As it is conceivable (just to save the salary of a superintendent), think of uniting under the direction of the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome, already overwhelmed by an immense amount of work (hey, we are in Rome), and a site area as important as Ostia Antica, to the history and culture of that area, that has problems as serious, organization and management such that even for those we are currently working hard to fifteen years can handle.
But because no one thinks of increasing economic resources, personnel and resources instead of continuing to say and propose nonsense. Clearly
TECSATATMINISTERI as we stand and we agree with all actions contrary to this hypothesis "sock."
Secretary General
arch. Danilo De Girolamo
PS. I take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to the former Minister for Culture Hon Bono Parrino recognizing you, and those like her, the merit of having served the institution with a high sense of the state, but also commitment to simplicity.
From site patrimoniosos
Archaeological Superintendency of Ostia against unification with Rome
Enz. Bia.
Il Tempo 29/12/2008
OSTIA No al ventilato accorpamento della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Ostia, con quella di Roma. Il XIII Municipio scende in campo contro l`ipotesi di unificazione, con una lettera inviata al ministro Bondi, infatti, il presidente della Commissione decentramento Alessandro Paltoni sottolinea la posizione del municipio: «E necessario - scrive Paltoni - confermare questa Soprintendenza, avviando un suo concreto potenziamento, necessario alla conservazione e valorizzazione dello straordinario patrimonio archeologico di Ostia e Fiumicino.
In questi ultimi anni «sofferente» per una riduzione degli investimenti». Sulla stessa linea il presidente del XIII municipio, James Vizzani "L` current city administration, said Vizzani - seen in this territory, a new socio-economic development opportunities.
Therefore, there is a clear need for the Superintendence of Ostia should be strengthened to promote tourism in this area of \u200b\u200bthe city and to finally take off the knowledge of the area port of Rome. " For the `cultural association" Severian "This is yet another` s, unjustified attack on the archaeological heritage of Ostia. "The idea of \u200b\u200bmerging the Superintendency of Rome - is written on a note of protest spread from the association - represents an attempt to undermine the work of the superintendents' operating in the city and surrounding territory. The thirteenth of the ancient town hall and the area leading to Fiumicino have a historical reality is very different from other areas of the city of Rome. We here and not elsewhere, there was the port of Rome and all of its port facilities, here, the Romans built their homes along the sea coast. "
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