Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making A Tractor Cake

who will win?

Cancun Summit on the climate of China held

CANCUN (MEXICO) - It 's under construction and will be held until next December 9 in the sixteenth Cancun UN conference on climate change.
There were two major news emerged yesterday.
The first comes from Great Britain, where the independent committee set up by UK law on climate has urged the government to put a significant goal for 2030: reduce by 60% the emissions of greenhouse gases. The Committee believes that it is possible to implement this project since the cost adaptation sarebbbero only 1% of GDP.
The second new feature, however, about the importance of changing attitudes in the countries of the so-called basic groups (Brazil, South Africa, India and China). In the longer their rigid position contrary to any legally binding commitment with regard to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as adverse to agree mechanisms for measuring and monitoring of commitments, had favored the deadlock in the negotiations. The tough stance taken by these countries in the past, only intending to adopt voluntary measures on the reduction of greenhouse gases, had also allowed the U.S. to find an obvious justification for their position on mirror (They also have not wanted to bind commitments from Europe). The Head of Delegation of China Xie Zhenguo
reported that China is prepared to conduct a voluntary emissions cuts but "in the form of a legally binding instrument." In a press conference the Indian Jairam Ramesh said that the countries of the BASIC Bancomat binding measures and mechanisms to verify compliance, but only if the Kyoto Protocol will be confirmed if you can use the funds agreed in Copenhagen to sustain low carbon transition in developing countries, if you can count on the transfer of green technologies and if, above all, the U.S. will undertake to do the same.

USA (ASCA) - Cancun, Dec. 7 - First Basic a press conference of the countries (China, Brazil, India and South Africa), then the operations of Brazil, Ambassador Sergio Serra mouth and China, which entrusts the chief negotiator Xie Zhenhua, and games being the 16th United Nations Conference on Climate in Cancun are reopened. It is because 'this country, when in Italy and' now night, announced plans to cut its emissions by voluntary commitments, but as part of an agreement more 'general legally binding, and to accept the introduction of a mechanism for measuring and monitoring of commitments. The three conditions are clear to open to negotiation, and lists the Head of Delegation of India Jairam Ramesh: having a second period of operation of the Kyoto Protocol, with the developed countries pledged to reduce their emissions beyond 2012, to be stepped up funding in favor of developing countries, from 30 million in''Fast Start''decided in Copenhagen but never seen, and finally there is a new mechanism for reliable and effective technology transfer. Against this, however, 'China and' already 'declared its willingness to cut their emissions by 40 to 45% by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, and to put this commitment''to the whole of a resolution that is binding, transforming our efforts in a part of international engagement.''

While Japan, Canada and Russia are currently still on the non-acceptance of a second term of the agreement in Copenhagen, the buck passes into the hands of the United States, however, when trying to escape the pressing given the fact that Congress has not 'failed to pass in time to Cancun that climate bill which Obama pointed relished as a clear mandate for environmental policy. Todd Stern's chief negotiator, in fact, said the U.S. and 'clear''that there is' an agreement to do'' but also that''must be balanced between the various issues''and that''does not know where we will arrive to find it since the issue at the moment and 'hanging and if you ask me' where we are 'with respect to a general agreement, unlike Copenhagen I can only tell you that I do not know,''he told reporters. This need 'to find a middle ground, in fact, explains Stern still''does not mean that there is' an agreement made on the details, we do not seek high-level principles, but guiding principles with respect to key elements.''

What, however, 'the United States make it clear, and' that all the commitments made by countries Basic crash on a failure to base that the multilateral system that works on the climate has a level of control: an absence of mechanisms to assess the cutting of emissions and mitigation and adaptation that are truly effective in making the statements into reality '. In the text drafted for this purpose by the working group on measures of long-term (WGLCA)''There 's a little on the issue of transparency (MRVs). I'm not terribly concerned about this, but 'completely inappropriate and I think everyone can see it. There are other areas that need work, but the texts on which we work are still a beginning.''

On the barricades, however, to represent the interests of vulnerable countries, small islands and Africa are the countries of the Bolivarian Alternative (AOSIS).

Responding to allegations of their failure to condemn the summit, the negotiator Bolivian Pablo Solon said that''we must find an agreement on the nature and those 300 thousand people die each year for natural disasters. Here you play with human life.'' You can not 'wait a year''to find out how Wikileaks has shown us that even Cancun, as Copenhagen - has countered Solon - that the U.S. government has not conducted a negotiation but an imposition. Together, Ecuador, Bolivia has seen as many as 3 million dollars in funding for climate cleared by the U.S. in April 2010 as a result of the refusal to sign an agreement in Copenhagen.'' Bolivia, meanwhile,''will remain 'at the table until last minute,''he concluded Solon. And this game, just like the one in Copenhagen, most likely will play 'in the final rush.

sys / cam / alf

December 6, 2010:
CANCUN (MEXICO) - Today the crucial week an 'agreement in Cancun'. It seeks an understanding which could result in''a''balanced package of agreements. Stay open the knot of the Kyoto Protocol.

Tuesday 'afternoon, in the locality' of Mexico, to 16 / a UN conference on Climate Change (COP 16), there's Heads of State and Ministers, to which the working groups will submit the texts for the final negotiations.

''I hope - he said in an informal session held on Sunday the president of the Cancun conference, Patricia Espinosa - that we can complete the package before the opening of the high-level session on Tuesday 'afternoon. I am optimistic that in these two days we can proceed quickly.'' The same

Espinosa dictated the schedule, assigning two ministers, one of the developed countries and one of the countries in the developing world, each of the main negotiating topics: Sweden and Grenada for the 'shared vision'; to Algeria and Spain adaptation; Australia and Bangladesh for finance, technology and capacity building; New Zealand and Indonesia for mitigation and for the checks and controls; England and Brazil, finally, the issues of extension of the Kyoto Protocol.

The international treaty has run a serious risk of being deleted. China would then declared its readiness to discuss cuts in emissions, as long as' ensuring a continuation of the Kyoto protocol after 2012.

On this point, the work of the first week, and 'led to a proposal that includes two approaches: to leave the protocol' as is 'or make it more' strong. No number or commitment, for now, in the text, but several options that bode well as to find a new counting system to calculate the reduction of emissions through the forests.

December 3, 2010:
ROME -''On the eve of the arrival of ministers Environment at the climate summit in Cancun, Mexico, and 'necessary to bring the environmental emergency in the middle of negotiations.'' The WWF calls on the fifth day of the UN World Conference on Climate Change.

''The ministers - added Carstensen, head of WWF Italy climate and energy - have a duty to bring the commitments to the real needs' listed the community 'scientific.'' According Midulla and 'then''Now it's time to stop with the' tricks', as is the chapter 'deforestation', where someone tries to use its agreement to cover the CO2 emissions and not to cut.''

According to the latest report by the United Nations World Food Programme to keep the average temperature increase below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial era we must eliminate 5 giga-tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2020 . In addition, Midulla warns,''we expect that Italy arrive with a good dose of will'''also' cause yesterday in Cancun is the European Climate Foundation and the Worldwatch Institute presented studies ''Which shows a path toward de-carbonization''matched''in perspective an increase in GDP.'' Now, claims the WWF,''we wonder when it will start in Italy 'to get serious.''


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