Despite the urgings of Secretary Mr. Mirabelli, the non-performance of the Congress of the Federation and CUS CUSPEL terms of the statute has prevented the Congress and the appointment of the Secretary-General.
The seriousness of the situation requires the implementation of the compulsory nature of action against defaulting associations. For this reason
October 18 as part of the "Week of collective life" took place only on the 15th NATIONAL CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS AND PROFESSIONAL PUBLIC PRIVATE USE - PHEIC on the theme: "Developing professionals to revitalize the social, economic and moral Italy."
------------------------- The seriousness of the situation requires the implementation of the compulsory nature of action against defaulting associations. For this reason
October 18 as part of the "Week of collective life" took place only on the 15th NATIONAL CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS AND PROFESSIONAL PUBLIC PRIVATE USE - PHEIC on the theme: "Developing professionals to revitalize the social, economic and moral Italy."
The explanatory memorandum of Eng. Ottavio Mirabelli Secretary General dell'USPPI
Large, deep and there are many changes in the social, economic and political in the last two decades: the evolution of the socio-economic, market globalization, European integration, changes in the labor market, reform university degree courses of the professional, the devolution of state functions to the regions, the gradual downgrading of the state from management activities, with the necessary but still insufficient, development and extension of the functions of planning, programming and control, the progressive implementation of the principle of horizontal subsidiarity state-private, which are often in irrational ways, creating conflicts of interest between the controller and controlled.
Over the past two decades, extensive and profound changes have taken place in the social, economic and political, often tumultuous, contradictory and messy, sometimes wild and ungoverned. as:
the evolution of the socio-economic
the globalization of markets;
European economic integration and the introduction of the single currency;
i cambiamenti nel mercato del lavoro; la riforma dell’università e della scuola, dei corsi di studi secondari e di laurea;
le direttive europee nei campi industriale e dei servizi, con rilevanti conseguenze sulle attività e gli ordinamenti professionali;
la progressiva devoluzione di funzioni dallo Stato alle Regioni;
la progressiva retrocessione dello Stato dalle attività di gestione, peraltro senza la necessaria valorizzazione ed estensione delle funzioni di pianificazione, programmazione e controllo;
la progressiva attuazione del principio di sussidarietà orizzontale Stato-privato, spesso in maniera irrazionale creando situazioni di conflitto di interesse tra controllore e controllato.
In campo social, Censis, in the annual report 2007, notes that: "The company seems to lie down in widespread inertia, a kind of anthropology without history, without calling the future. A social reality that is becoming a mass of mush, mix of instincts, emotions, experiences and, therefore, particularly indifferent to the purposes and objectives of the future, then folded in on itself.
a social reality that tilts dangerously towards a progressive experience of the worst ... ... ... ... .. So much so, very nearly at the end you could mush mass (less elegantly) replace the term most impressive of "slime", almost a set inconclusiveness of "elements individuali e di ritagli personali” tenuti insieme da un sociale di bassa lega.
Pertanto in una società così inconcludente appare difficile attendersi l’emergere di una qualsivoglia capacità o ripresa di sviluppo di massa, di “sviluppo di popolo” come si diceva una volta; e le offerte innovative possono venire solo dalle nuove minoranze attive.”
Tra queste, il Censis annovera ricercatori, tecnologi e professionisti.
In campo economico, l'Italia, con il più alto debito pubblico d'Europa, con un PIL pro capite presto superato da quello della Spagna, si avvia a diventare il fanalino di coda dell'Europa dei dodici, un paese in via di sottosviluppo: la grande industria praticamente distrutta from a business caste uneducated, selfish and provincial, unable to cope with global competition, an orphan state welfarism, and in which proliferate so-called "smart guys in the neighborhood".
Italy that marginalizes culture, professionalism, excellence, which are an obstacle to mediocrity, degradation of ethics and dishonesty.
Finance has overwhelmed the economy and politics, in other words, the economy has replaced the economy of paper production and there has been impatient with the rules and government policy.
The globalization of financial markets, together with the widespread use of new technologies and communication, leading to the possibility of an instantaneous speed (on line) displacement of large masses and finance in the total absence of a government of the economy, has shown the limits of neoliberalism and the serious flaws and has produced and produces severe recurrent crises whole countries - that have an impact in a globalized world - as well as large organizations producing goods and services, stock market crisis, with regular mowing of small savings in favor of big business. Crises that require state intervention to rescue financial institutions or economic status so that even in the pure capitalism of the world, the U.S., the government has repeatedly intervened to rescue or even the nationalization of banks at the subprime mortgage crisis.
In terms of ethics and morality, the fall of political ideologies was followed by the collapse of ethical values \u200b\u200band the devaluation of moral principles.
The real value, but so fleeting, money has supplanted any ethical value and any moral principle, becoming both end and means of affirmation of the individual ego, dell'egolatria; the tumultuous and disorderly development, impatient with the rules and checks, bearer of special interests and individual petitions to the detriment of the interests of the community led to the spread dell'affarismo and corruption. But not
governed wild and distorted development has incredibly increased the social differences between rich getting richer, poor get poorer and the middle class and impoverished sheared; similar process occurred in the global context among the different countries.
In the political field, is vastly increased the gap between country and the political class, however, generally poor, uneducated, incompetent and incapable, but arrogant, and, increasingly autocratic and self, has taken shape in a real caste, intolerant to sue and to democratic and exclusively aimed essentially to the management of power, resources and business.
The arrogance of caste politics has come point to expropriate the citizens' constitutional right to choose their representatives in Parliament, claiming for itself a legal right to appoint and approve legislation that limit the power of investigation and prosecution and decriminalize offenses, to subtract that hundred and beyond Members of offenders, convicted or under investigation in the enforcement of laws which are subject instead of all citizens.
The political class has marginalized culture, knowledge, intelligence, the professions and professionals, technical counter-intolerant, limiting or dangerous to his dominance.
The policy is shown as unable to govern complex systems and processes and the phenomenon of globalization to solve the complex problems of an increasingly complex society.
The Political Affairs has allowed increasingly large areas to finance and cheating underworld.
The privatization of productive enterprises and service firms, and securitization of public assets have detected a great deal to friends of friends and a financial disaster for the state.
The pseudo-privatization of public utilities, especially local ones, then, were aimed at circumventing laws and rules of governance and control of public administrations, in particular the law of public works and public supply, legislation on recruitment only for competition public - in order to take customers to the party also called a telephone regardless of their ability, culture and professionalism, if not all characteristics considered negative, according to a criterion that can be defined as "incompetence" - and the public contracts system - in order to assign libitum to customers and Boyars political checks and benefices - that way for achieving improvements in efficiency and not effectiveness, but a huge increase in costs to the community, more and more services and poor financial situations and bankruptcy continuously fed offset by public finance.
Rampant corruption and widespread, then, characterizes a depressing picture, and without hope, much like quello di tangentopoli, se non peggiore.
A livello europeo, l'U.E. si è data una strategia di politica economica e sociale, la strategia di Lisbona.
L’obiettivo della strategia di Lisbona è molto ambizioso e si propone di far divenire l’Europa “l’economia basata sulla conoscenza più competitiva e dinamica del mondo, in grado di realizzare una crescita economica sostenibile con nuovi e migliori posti di lavoro e una maggiore coesione sociale”.
I professionisti e i ricercatori sono i principali detentori ed operatori della conoscenza; la valorizzazione del ruolo e delle funzioni professionali è il principale strumento che pùò consentire all'Italia di attuare la strategia di Lisbona, to get up, to make the leap necessary to bring it back among the leading countries of Europe and the world.
regard to intellectual professions, the public functions attributed by the Italian government to pursue a professional are not only reaffirmed the Italian case law constant and plentiful, also the European Court of Justice is clear and consistent on this principle, as, for example, the decision C-79/01, which reaffirms a fundamental principle: the intellectual career is the main instrument for the protection of public interests that justify the restrictions to the fundamental rules of the European Treaty, such as freedom of establishment.
addition, the EU has issued two directives, then in force in Italy, which state rules that characterize the specificity of the intellectual professions and their organizations in the new era of knowledge economy.
In Italy, however, be borne by the professionals was the place a real "deficit" of fairness, which is a consequence of the way it is organized in Italy representing the interests of social forces: the joint bodies consulted by the Government to purposes of the decisions on the economy, have traditionally always and only two: the Confederation, representing the business classes, and the major unions representing the classes of unskilled labor, according to the anachronistic tradition Fordist and a policy that has been authoritatively described as "corporatism" dual ".
The management of the national economy is thus linked to the plot of interest and counterparties of "corporatism" dual "of the dominant pair - which determines the nature of the hegemonic and exclusive system in the economic environment of our country - still anchored to the now anachronistic culture, mode, the parameters defined and organized around the centrality of industrial production.
In PA and in public companies or public capital, the need to identify the interests and values \u200b\u200bof professionals specialized employees members on the rolls, by providing them a "status" professional self grounded in the professional role, has been repeatedly recognized by the Parliament, since the ninth term, with the presentation to the Chamber of Deputies, also in the subsequent legislatures, more drawings and bills on Unique Role of Professional.
The report by the Study Committee on the Prevention of Corruption, headed by prof. Sabino Cassese, presented to the Chamber of Deputies, 23 October 1996 requested the Parliament, inter alia, to strengthen the technical body, since one of the main reasons is the weakness of government corruption, by the absence or insufficient presence of the professions.
He claimed that relationship, fully valid today: "It forces governments to rely on external parties for all activities that require the work of specialists, so it was deemed necessary for Parliament to be remedied this state of degradation, organizing the staff in question "in separate buildings, with a legal status and a salary to enable staff to attract adequate preparation."
the report concluded, "We must not delude ourselves that it will gain the skills necessary, unless you are willing to pay their price, or that corruption is ended, until the government have not exceeded their weakness. "
Italian professionals can and want to raise, then, the professional values \u200b\u200bof competence, conscience, initiative and personal responsibility, moral, ethical and professional ethics, and humanities and constitutional values, now more feasible than ever, thanks especially to the great achievements of science and technology: the solidarity, the right to employment, health, defense, health and social security, and protection of security, landscape, heritage, freedom of press savings, motherhood, childhood, youth, and so on, the values \u200b\u200bof centrality of man in society, undertaking the service of man of the market in service to society, the social market economy.
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