Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sports Shoe Parts Diagram


finally approved the 'related work', repealing the incentive-design and re-cut for the umpteenth time to l 2% incentives for technicians to public administration , as referred the 92, paragraph 5, of D. Legislative decree 163/2006.

But when? The effect of rules on the recovery of the incentive

In two separate rulings by the Court of Auditors had once provided advice on the implementation of the reduction in incentives question, put forward by local authorities in the light of the succession of laws on the subject. In particular, the Court, assuming the prohibition of retroactivity of the law is a general principle of confirmed by the Constitutional Court had considered that the reduction would be valid only for tasks assigned after 01/01/2009, the date of entry into force of the rule specifically provides that the reduction of 2% to 0.5%.

opinion to the contrary had been released instead of the General Accounting Office , which considered that the provision limiting the cap on incentives had retroactive effect, thereby extending All benefits not yet paid .

This interpretation is la più logica, in quanto trattandosi del ripristino di un diritto acquisito, sarebbe ingiusto che le stesse prestazioni venissero liquidate in quantità diverse, solo per l’indeterminatezza delle norme adottate dal parlamento e dai suoi continui ripensamenti.

Inoltre anche poiché la PA ha sempre impegnato il 2% nella contabilità, sarebbe ben strano che il fantomatico fondo per i dirigenti, che dalla data di promulgazione della norma no esisterebbe più, ora, ricevesse risorse economiche.

Comunque sino alla pubblicazione in GU, continueranno ad essere pagati allo 0,5%.


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