Friday, April 24, 2009

Do Raisins Improve Hdl

ANPI Call for April 25, 2009

celebrate this year on April 25 in a very difficult situation for Italy, not only because of the severe economic and social crisis that it crosses, but also for heavy attacks is for the democratic and constitutional.
why we want to draw the News and the great values \u200b\u200bof anti-democracy, established with the national liberation movement that has renewed Italy.
now more than half a century separates us from that date, but the path of struggle and sacrifices that led to it and the results that it has led, in essence his inheritance, must be continuously re-enacted, that this is understood and addressed , on behalf of the general, and perhaps also through the knowledge of the past. April 25 is the only way, far from taking the value of a purely formal occasion, may serve as a starting point for a rescue of the healthy forces of the country. If
Liberation has been substantially made by the allies - with the essential contribution of the Resistance - the institutional transformation of our country from a monarchy to a republic, and the development and entry into force of the Constitution were exclusive merit of our people that has succeeded in changing the identity of ' Italy, from a totalitarian country in the most advanced democratic country and far-sighted, especially in light of what was at the same time the launching of the Constitution of the United Nations who consecrated for the first time at international level equal rights all human beings.
For world peace and for a desirable future of Italy is urgently needed a widespread, passionate and unified acceptance of responsibility, able to effectively combat and defeat an insidious populist drift that is moving away from institutions and society by the Italian Republican Constitution to lead to an authoritarian system, uncontrolled and personalist. The result of this political degeneration is for example the attempt to equate the Republicans with the partisans of Salò a bill (No. 1360) against whom ANPI is committed and must be locked with the contribution of all institutional and democratic forces. We must defend the Constitution, compass of democracy, and insist they are implemented.
We need a sense of responsibility, affirmation of the common good, strong spirit, unity, courage in the democratic choices and political decisions necessary to ensure the civil and social progress of our country.
This is the ever present challenge of April 25.


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