part of the proposed reform of the PA., Started around the 90s of last century with the aim of improving its efficiency and reduce costs, one that has been implemented with in everyday language, is referred to as the so-called privatization of the public sector, namely the approval, under the regulatory and technical-operational, with the privatization of public work.
The choice of the legislature to act in this direction is resulted from the perception that most of the failures of the organization and administrative action had occurred due to a too rigid regulatory regime is warranted for the public employee and, therefore, the application of principles and criteria taken from the world privatization would have a positive effect on efficiency and cost of administrative action.
In order to push towards achieving more efficient and effective public organization and the separation between politics and administration, the reform has been implemented by management and the creation of vicedirigenza which should represent the area of \u200b\u200bthe square guidelines of the Italian, like the provisions in the labor suite.
The vicedirigenza is introduced into the public Frattini called law (Act July 15, 2002, No. 145 on "Measures for the reorganization of state leadership and to encourage the exchange of experiences and interaction between public and private "), which added to Leg. March 30, 2001, No 165 containing "General on the organization of employment by the government", art. 17-bis, entitled Vicedirigenza.
This framework, although provided for in the 2002 primary by ranking rule, it has now been implemented.
La mancata attuazione è stata qualificata dal tribunale di Napoli (sezione lavoro, nella sentenza del 3 febbraio 2009) condotta inadempiente e come tale viene percepita da quei lavoratori pubblici che troverebbero nel compimento della previsione normativa il riconoscimento dell’impegno sempre più articolato che si richiede ai funzionari pubblici e vedono negata la loro posizione e professionalità dall’inadempimento dei rappresentanti delle parti contrattuali.
Ciò ha determinando un susseguirsi di contenziosi sul valore precettivo o programmatico della norma, peraltro decisi in maniera non uniforme dai giudici e conseguente diversità di comportamenti anche nella pubblica amministrazione, tant’è Some regions have already set up a new area (Apulia, Liguria and Sicily).
Article. 17-bis of Legislative Decree . March 30, 2001, No 165 in the text currently in force, stabilsce " Collective bargaining in the sector ministries governing the establishment of a special separate area in which it falls vicedirigenza graduate staff member at positions C2 and C3, who has completed a total of five years of seniority in these positions or corresponding qualifications VIII and IX of the previous system. In the first application the provision di cui al presente comma si estende al personale non laureato che, in possesso degli altri requisiti richiesti, sia risultato vincitore di procedure concorsuali per l'accesso alla ex carriera direttiva anche speciale. I dirigenti possono delegare ai vice dirigenti parte delle competenze di cui all'articolo 17”.
L’art. 10 comma 3 della legge 145 del 2002 stabilisce che: “la disciplina relativa alle disposizioni di cui al comma 3 dell’articolo 17, che si applicano a decorrere dal periodo contrattuale successivo a quello in corso alla data di entrata in vigore della presente legge, resta affidata alla contrattazione collettiva, sulla base di atti d’indirizzo del Ministro per la funzione pubblica all’Agenzia Bargaining for the government (ARAN) is also the requirement for the maximum amount of financial means. "
Therefore, Article. 10 referred the regulation setting up a new area to the contract period following the current year, 2002, being the date of entry into force of the law of July 2002. Then, the next contract period was going to coincide with the four-year period, 2006-2009.
On 15/03/2006 the Department of Civil Service has issued the notice of address for the national collective agreement under the definition of the branches of collective bargaining of state government for the period 2006-2009, providing that the ARAN occasion of the signing of this framework contract's implementation of the provisions of art. 7 paragraph 3 of Act 145 of 2002 regarding the establishment of a special area for the staff of the deputy leadership
In the contraction phase of the resources, the legislature has acted in accordance with an authentic interpretation of the purpose to produce cost savings. This act Mar. 4, 2009, No 15 (entitled " Delegation to the Government, designed to optimize labor productivity public and the efficiency and transparency in public administrations as well as additional provisions of the duties of the National Council for Economy and Labour and the Court of Auditors ") and art. 8 provides a " standard in interpreting the laws of deputy leadership" which says " L ' article 17-bis of Legislative Decree 30 March 2001, No 165 , as amended, is interpreted as meaning that the vicedirigenza is governed exclusively by and under the national collective bargaining in the sector of reference, which may introduce a specific constitutional provision in this regard. The staff in meeting the requirements set by that article can be addressed only through the discipline of vicedirigenza is provided that the latter part of the national collective bargaining in the sector of reference. They are subject to the effects of trained judged on the date of entry into force of this Act. "
In order art. 8 of 15/2009 Ln, under so-called interpretative stressed that only in this case would have retroactive applicability, it is noted that such provisions merely confirms the view of Article. 39 of the Constitution, stressing the representation of trade unions (Both sides) entrusted with the function of collective bargaining as the sole task.
In fact, it is clear that the rule mentioned can be attributed to collective bargaining regulations material deputy leadership of the art. 17 a DGLS 165/01, while maintaining the nature preceptive foreshadowed by the legislature in 2002 and not simply the ratio programmatic.
Legislative Decree 27 October 2009, No 150 (Implementation of Law March 4, 2009, No. 15, on the optimization of labor productivity and efficiency, and public transparency in public administrations.) did not alter the art. 17a of Leg. March 30, 2001, No 165 , which remains today the basic discipline .
Article. 17-bis states that " Collective bargaining in the sector ministries governing the establishment of a special separate area of \u200b\u200bthe deputy leadership."
The estimates in a standard primary rank of "special separate area for the vicedirigenza represents the will of the legislature not to bring this category in the contract sector, but in a specific contract, the impossibility to define the relationship work of the management by the tools used by the contract staff level, because the management staff performs tasks similar to those of the manager rather than those of employees.
In order aimed at the institutional arrangement of the acts of the Agency to address the representation of the general government for the establishment of the deputy leadership of the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, Renato Brunetta, written reply, published Monday, March 1, 2010 in Annex B of the seat No 4-05740 291 the question presented by Luigi Bobba, stated that "the Civil Service Department, as sector committee, has met attraverso l'emanazione di un apposito atto di indirizzo all'Agenzia per le rappresentanze delle pubbliche amministrazioni, del 15 marzo 2006 (atto quadro sulla composizione dei comparti di contrattazione), in cui era contenuta una precisa indicazione per la costituzione dell'area vicedirigenziale nel comparto Ministeri. Analogamente si è disposto attraverso l'atto di indirizzo del 7 maggio 2007, relativa al Contratto collettivo nazionale del lavoro del comparto Ministeri 2006-2009”.
Poiché secondo la norma interpretativa dell’art. 17 bis la contrattazione collettiva nazionale del comparto di riferimento “ ha facoltà di introdurre una specifica previsione costitutiva al riguardo” e preso atto dal sito ARAN (comunicato del 21 settembre 2010) che è in corso la trattativa relativa al contratto collettivo quadro per la definizione dei comparti di contrattazione e aree dirigeziali triennio 2010 – 2012, appare urgente sollecitare l’Amministrazioni e le OOSS perché avviino la trattativa per l’istituzione dell’apposita area.
In proposito, vanno verificate le resistenze delle parti sociali e considerate le possibili ripercussioni per l’Amministrazione e per le rappresentanze sindacali.
Alla luce di quanto sopra esposto si invita perciò l’Amministrazione ad attivare la procedura per l’avvio del confrontation with the unions, as per law.
favorable ruling
Judgement Court Judgement of the Court of Rome n.4399/08;
Judgement of the Court of Rome No. 12847/2009;
Eagle Court Judgement 229/10 Judgement of the Court of Naples
No 1276/10 of 19.1.2010
a line of interpretation followed by the Court LAYING NON-LAW 15/2009, AND AGREE TO THE TITLE 'THE VICEDIRIGENZA as a right, throw it all away. No
ALSO THE JUDGEMENT 229/2010 of the Court of L'Aquila, July 7, 2010, upheld the action of certain employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure e Trasporti e per l'effetto ha dichiarato il diritto dei ricorrenti a essere inquadrati nell'area della vicedirigenza di cui all'art. 17 bis del D.Lgs. n. 165/01 "con tutte le conseguenze giuridiche ed economiche". La sentenza 229/2010 segue le n. 97/2010, 98/2010, 99/2010 e 167/2010 dello stesso Tribunale di L'Aquila che pure hanno ritenuto che la pubblica amministrazione si è mostrata inadempiente.
SENT. 229/10
r.g. 566/08
CRON. 1455/10
Il Giudice del Lavoro presso il Tribunale di L'Aquila dr. Italo Radoccia, visto l'art. 281 sexies, nella causa civile di prima istanza iscritta al numero in epigrafe del Ruolo Generale Affari Contenziosi
......., - ricorrenti
elettivamente domiciliati in L'Aquila alla via ... presso lo studio dell'Avv. .... e rappresentato e difeso dall'avv..... giusta delega in atti;
Ministero per le Infrastrutture e i Trasporti - contumace
Oggetto: inquadramento superiore
ha pronunciato la seguente
Il ricorso è fondato e merita accoglimento per le ragioni di seguito esposte.
I ricorrenti hanno agito in giudizio chiedendo il diritto alla qualifica ex art. 17 bis del D.Lgs. 165/01, introduced by. 7 paragraph 3 of Law 145/02 provides that the figure of Vicedirigenza.
Under that rule, in fact, collective bargaining Ministries Fund's governing establishment of a special area in which it falls vicedirigenza graduate staff member at positions C2 and C3 that have accrued a total of five years' experience in such positions or corresponding qualifications VIII and IX.
Article. 10 Section 3 of Act 145 of 2002 provides that "the rules governing the provisions of paragraph 3 of art. 17, above, which apply from the time of contract following that on the date of entry into force of this Law is entrusted to collective bargaining, based on acts of the minister for the Civil Service Agency for Collective Bargaining government (Aran) is also the requirement for the maximum amount of financial means. Accordingly, Article 10 differed
regulation setting up a new area to the contract period following the course, as the 2002 being the date of entry into force of the law of July 2002. So the next contract period was going to coincide with the four-year period, 2006-2009.
In compliance with the provisions of that last article, the Department of Civil Service has issued the notice of address for the contract collective national framework defining the tasks of collective bargaining of state government for 2006-2009, stating that ARAN occasion of the signing of this framework contract's implementation of the provisions of art. 7 paragraph 3 of Act 145 of 2002 regarding the establishment of a special area for the staff of vicedirigenza and about the running of classification should be considered with art. 10 of Law 145 of 2002 which provides that the provisions in question shall apply from the contract period following the course that must be made to coincide with the signing of collective agreements for the first four years 2006-2009 and 2006-2007.
Only Law 266 of 2005 was then prepared to cover expenditure for the implementation of Article. 17 a mentioned.
Based on these provisions is clear that Article. 17 a can not be recognized as a truly normative scope precisely because the legislature intended to provide a gradual and progressive formation case devolved autonomy negotiations on the basis of the address set up by the Ministry.
The right of ricorrante arises only when the process is concluded with the adoption of the above act of address, speaking in March 2006, without which collective bargaining could not intervene to regulate the matter to it delegated. You can
therefore be considered only after the adoption of the said Act are to speak of the applicants' right to obtain the grade in the capacity of vicedirigenza since that date the funding occurred and failing, however, the contract covered the area in back Contract 2006-2009.
Therefore, just by the lack of regulation of the Negotiable 2006-2009 vicedirigenza with the PA was in default as shown by the demand and term of validity of the Negotiable imniziale invoked comes responsibility on the administration failure to recognize the applicants the right to classification, so it can not assert the invalidity of the collective agreement in so far does not provide anything.
The applicants have acquired the right to acquire the four years 2006-2009 where these are within 5 years from the entrance or in the capacity C2 and C3 in this case from day 07.19.2007, as is proven by documents.
due to the novelty of the legal matter and the likely conflict of case law, the parties hereby fully offset the costs of litigation.
definitely saying, welcomes the action and the effect declaring the applicants' right to be classified in the vicedirigenza of Article. 17 bis of Legislative Decree no. 165/01 with all legal and economic consequences; declare all settled between the parties the costs of litigation.
Decided L'Aquila, hearing on 7/7/2010.
Judge Dr. Italo Radoccia
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