the call directly by school leaders-informed Gilda
Rino Di Meglio:
method unconstitutional "We discuss how bankruptcy that combine merit and efficiency, but we can not talk direct call from the management school. " So says the National Coordinator of the Guild of Teachers, Rino Di Meglio, commenting on statements by the Minister for Education, Maria Stella Gelmini, on the recruitment of teachers by school principals provided by the Ddl Aprea. "This country bases its legal system on a constitution that provides for access to the public service through competition. The method of recruitment proposed by the Government, therefore, violates the Constitution - says Di Meglio - also contradicts the objective of achieving efficient selection the faculty. " Referring then to the legal status of former presidents and the role they should play based on the Ddl, Di Meglio said: "I can not understand why thousands of former presidents, promoted to manager through a simple training course, which rejected, remember, were shamefully recovered by operation of law, should have special skills and educational evaluation. " "The real ideological approach - add Better replying to the criticisms by Gelmini unions - is to those who want to bring to the bottom of a bill based on an ideology pseudo-company that so far has only caused damage to public education" . According to the Guild Teachers, "before introducing epochal revolutions, it would be preferable to test new models and check the results. Having a good school and good teachers - Better concludes - is in the interest of the whole country, but the mechanism is very delicate and, if the effectiveness of the system provided by the Government is not tested in advance, you risk further damage the world of school ".
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