Monday, December 28, 2009

Repair Cat Scratches On Wood

Commemorazione della fucialazione dei 7 fratelli Cervi

Sono passati 66 anni da quel 28 Dicembre, giorno in cui i figli di Alcide vennero fucilati insieme a Quarto Camurri nel poligono di tiro di Reggio Emilia pagando con la vita la propria fedeltà a quegli ideali di libertà e di giustizia sociale che erano stati loro trasmessi fin da bambini dal padre.

Alle soglie del 2010, Gelindo, Antenore, Aldo, Ferdinando, Agostino, Ovidio, Ettore ed il loro sacrificio devono rivivere nella nostra memoria affinché tutti noi e le nuove generazioni non dimentichino il valore prezioso della libertà conquistata a fatica, in un momento in cui questo bene è in grave pericolo a causa del clima generale che sta avanzando di odio nei confronti dell’”altro”, di guerra tra poveri, alimentata dalla politica razzista del Governo, del sempre più diffuso revisionismo storico e della crescita indisturbata di gruppi neo-fascisti.

Per questo la Federazione della Sinistra (Rifondazione Comunista, Comunisti Italiani, Socialismo 2000 e Lavoro e Solidarietà) attiva nella difesa delle democrazia e della libertà, ribadisce la necessità di ricostruire una coscienza antifascista e una rete di antifascismo militante raccogliendo il patrimonio ricco di ideali e di esperienze che i partigiani stanno lasciando a tutti e ai giovani in particolare.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Vertigo Ear Wax Removal

Federazione della Sinistra: al via una campagna referendaria su legge 30, nucleare e acqua.


will be a great referendum campaign on several key elements (the publicity battle for water, demand for the repeal of Law 30, no to nuclear power) to kick off from January, the social battles of the newly formed Federation of the Left, provided Federated, which now includes Prc-Se, PDCI, 2000 Socialism and Labour and Solidarity, but wants to open up as much as possible to all the social, trade union membership and what is now the area of \u200b\u200bthe alternative left in our country.

Lotta alla precarietà, dunque, attraverso la richiesta di abolizione della legge 30 e delle leggi ad essa collegata per restituire un futuro di lavoro stabile e sicuro alle nuove generazioni, lotta al programma di re-introduzione delle centrali nucleari che vuole impiantare in diverse regioni italiane il governo Berlusconi e lotta per la difesa dell'acqua ma anche della sanità e del welfare pubblico contro i tentativi di imporre una loro gestione privatistica. Questi i punti-chiave della campagna politica e sociale della Federazione della Sinistra che, a partire da gennaio, raccoglierà le firme su questi tre fronti per dei referendum popolari.

La Federazione della Sinistra lancia anche un appello a tutte le forze politiche e sociali presenti in our country to join forces, in view of the upcoming regional elections, and to reconstruct, through a process of aggregation, a united left alternative of which will converge on the desire and expectations of all popular Italian left.

These, in summary, decisions taken today by the first National Council of the newly formed Federation of the Left (PRC, PDCI, 2000 Socialism and Labour and Solidarity). The National Council of the Federation is composed of 70 members and has also elected a tight coordination of 7 people (composed by: Paolo Ferrero, Claudio Grassi, Rosa Rinaldi for the PRC, Alessandro Pignatiello and Orazio Licandro for the PDCI, Cesare Salvi to Socialism 2000 and Gianpaolo Patta for Work-Solidarity) and a national spokesperson, who for the first three months will be the PRC secretary Paolo Ferrero.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can Vitamin A Capsules Be Use On The Face

Per l'acqua pubblica!

Anna Magri - Secretary of the Circle of PRC Montecchio Emilia

The City Council of December 14, Communist PRC will present a ' Agenda on Principles for the protection, the government and management Public water and provisions for water service ripubblicizzazione .
The document stems from the awareness that water is a common good of humanity, the universal common good, a common public good, therefore unavailable to the market, which belongs to everyone. From
this knowledge were born and continue to the birth of the PRC Communist battles against the privatization of Enia, Iride-Enia against the merger and against the Ronchi Decree (DL 135/09) in which the government has taken away the drinking water for citizens to hand , in 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business for private parties.
Nell'OdG asks that the town of Montecchio Emilia commitments on four points: first, to constitutionalize the right to water, recognizing it as a human right and recognizing that the management of water service is a public service free of local economic importance and secondly, to promote a culture in its own territory to safeguard the risorsa idrica e di iniziativa per la ripubblicizzazione del Servizio Idrico Integrato; terzo, ad aderire e sostenere le iniziative del Coordinamento Nazionale “Enti Locali per l’Acqua Bene Comune e per la ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico integrato”; quarto, a sottoporre all’Assemblea dell’Ambito Territoriale Ottimale (AATO) l’approvazione delle proposte e degli impegni dei primi tre punti.
All'Ordine del Giorno è collegato un emendamento allo Statuto Comunale che riconosce che la gestione del servizio idrico integrato è un servizio pubblico locale privo di rilevanza economica, in quanto servizio pubblico essenziale per garantire l’accesso all’acqua per tutti e pari dignità human to all citizens.
Giorgio Ricci, head of the PRC Communist City Council, will speak on behalf of the Committee for the Defence of Common Goods of the Val d'Enza to which they belong, for now, as well as the Communist PRC, including Italy of Values \u200b\u200bMontecchio Emilia, a Cavriago 5 Stars - Group Val d'Enza, Provincial Committee Water Well Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Member of the Italian Forum of Water Movements), Movement to Stop land consumption - European cheese, The Fifth Hill - Quattro Castella, Civic List Cavriago Municipality, Civic List Working at St. Hilary, left, and freedom, Left Gattatico.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ca Mobile Bartending Laws

Nasce il Coordinamento per la difesa dei beni comuni della Val d'Enza

On December 1 Cavriago took place in the constituent meeting of the Coordination Defence Heritage Towns of the Val d'Enza. This coordination is open to all forces who oppose the privatization of the commons, from water.

In recent years the citizens of Val d'Enza have witnessed the gradual privatization of services and management of common goods of the same. A liberal policy was endorsed over the past decades
also by government forces of our territories, who have used the land and its resources as a safe to draw from in order to balance budgets squeezed by rules issued by the central government uncivilized. The aim of

coordinamento è quello di riportare nell’agenda politica delle nostre comunità e delle amministrazioni locali il tema della difesa dei beni comuni, per garantirne l'accesso ad ogni persona.

La prima battaglia che stiamo organizzando è quella di contrastare tutte le politiche di esternalizzazione e privatizzazione dei servizi legati all'acqua. Per questo sia il decreto Ronchi, che privatizza servizi e beni comuni, sia la scelta dell'unificazione Enia-Iride, così come si sta prefigurando, devono essere contrastasti.

Tutte le forze firmatarie si impegnano a presentare nei consigli comunali dove sono presenti un ordine del giorno comune che impegni le giunte degli otto comuni della Val d’Enza a modificare
in the statute defining water as a "right not economically significant" with the objective of maintaining public ownership and management, or of all citizens.

in this initiative campaigns will follow in the streets, collecting signatures for the referendum against the Ronchi Decree and the organization of public initiatives to sensitize the people on this issue of vital importance.

Promoters of coordination:
Italy of Values; Cavriago 5 Star - Group Val d'Enza, Provincial Committee Water Well Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Member of the Italian Forum of Water Movements) Stop Motion consumption of land - Committee cheese; The Fifth Hill - Quattro Castella, Civic List Cavriago City, Civic List Working at St. Hilary, the Communist Party of the PRC; Left and freedoms; Left Gattatico.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Does Maaco Do Payment Plans

Su la testa!

Anna Magri, Secretary of the Club PRC-FDS Montecchio Emilia

Dear friends and dear companions,

Saturday, December 5 was for all of us one of those days that you know it represents the beginning of something or, rather, the beginning of something else. And for us communists, for us of the PRC, was the baptism of the relaunch we have decided Congress in Chianciano 2008 and for which the body of the party has worked this past year.

Saturday, December 5 at the Teatro Brancaccio in Rome we gathered in thousands to greet the birth, in fact, the Federation of the Left that brings together the Communist Refoundation, the Italian Communists, Socialists and Labour and Solidarity in 2000 - which are political actors promoters - but which aims to aggregate all those anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal arising in relation to cultural and political autonomy and right to social democracy.

Companions, joins the Federation, the foundation for the reconstruction of a left that has a minimum critical mass significantly, and is, and then finally, just the opposite divisions of the years that have inexorably disintegrated the credibility of the Left in general, but also that of the communists.

a year in this part of our party is stubbornly locked in crisis, and overall we can say that the PRC is divided and has done so by investing in a complex, structured its organizational form in support of disputes and conflicts, and building showing an alternative system within the contradictions that the crisis opened against the ruling classes.

So, our ideas are good, but to be credible we must be stronger, we have to rely more and rely more solo se il PRC non resterà autoreferenziale. La Federazione della Sinistra offre questa occasione: al Brancaccio abbiamo gettato le fondamenta di questo straordinario progetto riaggregativo, facciamolo vivere nelle lotte e in tutti i territori!

Ma la straordinarietà del 5 dicembre non si è limitata alla prima assemblea nazionale della Federazione della Sinistra, l’altro fatto positivo è stata la straordinaria manifestazione contro Berlusconi, organizzata spontaneamente dal popolo della rete, di internet, dei blog e di Facebook.

Abbiamo scoperto che c’è un popolo che non si rassegna ad un presidente del consiglio che va a trovare i dittatori, che ha il più grande conflitto d’interessi mai seen before in a Western democracy, which is ad personam "laws to save himself and his whole world of abuse, corruption, mafia and prostitutes. And we need to reconnect with the people!

On 5 December was a great day, we put together a unified proposal for the left and we had a big rally against Berlusconi and Berlusconi, with many, many red flags.

I know that the large-circulation national newspapers and the TV has, as usual, complained, but we were and we were almost one million. Arrendiamoci not know and do it all, you run the photos that you have done, say it to seniors who could not come, gridiamolo strong and pounding on the network: in Rome on December 5 was a river of red flags!

Companions ON THE HEAD!

Play action assembly

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yugioh Why Do U Make A Battery Man Deck


PARTENZA DA LARGO CAIROLI (angolo Foro Bonaparte) MILANO, ORE 9.30
Il giorno dello sciopero lanciato dal Coordinamento Precari Scuola e indetto da CGIL e USI rappresenta una grande occasione di mobilitazione in difesa della scuola pubblica, contro i tagli, la cosiddetta “riforma” Gelmini e i provvedimenti “ammazza-precari”. Facciamo un
a tutti i lavoratori della scuola - docenti temporary, permanent staff and ATA -, to the different unions and alliances, associations and organizations in defense of public schools and all citizens to take to the streets, to build together, with no abbreviations and flags, but with a Banner unit, a large chunk of the school, asking loudly:
or withdrawal of state cuts to public school, provided by art. L133/08 of 64, and all the measures which were implemented
or withdrawal of the regulation schemes for the reorganization of secondary schools
or withdrawal of the Bill Aprea
Ø The establishment of a three-year plan, aim at a progressive release in the role of all temporary workers, included in the lists are exhausted and permanent
Ø The refusal of the L167 "salvaprecari" of November 24, 2009
or abolition of territorial pacts Ø The Ministry of Education-Region
absolute equality of treatment between temporary teachers and role
or the inability to assign 24 hours of teaching
or suspension of any form of direct and indirect public funding of private schools
or abolition of the ceiling of one teacher for every two students with disabilities (W244 / 07)
try to raise once again the world of education and citizenship of all sullo scempio della scuola statale, che si sta compiendo nel completo disinteresse dei media. Non accettiamo soluzioni “tampone” o semplici rinvii, che non arrestano il piano di licenziamento di massa di 150.000 lavoratori in tre anni e lo scadimento complessivo del sistema scolastico pubblico italiano.
Coordinamento Scuola Mantova - Coordinamento “3 ottobre” Milano, C.P.S. Nazionale
Info: - www.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Does It Mean When The Backs Of Knees Hurt

Quale sicurezza?

In recent months, we often found in city councils agree with the Democratic Party's view that security is a false problem used by the right for electoral purposes. Similarly, we found a good convergence in the League to take a stand against the proposal of the patrols to control the territorio.Oggi come to discover that the PD leadership of Val d'Enza invest a huge sum, greater than that allocated for anti-crisis measures in an apparatus of surveillance that is intended to make you feel more secure cittadini.Qual is the difference between the rounds, which nobody wanted, and the cameras, but now that the PD is installed? Is there a crime problem in Val d'Enza? Really a video surveillance system from 500,000 € helps make our country safer? Or, paradoxically, implicitly fed the feeling of insecurity already strongly influenced by mass media that create daily suspicion, mistrust and fear? E 'the answer that will give the center-left widespread unease produced by a precarious society that men and women, makes them uncertain and subject to fear? We this represents a serious political mistake of the folded center-left if the left and right are not concepts you can not bring in our common recipes leghiste.La municipal police disseminate information on crimes, minor crimes. If, as we believe, the Val d'Enza should not be in contrast to the rest of the country, we find that they are constantly decreasing. Spread these data, we face against information in regard to the incessant campaign of fear spread by televisioni.Da here are starting to offer more common in our recipes, which are based on solidarity, hospitality, integration. We finance projects and community centers to combat youth problems, will promote actions in support of workers in difficulty, support tasks to support the integration of foreigners. Instead of installing cameras animate the spaces that are now left to themselves and make available the streets and squares of cities and paesi.Questi are the reasons for our opposition to the cameras and these are our alternatives.
Communist Party of the PRC, circles Bibbiano, Campton, Canossa, Cavriago, Gattatico, Montecchio Emilia, San Polo d'Enza, S. Ilario d'Enza.