Saturday, January 30, 2010

What To Wear To Three Days Grace Concert

ROSARNO CPS Mantua, Milan, Ravenna ...

What has happened in Rosario saddens us and makes us angry, even if such an incident was prevesione easy. Many of us are from Calabria and not from the South and know very well the dynamics of our region: illegal spread, the roots of the mafia, the 'ndragheta and the Camorra, the underworld and the political relationship between politics and organized crime. After all, if many of us are in the north, away from their land, it is also the fault of the southern politicians more concerned to establish links with the mafia gangs who think the common good and the job opportunities for young people.
The revolt of migrants is nothing but an act of rebellion against oppression and this new form of slavery. Do not condone violence but today we can not scream our indignation toward what happened in Rosario. Our indignation is directed towards the institutions that do nothing against the illegal activities of mafia, prime fra tutte: prostituzione e schiavitù nel settore agricolo. Noi come insegnanti sentiamo sopra di noi un peso e mai come in questo caso ci sentiamo abbandonati nel nostro ruolo educativo; perchè se ancora oggi esistono schiavitù e soprusi, se ancora oggi si verificano situazioni di intolleranza diffusa, vuol dire che la Scuola ben poco è riuscita a fare per creare un clima di legalità e convivenza civile ma anche di cambiamento della cultura malavitosa e mafiosa. Se la Scuola fallisce nella propria opera anche lo Stato fallisce. Fra l'altro, abbiamo già affermato più volte, in passato, che l'idea del ministro Gelmini di inserire nelle scuole medie inferiori "Cittadinanza e Costituzione" come materia di studio è solo an unoriginal and not innovative because it already exists under another name among the disciplines taught. For us, this is just demagoguery, window-dressing that does not solve the problem lawlessness and intolerance. If you really want to focus on school as the reference point of society, as a defensive anti-mafia in some areas of the country and especially as the first place to practice and promote contact and understanding between peoples, we must invest more starting to reverse course on policies of staff reductions. If you do not do this, along with other measures and social laws, we will in a few months before many Rosarno. We must also say that the situation is no different from the South the North. If the "corporal" in fact, you call down mob, 'ndragheta and the Camorra, the North assumed names and different situations and sometimes exploited and underpaid are the multinational food. In any case, exploitation is always talking. We do not make it difficult to report that in our classes are studying the children of immigrants being exploited and underpaid. In this situation, we scream our indignation and outrage that our attitude is directed towards the feel-good, politically correct racist and political class who sits in parliament and especially to the Northern League that one side is ready for years to lash out with malice and racism towards migrants and on the other hand, endorse and is silent on illegal work in widespread species that regioni settentrionali. Ci sentiamo di porre una domanda a tutta la classe politica. "Come mai non si pongono regole contro il lavoro nero, sfruttato e sottopagato?" Secondo noi non serve un'economista o un sociologo per rispondere. Diciamolo chiaramente: un lavoratore sottopagato e non regolarizzato, conviene a tutti perché abbassa enormemente e mostruosamente il costo della manodopera e nelle regioni del Sud serve a "gonfiare" le casse economiche della malavita organizzata. A farne le spese sono quasi sempre i migranti. Siamo, allora, stanchi di sentire la classe politica parlare di illegalità collegata all'immigrazione clandestina, quando loro sono i primi a favorirla sottacendo e non facendo nulla per eliminare queste situazioni di schiavitù e soprattutto not recognizing the human rights of migrants and universal social, basic and essential. But we as teachers can not remain silent on this new form of slavery in the name of free markets and the mafia underworld is raging in the country from north to south We as teachers do not continue to discriminate in our classes, going beyond a demagogic, spreading even without the help of the state, the culture of legality, non-violence, the encounter between peoples and condemning all kinds of abuse and slavery.


Coordinators precarious school


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