the bitter clash sull'incomprensibile incredible commissioner of the Department of Archaeology of Rome and Ostia Antica puzzled everyone.
Disputes operation, the protests of trade unions and staff fall on deaf ears, no one is worthy to answer, nor the executive apparatus of the Ministry following the political.
the contrary, the hardness of the replies of the Minister Biondi, are addressed only to the criticism of Prof. Settis and are sufficient grounds for concern that can not only be a cultural exchange, as supported by many parts?
that behind all this is a clash of major economic interest in the management of the Italian cultural heritage? That someone is confusing the concept of the enhancement of the cultural commodification as? What is in place a skimming, a division of cultural heritage and sites to transform the reform of the Ministry in a new operation Alitalia?
the contrary, the hardness of the replies of the Minister Biondi, are addressed only to the criticism of Prof. Settis and are sufficient grounds for concern that can not only be a cultural exchange, as supported by many parts?
that behind all this is a clash of major economic interest in the management of the Italian cultural heritage? That someone is confusing the concept of the enhancement of the cultural commodification as? What is in place a skimming, a division of cultural heritage and sites to transform the reform of the Ministry in a new operation Alitalia?
Secretary General
Arch. Danilo De Girolamo
Arch. Danilo De Girolamo
Sandro Bondi*
il giornale 23/02/2009
Intervento Caro Settis, il suo sensazionalismo non aiuta i musei
Il professor Salvatore Settis continua a dispiegare le sue molteplici doti. Archeologo di chiara fama, accademico dei Lincei, presidente del Consiglio superiore dei Beni Culturali, polemista di riferimento del Gruppo La Repubblica-Espresso, mostra ancora una time to prefer the complaint to the press rather than the simple act of service to institutions. Last interview with the weekly L 'Express reflects, in fact, not only the `ubiquity in which some of our best scholars, dimidiati as they are irresponsible in calling the limelight` el rigor just need to `work, but unfortunately, the dysfunction that afflicts much of the technical staff of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Professor Settis shoots to zero against "malagestionee 'of our museums and national historic and artistic heritage, the complaint more than a billion of the cuts imposed by the three-year financial and complains about the general climate of frustration that is to say his breath at the College Romano. Stupisce veder cadere nella rete del sensazionalismo medìatìco uno studioso tanto autorevole e stimato da esser stato più volte riconfermato a capo del massimo organo consultivo del ministero. Se avesse voluto cercare un espediente per rassegnare le dimissioni il professor Settis non ne avrebbe potuto trovare uno migliore. Ma tant`è.
Il dissenso di fondo che sembra oppone Settis ai vertici del ministero, di cui egli stesso fa parte, riguarda la valorizzazione e la tutela dei beni culturali, le due missioni istitutive dello stesso ministero sin dall`epoca della sua creazione a metà degli anni Settanta, ora, io considero mia precipua missione valorizzare il patrimonio dei beni culturali attraverso una gestione più razionale ed efficace than the traditional, giving space to new figures, with specific management skills, able for example to read a budget, draw up a financial program, or develop a plan for money. Consequently, I consider that to supervisors, namely the technical roles of the ministry, recruited with severe competition and envy of the world, the only tasks are incumbent protection.
To this end, we adopted a new regulation, now all it examined the State Council, which provides for a streamlining of central and peripheral direction of the ministry and the creation of a new direction for the heritage that will be left after the `Entry into force of the implementing regulation, manager in a well-known as Mario Resca.
Professor Settis would have expected a person with specific skills in terms of cultural management. And voting against the new regulation from the Ministry asked for and received the tasks of promotion and protection were not confused. Yet now, rather than get on the controversy on the opposition press, a coach like him, responsible for the main advisory body to the minister, he could invest your time better by making a series of urgent measures to remedy the "mismanagement" that he warns: that is redefining the criteria for the selection of our supervisors and before redrawing the same basis of preparation of the technical staff of the ministry, through ad hoc agreements to be concluded with the Italian universities, as well as foreign as the Bocconi Bard College, who have long engaged in cultural management courses and resources.
Our three thousand museums, our archaeological sites are in fact in the hands of scholars versed, very clear renowned experts, specialists disputed, but often pay in a deplorable state and languishing on the charts for number of visitors below the top twenty global institutions , although our most significant heritage of the world. Pompeii, for example, has for years been under the direction of Peter Guzzo, a leading expert on archeology in Rome.
But the state of neglect reported by the press, the many failures affecting tourists in what remains one of the most socially sensitive areas of the country, has necessitated the use of specific organizational and managerial skills, as is the same as the Roman Forum. Work together to lead the ministry, working for the institutions, not against, would be a step forward to renovate and improve our common mission. `
Minister for Cultural Heritage
Settis resigns in dispute with Bondi will leave other members of the Board of
THE REPUBLIC, February 24, 2009
A stark contrast to the appointment of Mario Resca. But even for loans of Leonardo and to the commissioner the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome
The standoff between Sandro Bondi and Savior Settis reached its peak. Tomorrow we meet at the High Council of Cultural Heritage and its members Settis of eighteen, who is chairman of the Council, read a letter of resignation.
very motivated and very hard, we hear. But not only the director of the Scuola Normale di Pisa, historian of ancient art and archeology, to leave. From the rumors that filter will be at least four, perhaps six out of office. And at that point no one knows what the fate of the main advisory body of the ministry.
Meanwhile back insistent rumors that the same Bondi departing from the ministry. The waiting for the post of coordinator of the PDL. In its place will be set up Gaetano Quagliariello, currently vice president of the Senate of the center, which also renew many of the staff that supports Bondi.
But as long as it is at the Roman College, Bondi pulls out his sword. The minister has reacted harshly to the latest statements Settis (a long interview in L'Express on Friday, at which the charge of the department responded with an article in the Journal). The clash has ancient roots, however, dissent on the lines of conduction of the ministry was most pronounced with the passage of time. Sometimes it is composed, but now it seems that it is not possible.
"If he had wanted to find an excuse to resign," wrote the minister, "Professor Settis could not find a better one." And what would be the trick? The sensationalist media, the newspapers have expressed his criticisms. Worse, according to the minister, in the case of 'opposition press'.
is this one of the reasons for failure. Settis agree not to gag. And as it was last July, when he denounced the cut of over a billion euro in the already uneven balance of the ministry (Undersecretary Francesco Giro actually fired him, but was later recovered an agreement with the minister), once again the director of Normal did not reject a challenge discussed initiatives of the ministry. Forte from being president of an advisory body and not a director of the Ministry, subject to bureaucratic constraints.
A stark contrast is revealed with his appointment as general manager Mario Resca, former CEO of McDonald's, which Bondi had initially given extraordinary powers over the management of museums, exhibitions, encroaching even in the field of protection.
The reaction of any association of preserving, collecting thousands of signatures and a clear rejection by the entire Board, chaired by Settis, Bondi led to a half astern, deemed unsatisfactory by many: Resca, who had no expertise in the field of cultural management, would address only the value (but the appointment has not yet formalized).
Settis and the Council had not concealed their dissent with the choice, for example, to pay for a museum of some drawings by Leonardo Nevada, an initiative strongly supported by Alain Elkann, a consultant at Bondi, but opposed by the Director of Royal Library of Turin, which kept those drawings.
The decision of the Commissioner Roman archaeological site has met the concerns of Settis, as well as the tough opposition of all officials of the Superintendence of Rome and Ostia and one of four university professors and Italian and foreign scholars.
All these and other initiatives of the ministry were conducive to the eyes of Settis, a progressive depletion of the Superintendent, on the other hand left to languish, weaken and de-legitimized.
Within a few years away from those offices will be many officers who will not be replaced. Within the next few months will remain uncovered some of the main places of superintendent.
is very difficult to put constraints of protection and some superintendents are afraid of not being supported by leaders of the ministry, always feel on the brink, threatened with transfer.
In this situation the edge of collapse, Commissioners have been established, whose functions are still uncertain. In Pompeii the commissioner
Renato Profili has no funds of its own but draws from the ordinary ones of the Superintendent.
In Rome, the Palatine from the Forum, Trajan's Markets in Ostia, it is unclear what will Bertolaso, head of Civil Protection. But it is the latter structure that, in the eyes of those who run the ministry, the test provides more guarantees the call launched by the Commissioner to take at Pompeii, even with duties as guardian, Civil Defence volunteers.
Sandro Bondi*
il giornale 23/02/2009
Intervento Caro Settis, il suo sensazionalismo non aiuta i musei
Il professor Salvatore Settis continua a dispiegare le sue molteplici doti. Archeologo di chiara fama, accademico dei Lincei, presidente del Consiglio superiore dei Beni Culturali, polemista di riferimento del Gruppo La Repubblica-Espresso, mostra ancora una time to prefer the complaint to the press rather than the simple act of service to institutions. Last interview with the weekly L 'Express reflects, in fact, not only the `ubiquity in which some of our best scholars, dimidiati as they are irresponsible in calling the limelight` el rigor just need to `work, but unfortunately, the dysfunction that afflicts much of the technical staff of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Professor Settis shoots to zero against "malagestionee 'of our museums and national historic and artistic heritage, the complaint more than a billion of the cuts imposed by the three-year financial and complains about the general climate of frustration that is to say his breath at the College Romano. Stupisce veder cadere nella rete del sensazionalismo medìatìco uno studioso tanto autorevole e stimato da esser stato più volte riconfermato a capo del massimo organo consultivo del ministero. Se avesse voluto cercare un espediente per rassegnare le dimissioni il professor Settis non ne avrebbe potuto trovare uno migliore. Ma tant`è.
Il dissenso di fondo che sembra oppone Settis ai vertici del ministero, di cui egli stesso fa parte, riguarda la valorizzazione e la tutela dei beni culturali, le due missioni istitutive dello stesso ministero sin dall`epoca della sua creazione a metà degli anni Settanta, ora, io considero mia precipua missione valorizzare il patrimonio dei beni culturali attraverso una gestione più razionale ed efficace than the traditional, giving space to new figures, with specific management skills, able for example to read a budget, draw up a financial program, or develop a plan for money. Consequently, I consider that to supervisors, namely the technical roles of the ministry, recruited with severe competition and envy of the world, the only tasks are incumbent protection.
To this end, we adopted a new regulation, now all it examined the State Council, which provides for a streamlining of central and peripheral direction of the ministry and the creation of a new direction for the heritage that will be left after the `Entry into force of the implementing regulation, manager in a well-known as Mario Resca.
Professor Settis would have expected a person with specific skills in terms of cultural management. And voting against the new regulation from the Ministry asked for and received the tasks of promotion and protection were not confused. Yet now, rather than get on the controversy on the opposition press, a coach like him, responsible for the main advisory body to the minister, he could invest your time better by making a series of urgent measures to remedy the "mismanagement" that he warns: that is redefining the criteria for the selection of our supervisors and before redrawing the same basis of preparation of the technical staff of the ministry, through ad hoc agreements to be concluded with the Italian universities, as well as foreign as the Bocconi Bard College, who have long engaged in cultural management courses and resources.
Our three thousand museums, our archaeological sites are in fact in the hands of scholars versed, very clear renowned experts, specialists disputed, but often pay in a deplorable state and languishing on the charts for number of visitors below the top twenty global institutions , although our most significant heritage of the world. Pompeii, for example, has for years been under the direction of Peter Guzzo, a leading expert on archeology in Rome.
But the state of neglect reported by the press, the many failures affecting tourists in what remains one of the most socially sensitive areas of the country, has necessitated the use of specific organizational and managerial skills, as is the same as the Roman Forum. Work together to lead the ministry, working for the institutions, not against, would be a step forward to renovate and improve our common mission. `
Minister for Cultural Heritage
Settis resigns in dispute with Bondi will leave other members of the Board of
THE REPUBLIC, February 24, 2009
A stark contrast to the appointment of Mario Resca. But even for loans of Leonardo and to the commissioner the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome
The standoff between Sandro Bondi and Savior Settis reached its peak. Tomorrow we meet at the High Council of Cultural Heritage and its members Settis of eighteen, who is chairman of the Council, read a letter of resignation.
very motivated and very hard, we hear. But not only the director of the Scuola Normale di Pisa, historian of ancient art and archeology, to leave. From the rumors that filter will be at least four, perhaps six out of office. And at that point no one knows what the fate of the main advisory body of the ministry.
Meanwhile back insistent rumors that the same Bondi departing from the ministry. The waiting for the post of coordinator of the PDL. In its place will be set up Gaetano Quagliariello, currently vice president of the Senate of the center, which also renew many of the staff that supports Bondi.
But as long as it is at the Roman College, Bondi pulls out his sword. The minister has reacted harshly to the latest statements Settis (a long interview in L'Express on Friday, at which the charge of the department responded with an article in the Journal). The clash has ancient roots, however, dissent on the lines of conduction of the ministry was most pronounced with the passage of time. Sometimes it is composed, but now it seems that it is not possible.
"If he had wanted to find an excuse to resign," wrote the minister, "Professor Settis could not find a better one." And what would be the trick? The sensationalist media, the newspapers have expressed his criticisms. Worse, according to the minister, in the case of 'opposition press'.
is this one of the reasons for failure. Settis agree not to gag. And as it was last July, when he denounced the cut of over a billion euro in the already uneven balance of the ministry (Undersecretary Francesco Giro actually fired him, but was later recovered an agreement with the minister), once again the director of Normal did not reject a challenge discussed initiatives of the ministry. Forte from being president of an advisory body and not a director of the Ministry, subject to bureaucratic constraints.
A stark contrast is revealed with his appointment as general manager Mario Resca, former CEO of McDonald's, which Bondi had initially given extraordinary powers over the management of museums, exhibitions, encroaching even in the field of protection.
The reaction of any association of preserving, collecting thousands of signatures and a clear rejection by the entire Board, chaired by Settis, Bondi led to a half astern, deemed unsatisfactory by many: Resca, who had no expertise in the field of cultural management, would address only the value (but the appointment has not yet formalized).
Settis and the Council had not concealed their dissent with the choice, for example, to pay for a museum of some drawings by Leonardo Nevada, an initiative strongly supported by Alain Elkann, a consultant at Bondi, but opposed by the Director of Royal Library of Turin, which kept those drawings.
The decision of the Commissioner Roman archaeological site has met the concerns of Settis, as well as the tough opposition of all officials of the Superintendence of Rome and Ostia and one of four university professors and Italian and foreign scholars.
All these and other initiatives of the ministry were conducive to the eyes of Settis, a progressive depletion of the Superintendent, on the other hand left to languish, weaken and de-legitimized.
Within a few years away from those offices will be many officers who will not be replaced. Within the next few months will remain uncovered some of the main places of superintendent.
is very difficult to put constraints of protection and some superintendents are afraid of not being supported by leaders of the ministry, always feel on the brink, threatened with transfer.
In this situation the edge of collapse, Commissioners have been established, whose functions are still uncertain. In Pompeii the commissioner
Renato Profili has no funds of its own but draws from the ordinary ones of the Superintendent.
In Rome, the Palatine from the Forum, Trajan's Markets in Ostia, it is unclear what will Bertolaso, head of Civil Protection. But it is the latter structure that, in the eyes of those who run the ministry, the test provides more guarantees the call launched by the Commissioner to take at Pompeii, even with duties as guardian, Civil Defence volunteers.
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