516,615 signatures in 25 days of banquets and initiatives all over Italy.
An incredible result for us, reached in just over three weeks thanks to the commitment and enthusiasm of thousands of citizens and citizens of public water.
From the far North to the islands, collecting signatures tells an Italy of the participation of thousands of attentive and active areas on the commons (see the map of the banquet to collect signatures on www.acquabenecomune.org ).
E the petition does not stop, but relaunched. The aim of the Organising Committee had set (700 thousand signatures) is within sight and can be overcome. From here we will launch in July, events, festivals and events to involve more and more Italians in this civil struggle for democracy to take away the hands of speculators from the water returning it to the citizens and municipalities.
This weekend, the Organizing Committee Launches "Tour of Italy for the signature water" as a locality, municipality, municipal committee of the pink jersey will be collecting signatures this week?
The Organizing Committee thanks all those who are committed to the success of the referendum, the local media, radio and Internet sites that are giving an example of attention and participation which bodes well for the freedom of information in the country.
collect more signatures, the stronger the push for the referendum and the awakening of civil territories. Why do you spell water, says democracy.
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