Insights and contributions of Piero Guzzo and Maria Pia Guermandi
A new commissioner and old problems Release date: 15/02/2009 Author: Guzzo, Pier Giovanni The polished, articulate commentary of the Superintendent of Pompeii and Naples on the events of ' Roman Archaeology. Written for eddyburg, February 13, 2009 (mpg)
policy of the emergency and the emergency policy Released: 13.02.2009 Author: Guermandi, Maria Pia
In recent days the attention of eddyburg, as is clear the sequence of interventions reported, it is divided between two dominant events: the story of yet Englaro used as a pretext to attack the Constitutional Charter and that of the Commissioner of the archeological world's most famous: it is far to field situations, but perhaps not so much for what they tell us of this sad reality Italian beyond the smoke screens of which, both, are cloaked.
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