I defy anyone to understand what is happening in the ministry for cultural heritage, or at least to understand what lies behind the synthetic UILBAC circular signed by the Secretary Cerasoli .
The chaos is so Sun inan you that even those inside the hidden stories can not take the ministerial ranks.
Cerasoli thank for the attempt.
As we had anticipated Dpcm Authorized 'intake of 25 units from competitions for Executives is now accepted by Mibac that has every intention to make the appointments before the entry into force of new regulation and before they redesign the central and peripheral level of the Ministry. Did we also
the Nform that the call was capable of conditioning the outcome of the appeal pending before the State Council of the contest by Executive archaeologist.
The State Council at its meeting last Friday issued an opinion granting the request for an injunction made by Mibac.
That decision, as is the logic of things he saw two fronts occur among those who did not want the competition is canceled, as in the case of the winners in the face of those who believe that the competition had a series of unlawful acts which the TAR of Lazio , at least in part on the composition of the Examining Board, had accepted.
Mibac opinion against it because the call made with the suspension request was presented just as it is willing to make the appointments.
Compared with such a situation, very complicated, we find the need to make appointments of the 25 eligible weighs greatly on which the problem of archaeologists.
In fact, almost not wanting to miss anything in that category, there exists the problem of another contest since the State Council in an advisory capacity for extraordinary administrative appeals to the Head of State seems to have finally and incontrovertibly canceled appointments Sapelli Salvatore, Nava.
not expire until the end of the month the contracts under paragraph 5 d.lgv.vo 165/01 Managers archaeologists from the region of Sicily.
So while the absolute chaos but also the Archaeological Superintendency of Architectural Heritage and the historic and artistic heritage managers have no owners with management problems and disputes given the results produced by the interim.
Not only that, as soon as the Senate approved the act in 1167 there will be additional vacancies. The
Mibac to the story of the archaeologists seems to proceed through an opinion of the legislative.
Among other things, any decision should take Mibac to remember that there is permission to call the 25 eligible because it is not infinite, however, expires December 31, 2009.
However, a decision to be taken to determine the internal division among the different occupational groups.
fact we are of the opinion that the ranking should cover all the professionals such as those of architects, art historians (old competition), librarians, archivists and archaeologists.
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