale,di non degradare la politica consegnandola ad una gara ed assumersi le responsabilità per le quali sono stati concepiti: gestire l'interesse generale, promuovere il bene comune.
Grave perciò sarebbe la colpa dei partiti e della classe politica se vanificassero questa aspettativa.
Il referendum va fatto e non va annullato da atti e adempimenti che lo pregiudicano.
Vi chiediamo pertanto
1° Una doverosa MORATORIA alla legge Ronchi ed alla soppressione degli Ambiti territoriali come atto del Parlamento per garantire ai cittadini di potersi esprimere attraverso la consultazione elettorale, anche a fronte del rischio di elezioni anticipate.
Le scadenze imposte dalla legge per la messa a gara entro il 31 dicembre 2010 di alcune situazioni e il dicembre 2011 per altre, e della soppressione degli ATO come organi di decisione da parte dei Comuni sui modelli di affidamento, vanno posticipate a dopo il referendum e localmente vanno fermate tutte quelle iniziative che predispongono l'ingresso dei privati nelle società.
Fermate il “gioco”, lasciate che i cittadini possano esprimersi ed esprimetevi voi, con chiarezza. Non fate calare una cortina di silenzio sui temi posti dal referendum e sopratutto non mistificatene i contenuti.

2° Un confronto serio senza menzogne.
Sarebbe bene si cessasse di sostenere, a partire dal ministro Ronchi, che non è in implementation of any privatization of water and then the referendum is devoid of any logic because the property is public and only the management is privatized.
Once it is clear that for all of us and with us all the worldwide movement for public water right we are fighting against the privatization of management, we are fighting from Bolivia to Italy, from Paris to Manaus, Belgium, the U.S. etc ... against all attempts to deliver water services to the market and in the hands of corporations like Suez and Veolia.
The United Nations General Assembly, acknowledged this year that "drinking water is a fundamental right, essential for the full enjoyment of the right to vita e di tutti i diritti dell’uomo” ed ha rivolto l’invito agli Stati ed alle Organizzazioni internazionali a fornire tutte le risorse finanziarie. Il Governo Italiano ha sostenuto con il proprio voto favorevole questa risoluzione.
In coerenza con questo impegno il Governo italiano deve quindi garantire attraverso la fiscalità generale il diritto all’acqua e conseguentemente la possibilità di una gestione pubblica. L’obbligo della messa a gara della gestione dell’acqua che espropria i Comuni della possibilità di decidere coni cittadini i modelli di gestione, imposto dal decreto Ronchi va cancellato.

Questo è quanto vogliamo e su questo vogliamo confrontarci.

Non crediamo dobbiate think like us and like a million citizens signed. Ask that all political forces and the Parliament to listen to the thought of Italian citizens.
Do not ignore them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

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44,350 SIGNATURES BY THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PROVINCIAL COUNT. 15900 was the goal he was ambitious FOR PUTTING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE IN THE FIELD IN PRACTICE A dozen people or so '. MA work in progress thanks to the goodwill 'OF MANY, MANY PEOPLE MADE ONLY BY THE DESIRE TO WORK FOR PUBLIC WATER We were overwhelmed by a wave BLUE' signatures. 1,400,000 AND OVER signed at national level. THE SUCCESSFUL gives us hope VIEW The transversality 'ASSOCIATIONS OF WHICH ARE MADE FOR WATER. WIDESPREAD DISTRIBUTION OF SIGNATURES AND ALSO SARA'UN STRENGTH When will 'the referendum campaign. WE CALL TO ALL PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL 'WHY' by helping to inform CORRECTLY ON PROCESSES BY ITALIAN POINTING THE ENTIRE ROW to the commodification of rights which should be guaranteed by law.

Monday, July 19, 2010

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The three reasons for not

Last Monday in City Council has voted to renew the agreement between the City of Montecchio Emilia preschools and autonomous "St. Dorothy and St. Dominic Savio. "Communist Refoundation, as many know, is contrary to subsidize private schools but this time, we are sure, voting against it, even more widely shared.

Three substantially the reasons for not: a character statement, the substance of a convention and one, concedetecelo, more strictly "ideological".

On the economic issue, there are those who do not know (and x located on the Town Hall is there to remind us!) feared the economic difficulties with whom they will deal with the Local Budget Law after the approval, this suggests that no administration could easily cover the amounts promised in the agreement (72,000 € for 2010, 78,500 in 2011, 85,000 in 2012, should be added further contributions for construction projects for 2010 amounted to 25,000, 20,000 for 2011, 15,000 for 2012), without considering then that the cuts have fallen on the public school (8 billion euro less, less staff and assistants, teachers to support cuts, cuts to the Funds of the Institute ...) will take countervailing action by the independent, such as increased educational to ensure the right to education of disabled students, funding for qualifying projects that the school can no longer afford, stationery, teaching materials, or simply detergents la pulizia degli edifici… in sostanza si prefigura un periodo nel quale la scuola pubblica necessiterà di maggiori stanziamenti ed essendo la coperta alquanto corta, si tratta di decidere da che parte è meglio tirarla!

La seconda motivazione attiene strettamente ai contenuti della convenzione che sancisce generici impegni per l'Ente Gestore (le scuole private, n.d.r.) il cui adempimento sarà difficilmente verificabile da parte del Comune, visto che la Cmmissione Paritetica, organo che dovrebbe monitorare e verificare l'applicazione della convenzione, dal 2007 ad oggi non si è mai riunita! Quindi nessuno hai mai potuto verificare che, ad esempio, l'impegno ad accogliere tutti i bambini senza discriminazione di condizioni personali o sociali (uno solo è l'alunno disabile inserito dal 2007 ad oggi!) fosse assolto; che il personale fosse adeguatamente formato e preparato (almeno quanto quello comunale che segue meticolosamente corsi di aggiornamento); che il servizio privato fosse in coordinazione, confronto e dialogo con gli altri, onde evitare che rimanesse in isolata pretesa autosufficienza. Nessuno lo ha mai controllato, almeno non l'organo deputato a farlo! Chi ci garantisce che da domani sarà tutto diverso, che i controlli saranno puntuali e che il denaro di tutti i contribuenti (perché di ciò si tratta: denaro di tutti, degli italiani, degli stranieri, dei cristiani, dei mussulmani, degli atei etc etc…) sarà effettivamente investito per arricchire il sistema formativo di una parte in più, perfettamente integrata ed in collaborazione con le altre?

Per l'ultima motivazione abbiamo preferito scomodare uno dei più alti padri della Costituzione Italiana, Piero Calamandrei: "… la scuola pubblica è il prius, quella privata è il posterius. Per aversi una scuola privata buona, bisogna che quella dello Stato sia ottima … quando la scuola pubblica è così forte e sicura, allora, ma soltanto allora, la scuola privata non è pericolosa … ma rendiamoci ben conto che mentre la scuola pubblica è espressione di unità, di coesione, di uguaglianza civica, la scuola privata è espressione di varietà, che può voler dire eterogeneità di correnti decentratrici, che lo Stato deve impedire divengano correnti disgregatrici. La scuola privata, in altre parole, non è creata per questo. La scuola della Repubblica, la scuola dello Stato, non è la scuola di una filosofia, di una religione, di un partito, di una setta. Quindi, perché le scuole private sorgendo possano essere un bene e non un pericolo, occorre che lo Stato le sorvegli e le controlli e che sia neutrale, imparziale tra esse, che non favorisca un gruppo di scuole private a danno di altre …" ( tratto dal discorso pronunciato da Piero Calamandrei al III Congresso dell'Associazione a difesa della scuola nazionale, 1950).

Giorgia Riccò – Capogruppo PRC City Council Montecchio Emilia

Friday, June 11, 2010

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Il Coordinamento Scuola Mantova, aderente al Coordinamento Precari della Scuola (CPS), invita tutta la cittadinanza, i partiti e i sindacati ad un presidio martedì 15 giugno dalle 17 in piazza Mantegna, per protestare contro i tagli previsti dalle Riforme della Scuola del 2008 e 2010 del ministro Gelmini.
Il coordinamento degli insegnanti mantovano chiama tutte le forze di opposizione a raccolta per dire un fermo NO al ddl Aprea e Goisis, alla Legge Brunetta e all'ultima manovra finanziaria del governo che indebolisce e impoverisce ulteriormente i dipendenti pubblici e privati e non produce nessuna norma per combattere realmente il precariato e la disoccupazione giovanile.
La mobilitazione rientra nella due giorni di sciopero della Scuola (14-15 giugno) proclaimed a national level by Cobas and other unions.

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Coordination School Mantua, adheres to the National School Precarious Coordination (CPC), returned to the streets, in Mantua, on the day of 15 June.
is not a random date, the initiative is, in fact, in the national mobilization of school workers, who are putting in these hours of the strike ballots, called by Cobas and other unions with a large number of participants from North to South
The public school is increasingly affected by the laws of this government: the reform Gelmini-Tremonti, Brunetta the law, passing the bill-Goisis Aprea, League's proposals to the federal school.
Not only staff reductions, but also the depletion of financial resources at the expense of the quality of teaching and school organization.
should not forget the non-renewal of contracts for teachers and the lack of increase in salaries last financial maneuver that all the more striking public workers.
The center-right government, moreover, with the support of the President of the Lombardy Region, is heralding the privatization of public schools.
These attacks do not lead us to remain steadfast and immovable, but to claim our rights as workers, enshrined in the Constitution.
We ask the parties, unions, political movements, associations, who oppose the economic and social policies of this government, to support and give support to our struggle.
E 'important in this historical moment, unite against the crisis, points out that public school is a guarantee of democracy in our country and for this reason is for everybody.
You can not just leave thousands of workers since last year are affected by the indiscriminate ax cuts.
need a common response and firm!

NO NO cuts to the dismantling and privatization of public schools
NO depletion of resources and education.
Coordination School Mantua Calls at all, citizenship, political parties, unions, associations and movements take to the streets on June 15, Mantua, Mantegna in the square, from 17.00, to start from there a common way of opposition, the fight and find concrete solutions to the crisis!
It also requires to sign this appeal to our e-mail address:
Coordination School Mantua

Saturday, June 5, 2010

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La nuova Direzione del Mibac

The new direction Mibac

In 2007 we organized two appeals to the Head of State against the tender of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture for ... .. various skills in the role of managers (specifically architects Supervisors) that no one knew anything, the years went by and participated in the competition also challenged the ranking, but this time all deposited directly to the State Council together with a copy of the previous appeal the notice "illo tempore" deposited at Mibac.

The State Council required the Ministry of the reasons for which he had never submitted its counter to the first appeal (to law), setting the hearing on May 24, 2009.

Now after almost a year, the SC public against the sentence attached to the applicants, arguing among other arguments that the ban has not been challenged.

But as it happens, the appeal is against:

a) the contract and the integration of the notice;

b) the rankings;

c) the appointment of the selection board;

d) all additional and various measures.

The reasons for the rejection - which has about 4 small pages to write which the Council of State took approximately one year after the meeting ("Hearing") of May 27, 2009 - I think the level of the contents of the decision is equal to the form in which the sentence is addressed to the "Direction genital
I wonder if the Minister and the Minister Brunetta Bondi (despite the cuts) are aware of the existence of this new Ministerial Direction.

The comment we leave it to readers, but the question arises: is it possible, in a state of law, that the ministry receives two applications to the Head of State, signed a PHEIC TECSTATministeri and one signed by seven architects of the administration both regularly acquired and protocols and the deposit does not comply promptly, so as to effect more than one year from the date of his sentence?

possible that it is claimed that the ruling was not appealed against the ban and calls for an indefinite and unknown ministerial opinion of April 1, 2009 (which can be requested to acquire).

We would also like to know why there is no response to the appeal dell'USPPI, who decided not to respond? The Secretary-General

Arch Danilo De Girolamo

Thursday, May 27, 2010

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exactly one month from the start of the referendum petition against the privatization of water resources, which in the most optimistic expectations appeared to be a dream is turning into a wonderful reality. In Brescia, only last weekend have been collected about 3,000 signatures, with the absolute protagonist Vallecamonica with over 2,000 signatures! This behavior speaks volumes about the desire to demonstrate its will by signing in favor of public water. Every day the secretary of the relevant provincial requests received so much so that now forms the emergency is precisely represented by the same press that initially had been planned on the basis of achieving the national target of 700,000 within three months of the campaign. In Brescia, the Provincial Committee Water Common Good in the early days of the campaign had not had the opportunity to hold events is catching up so that during the week will be met and exceeded its target of 15,000 signatures, and so is the desire to organize events and debates but also simple banquet that realistically could reach 25,000 signatures at the end of three months allowed for collecting signatures.
The same success is found in all regions of Italy, Lombardy does its part with more than 80,000 signatures collected as a national level is now hovering over the 650,000 signatures, is not satisfied, the movements of the Forum for Public Water launches a week of extraordinary national mobilization June 11 to 20 entitled "H2Ora" with artistic and cultural initiatives in all locations in Italy.

"I believe that in order to avoid disturbances of public order, it is necessary to inform the institutions of these dangerous actions, perhaps more than tap water will flow rivers of beer to wet the joy of the promoters of the referendum."

In this view week will be more than thirty symposia organized in Brescia and in the Province (for full list initiatives and banquet Blog Go) demonstrating that the theme of water, beyond the propaganda proclamations in defense of the Law Ronchi, citizens have a clear idea: the water does not touch ! Expect, therefore, a new avalanche of signatures to Brescia to move towards the wall of the 20,000 signatures.

thank the editors who want to reserve adequate space under the initiative and given the same importance to the national but especially at local level. Mariano

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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680mila signatures. Now it points to one million. Savona pink jersey.

Seicentottantamiladuecentosettantotto signatures collected in less than a month. The goal that the committee is asking is now that of a million signatures by July. A surprising result that the same organizing committee of three referendum l'acqua pubblica e che vede la costante crescita della raccolta settimana dopo settimana. Non ci sono flessioni, ogni aggiornamento dai territori è una sorpresa. Solo questa settimana sono state raccolte oltre 154mila firme.
Savona è la maglia rosa del Giro d'Italia dell'acqua pubblica, la giocosa competizione che i promotori dei referendum avevano promosso tra i comitati provinciali. La città ligure ha più che raddoppiato l'obiettivo provinciale delle firme da raccogliere entro luglio.
I numeri della raccolta firme sono da record, mai una campagna referendaria aveva raccolto tante firme in così poco tempo nella storia della Repubblica. Il merito di questo successo va ai comitati territoriali e a tutti quanti si stanno impegnando per the success of the petition with thousands of volunteers who, for a month, sacrificing hours of free time and rest for the referendum campaign.
speed ahead towards the one million signatures.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

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passing the 500 thousand signatures, the collection continues

516,615 signatures in 25 days of banquets and initiatives all over Italy.

An incredible result for us, reached in just over three weeks thanks to the commitment and enthusiasm of thousands of citizens and citizens of public water.

From the far North to the islands, collecting signatures tells an Italy of the participation of thousands of attentive and active areas on the commons (see the map of the banquet to collect signatures on ).

E the petition does not stop, but relaunched. The aim of the Organising Committee had set (700 thousand signatures) is within sight and can be overcome. From here we will launch in July, events, festivals and events to involve more and more Italians in this civil struggle for democracy to take away the hands of speculators from the water returning it to the citizens and municipalities.

This weekend, the Organizing Committee Launches "Tour of Italy for the signature water" as a locality, municipality, municipal committee of the pink jersey will be collecting signatures this week?

The Organizing Committee thanks all those who are committed to the success of the referendum, the local media, radio and Internet sites that are giving an example of attention and participation which bodes well for the freedom of information in the country.

collect more signatures, the stronger the push for the referendum and the awakening of civil territories. Why do you spell water, says democracy.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Ps3 Wont Play Blue Ray

Day Federation of the Left

Feast of the Federation of the Left
Cavriago - Fair Area Avis

Saturday 29 and Sunday, May 30 Tuesday, June 1

Saturday 29 : live music with Johnny and Adelmo
- Debate Water Common Good

Sunday 30, from the afternoon: beer, barbecues and concerts by local groups: One leg man

Black hat finger
Black Rose
Aggressive Crew

in the evening: PhP

- 21.00 Emergency - Afghanistan, fotoracconto of Sara Radighieri

Tuesday, June 1: Race of amateur ballroom dancing with performances by professionals.

- Presentation of the book " Mariella Burani Fashion Crack", with authors Paul and Stefano Pergolizzi Campani. Matteo Gaddi intervene, PRC.

Photo Exhibition: "Red Flag Rave Party - cavriago, Lenin Square, December 31, 1991 "