Friday, April 24, 2009

Teck Beta Game

The professional associations of teachers and administrators support the twinning of schools for the resumption of school life in Abruzzo.

As we were reminded by those who lived through the whole experience Relief and reconstruction of Friuli, twinning has been the most effective in all areas. Faced with the tragedy that has suffered from the Abruzzo across the country is called u-na to individual responsibility, an economic-that. The whole country and means-Sattar each of us citizens, but also, that every institution, agency, association, cor-bit social.
This gives meaning to the role of a generalized and diffuse solidarity. And 'what has already happened spontaneously from the beginning. And 'what is happening on the initiative of many entities that are using an instrument already successfully tested since the aftermath of the earthquake in Friuli in 1976. Then the initiatives created by the low fill the gaps of a civil protection system in its infancy. The same method can now effectively support the efforts of a population "strong and gentle", knowing how proud of themselves, but asking to be helped from the outside. On this road
intend to move the professional associations of teachers and school leaders, in close collaboration with the plan initiated by the Ministry of Education through the Regional Education Office, but even with all their provision of comprehensive social presence in Italian schools.
We believe that the practice of twinning will help to shorten the time to come to the aid on a targeted, to reduce overlap interventions and waste, and not least, to reduce the risk of speculation.
Many institutions have already begun: Caritas, food bank, youth clubs, recreation centers, scout groups, associations, cultural organizations, to municipal and provincial administrations. Even
all Italian schools can do. Many are already doing it!
Twinning is the son of the principle of subsidiarity, is an antidote to the temptation to use 5 per thousand, for which he claims all the non-profit, and too many schools.
to operationalize their commitment, professional associations are developing an on-site coordination in Abruzzo and a national internet connection, to enable the meeting between schools, so that one or more schools twinned with those involved in the earthquake, not only can directly meet the real needs of the moment, but to initiate some form of close relationship and cooperation original and creative, looking beyond the emergency period , with the return to normal activity.
the professional associations of teachers and administrators of schools
the professional associations of school leaders and teachers of the ADI, AIMC, ANDIS, APEF, CIDI , Diess, DiSAL, FNISM, MCE, UCIIM cooperate with the Ministry of Education, University and Research for the recovery of life in schools Abruzzo with the Project
School adopts school

Purpose To support the resumption of normal school life
develop solidarity through the creation of micro-school activities

Professional associations undertake their own network of managers and trainers for the mobilization of One or more schools
Italian state schools or assume an equal joint planning, research resources and effective implementation of equipment, workshops, activities in schools affected by the earthquake Aquila
The schools twinned concerned undertake to seek personal resources, equipment and financial to intervene in micro adopted
Media da attivare
Una struttura di coordinamento delle associazioni, collocata in una sede già operante, in collaborazione con la struttura ministeriale in Abruzzo, che favorisca l'incontro tra domanda e offerta sui microprogetti, capace di raccogliere, catalogare e mettere a disposizione via internet micro-necessità di attrezzature, laboratori, attività individuate dalle scuole statali o paritarie colpite
Un data base sui siti internet delle associazioni per la condivisione delle necessità e dei progetti al fine di favorire le relazioni tra scuole
L'impegno delle Associazioni professionali ad individuare scuole italiane e referenti interessati ad adottare un microprogetto
La dichiarazione di disponibilità di una o più scuole italiane inviata via mail sul sito dedicato con l'indicazione del microprogetto adottato, del referente che si impegna e dei tempi di realizzazione possibile


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