ROTORS (PD):" PDL ALLOY AND VOTE YOURSELF A water law that goes against all logic "
" The national government gives an extension that allows all Regions of waiting for the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court, the holding of the referendum and made a legislative requirement clearer. But the Lombardy Region, recklessly, with 39 out of 80 councilors, and a minority adopted the Law on Water "is the comment by Gianantonio Walker, regional director of the Democratic Party, after the vote today, Wednesday, December 22, 2010, in the Regional Council . The opposition has until the last obstruction, and at the time of the vote, has left the Chamber. But despite apparently lacked a quorum, a majority-PDL League has decided to go and vote for the bill.
"Yet it is a law on water that did not have time urgency. There was no hurry to vote on a rule which deprives the municipalities from the management of water service, by making a revolution regardless of the national regulatory framework, which does not allow management in house, putting his hand in a sector which currently has tariffs lowest in Europe, forcing the ATO to entrust again by December 31 service, which places regulatory elements in conflict with rulings of the Constitutional Court, "says Walker.
"For this reason we have done our duty to the end. The majority government of this region once again did not listen to hundreds of thousands of clerks, to the many who avevano manifestato la propria preoccupazione, alle innumerevoli proposte emendative fatte al testo, e si è arroccata con una posizione difficilmente comprensibile. Ma questo Formigoni e i suoi lo dovranno spiegare ai Comuni e ai cittadini lombardi”, conclude l’esponente del Pd.
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