Thursday, February 26, 2009

Black Poop After Red Wine???

tough stance UILBAC

ANSA (SPE) - 25/02/2009 - 19.07.00
BENI CULTURALI: LA MOZIONE VOTATA DAL CONSIGLIO SUPERIORE ZCZC0551/SXB WIC30223 R SPE S0B QBXB BENI CULTURALI: LA MOZIONE VOTATA DAL CONSIGLIO SUPERIORE (ANSA) - ROMA, Feb. 25 - The resignation of the President of the High Council of Cultural Property''Salvatore Settis not be read as a response to Bondi, but rather 'as a response to the cultural policy of the government. He says the general secretary of Uil Gianfranco Cerasoli, and that 'among the members of the Board, noting that today the majority of the Board''in his pocket the letter of resignation.'' But then 'in the council and' prevailed the line to sign a motion of solidarity 'for Settis, voted by all present (at the meeting were only Antonio Paolucci Andrea Emiliani and that has' resigned yesterday), with the exception of Paul Portuguese who did not vote, according to what has been 'learned, why not' disagree with solidarity 'to the president but resigned because' he wanted an immediate confrontation with the Minister Bondi. This is the text of the motion voted by the directors:''The Superior Council for cultural heritage and landscape at its meeting on February 25, 2009 expresses its full and unwavering solidarity 'to Prof. Salvatore Settis against an unjustified and incomprehensible statement by the Minister than public statements of President of the High Council, not only legitimate but necessary, and then shared by the entire Board with respect to a situation of serious difficulty incontrovertible 'facing today in the Italian cultural heritage.'' (ANSA). LB 25-FEB-09 19:01 NNN

Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma Tel 06/6723361 - 6792933 Fax 6782911 - E - Mail website



Settis's resignation should not be read as a response to the Minister Bondi but must be read, and in that the entire Board of Governors it is always aware of what the Government wants to do, la politica, quella con la A maiuscola dei beni e le attività culturali del nostro paese.
Pertanto, oggi a partire dal sottoscritto , la maggioranza dei Consiglieri aveva pronta la lettera di dimissioni ma abbiamo assunto la decisione all’unanimità ( eccetto Portoghesi ) di esprimere solidarietà e condivisione della posizione espressa dal Prof S Settis ma allo stesso di sospendere la seduta poiché qui non sono in gioco le sorti di due persone quali appunto Settis e Bondi bensi il futuro della cultura Italiana che con le scelte del Governo rischia di essere smantellata non tra anni ma nei prossimi mesi.
Tra l’altro il tentativo, grave di immaginare che un Presidente del Consiglio Superiore nonché gli stessi componenti , that represented a technical body, not subject to ministerial structure or indeed with the politician should be silent, compared to the drama of the situation would remove the right to freedom of speech and expression to which no one wants to give up.
Now the question arises as to discuss the resignation of Settis and what they represent in a public debate open to all invoking the responsibility of Bondi that led to this crisis.

Rome February 25, 2009
Gianfranco Cerasoli
Secretary General

Motion passed unanimously
The Higher Council for cultural heritage and landscape at its meeting on February 25 2009 expresses its full and unwavering soldarietà Prof Salvatore Settis against an unjustified and incomprehensible statement by the Minister in relation to public statements by the President of the High Council, not only legitimate but necessary, and then shared by the entire Board with respect to a incontrovertible situation of serious difficulties facing today the protection of Italian heritage.

Sample Real Estate Introduction Letters

savage fighting on Commissioner

the bitter clash sull'incomprensibile incredible commissioner of the Department of Archaeology of Rome and Ostia Antica puzzled everyone.
Disputes operation, the protests of trade unions and staff fall on deaf ears, no one is worthy to answer, nor the executive apparatus of the Ministry following the political.
the contrary, the hardness of the replies of the Minister Biondi, are addressed only to the criticism of Prof. Settis and are sufficient grounds for concern that can not only be a cultural exchange, as supported by many parts?
that behind all this is a clash of major economic interest in the management of the Italian cultural heritage? That someone is confusing the concept of the enhancement of the cultural commodification as? What is in place a skimming, a division of cultural heritage and sites to transform the reform of the Ministry in a new operation Alitalia?

Secretary General
Arch. Danilo De Girolamo


Sandro Bondi*
il giornale 23/02/2009

Intervento Caro Settis, il suo sensazionalismo non aiuta i musei

Il professor Salvatore Settis continua a dispiegare le sue molteplici doti. Archeologo di chiara fama, accademico dei Lincei, presidente del Consiglio superiore dei Beni Culturali, polemista di riferimento del Gruppo La Repubblica-Espresso, mostra ancora una time to prefer the complaint to the press rather than the simple act of service to institutions. Last interview with the weekly L 'Express reflects, in fact, not only the `ubiquity in which some of our best scholars, dimidiati as they are irresponsible in calling the limelight` el rigor just need to `work, but unfortunately, the dysfunction that afflicts much of the technical staff of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.

Professor Settis shoots to zero against "malagestionee 'of our museums and national historic and artistic heritage, the complaint more than a billion of the cuts imposed by the three-year financial and complains about the general climate of frustration that is to say his breath at the College Romano. Stupisce veder cadere nella rete del sensazionalismo medìatìco uno studioso tanto autorevole e stimato da esser stato più volte riconfermato a capo del massimo organo consultivo del ministero. Se avesse voluto cercare un espediente per rassegnare le dimissioni il professor Settis non ne avrebbe potuto trovare uno migliore. Ma tant`è.
Il dissenso di fondo che sembra oppone Settis ai vertici del ministero, di cui egli stesso fa parte, riguarda la valorizzazione e la tutela dei beni culturali, le due missioni istitutive dello stesso ministero sin dall`epoca della sua creazione a metà degli anni Settanta, ora, io considero mia precipua missione valorizzare il patrimonio dei beni culturali attraverso una gestione più razionale ed efficace than the traditional, giving space to new figures, with specific management skills, able for example to read a budget, draw up a financial program, or develop a plan for money. Consequently, I consider that to supervisors, namely the technical roles of the ministry, recruited with severe competition and envy of the world, the only tasks are incumbent protection.

To this end, we adopted a new regulation, now all it examined the State Council, which provides for a streamlining of central and peripheral direction of the ministry and the creation of a new direction for the heritage that will be left after the `Entry into force of the implementing regulation, manager in a well-known as Mario Resca.
Professor Settis would have expected a person with specific skills in terms of cultural management. And voting against the new regulation from the Ministry asked for and received the tasks of promotion and protection were not confused. Yet now, rather than get on the controversy on the opposition press, a coach like him, responsible for the main advisory body to the minister, he could invest your time better by making a series of urgent measures to remedy the "mismanagement" that he warns: that is redefining the criteria for the selection of our supervisors and before redrawing the same basis of preparation of the technical staff of the ministry, through ad hoc agreements to be concluded with the Italian universities, as well as foreign as the Bocconi Bard College, who have long engaged in cultural management courses and resources.

Our three thousand museums, our archaeological sites are in fact in the hands of scholars versed, very clear renowned experts, specialists disputed, but often pay in a deplorable state and languishing on the charts for number of visitors below the top twenty global institutions , although our most significant heritage of the world. Pompeii, for example, has for years been under the direction of Peter Guzzo, a leading expert on archeology in Rome.
But the state of neglect reported by the press, the many failures affecting tourists in what remains one of the most socially sensitive areas of the country, has necessitated the use of specific organizational and managerial skills, as is the same as the Roman Forum. Work together to lead the ministry, working for the institutions, not against, would be a step forward to renovate and improve our common mission. `
Minister for Cultural Heritage

Settis resigns in dispute with Bondi will leave other members of the Board of
THE REPUBLIC, February 24, 2009

A stark contrast to the appointment of Mario Resca. But even for loans of Leonardo and to the commissioner the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome

The standoff between Sandro Bondi and Savior Settis reached its peak. Tomorrow we meet at the High Council of Cultural Heritage and its members Settis of eighteen, who is chairman of the Council, read a letter of resignation.

very motivated and very hard, we hear. But not only the director of the Scuola Normale di Pisa, historian of ancient art and archeology, to leave. From the rumors that filter will be at least four, perhaps six out of office. And at that point no one knows what the fate of the main advisory body of the ministry.

Meanwhile back insistent rumors that the same Bondi departing from the ministry. The waiting for the post of coordinator of the PDL. In its place will be set up Gaetano Quagliariello, currently vice president of the Senate of the center, which also renew many of the staff that supports Bondi.

But as long as it is at the Roman College, Bondi pulls out his sword. The minister has reacted harshly to the latest statements Settis (a long interview in L'Express on Friday, at which the charge of the department responded with an article in the Journal). The clash has ancient roots, however, dissent on the lines of conduction of the ministry was most pronounced with the passage of time. Sometimes it is composed, but now it seems that it is not possible.

"If he had wanted to find an excuse to resign," wrote the minister, "Professor Settis could not find a better one." And what would be the trick? The sensationalist media, the newspapers have expressed his criticisms. Worse, according to the minister, in the case of 'opposition press'.

is this one of the reasons for failure. Settis agree not to gag. And as it was last July, when he denounced the cut of over a billion euro in the already uneven balance of the ministry (Undersecretary Francesco Giro actually fired him, but was later recovered an agreement with the minister), once again the director of Normal did not reject a challenge discussed initiatives of the ministry. Forte from being president of an advisory body and not a director of the Ministry, subject to bureaucratic constraints.

A stark contrast is revealed with his appointment as general manager Mario Resca, former CEO of McDonald's, which Bondi had initially given extraordinary powers over the management of museums, exhibitions, encroaching even in the field of protection.

The reaction of any association of preserving, collecting thousands of signatures and a clear rejection by the entire Board, chaired by Settis, Bondi led to a half astern, deemed unsatisfactory by many: Resca, who had no expertise in the field of cultural management, would address only the value (but the appointment has not yet formalized).

Settis and the Council had not concealed their dissent with the choice, for example, to pay for a museum of some drawings by Leonardo Nevada, an initiative strongly supported by Alain Elkann, a consultant at Bondi, but opposed by the Director of Royal Library of Turin, which kept those drawings.

The decision of the Commissioner Roman archaeological site has met the concerns of Settis, as well as the tough opposition of all officials of the Superintendence of Rome and Ostia and one of four university professors and Italian and foreign scholars.

All these and other initiatives of the ministry were conducive to the eyes of Settis, a progressive depletion of the Superintendent, on the other hand left to languish, weaken and de-legitimized.

Within a few years away from those offices will be many officers who will not be replaced. Within the next few months will remain uncovered some of the main places of superintendent.

is very difficult to put constraints of protection and some superintendents are afraid of not being supported by leaders of the ministry, always feel on the brink, threatened with transfer.
In this situation the edge of collapse, Commissioners have been established, whose functions are still uncertain. In Pompeii the commissioner
Renato Profili has no funds of its own but draws from the ordinary ones of the Superintendent.
In Rome, the Palatine from the Forum, Trajan's Markets in Ostia, it is unclear what will Bertolaso, head of Civil Protection. But it is the latter structure that, in the eyes of those who run the ministry, the test provides more guarantees the call launched by the Commissioner to take at Pompeii, even with duties as guardian, Civil Defence volunteers.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pokemon Dawns Up Skirt

commissioner superintendents ...

bertolaso01TT.jpg Insights and contributions of Piero Guzzo and Maria Pia Guermandi

A new commissioner and old problems Release date: 15/02/2009 Author: Guzzo, Pier Giovanni The polished, articulate commentary of the Superintendent of Pompeii and Naples on the events of ' Roman Archaeology. Written for eddyburg, February 13, 2009 (mpg)

policy of the emergency and the emergency policy Released: 13.02.2009 Author: Guermandi, Maria Pia

In recent days the attention of eddyburg, as is clear the sequence of interventions reported, it is divided between two dominant events: the story of yet Englaro used as a pretext to attack the Constitutional Charter and that of the Commissioner of the archeological world's most famous: it is far to field situations, but perhaps not so much for what they tell us of this sad reality Italian beyond the smoke screens of which, both, are cloaked.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quantaray Large Camera Backpack

NOT jokes about serious things?


Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma Tel 06/6723361 - 6792933 Fax 6782911 - E - Mail website

Circular N ° 1336 04/02/2009

Of all those responsible for UIL - BAC
All workers


The serious decision taken by the Government Commissioner of the archeological sites of Rome and Ostia are going in the direction to proceed with the dismantling of Superintendents and delegitimize the work of officers and staff from around the MIBAC logic in favor of measures that tend to pass through emergency rules and rules provided on the protection and public works.
UIL and the workers reject this operation and for that reason, as we did to Pompeii we have denounced the futility of such a measure in the case of Rome is even more murky because it creates a conflict of interest between who should control and monitoring.
For this reason, the UIL definitely reject the measure.
Among other things, the draft law on federalism Calderoli action, invading the camp, which was to be the exclusive powers of taxation, cultural heritage.
For these reasons, the ILO calls for a national mobilization of all workers in the Cultural Heritage, to reject this attack and launched an appeal to sign the letter should be sent to the Minister Berlusconi and requires the same Bondi and the convening of a board policy on this issue .
For this reason we invite all the monsters responsible for collecting the signatures of solidarity and sharing of all workers present in MIBAC each school and to want to send by fax to the National Secretariat who will send you straight to Bondi and Berlusconi.

Fraternal greetings

Gianfranco Cerasoli
Secretary General

Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma Tel 06/6723361 - 6792933 Fax 6782911 - E - Mail uilbac @ website

Chairman of the Board
On Silvio Berlusconi

The Minister for i Beni Culturali
Sen Sandro Bondi


Servizio: Segreteria Generale
Oggetto:Commissariamento aree
Archeologiche di Roma e Ostia

Scrivente Segreteria Generale esprime il dissenso più assoluto verso il Commissariamento delle aree archeologiche di Roma e di Ostia Antica con la nomina di Guido Bertolaso, capo della protezione civile, e dell’Assessore all’urbanistica del Comune di Roma, Marco Corsini, quali commissario straordinario e vicecommissario.
Tale decisione che mutua l’esperienza fallimentare del commissariamento di Pompei non risponde ad alcuna logica di rilancio delle aree archeologiche di Roma e Ostia che non hanno bisogno di commissari bensì di risorse destinate alla loro tutela, alla valorizzazione e alla promozione .
Il Commissariamento non porta alcuna risorsa aggiuntiva che possa consentirne il rilancio semmai aggrava la grave penuria di risorse poiché al pari di Pompei i commissari e vice commissari nonché gli staff hanno un costo che si scarica direttamente sui bilanci delle Soprintendenze in particolare della Soprintendenza speciale all’ Archeologia di Roma.
Peraltro appare del tutto immotivato il ricorso alle procedure di “protezione civile” poiché sino ad oggi gli organismi deputati alla tutela ma alla stessa protezione civile non hanno mai rilevato situazioni di pericolo e/o di degrado per arrivare ad un siffatto provvedimento emergency.
We rather inclined to think that such a measure intended to delegitimize the precious and irreplaceable role of the Superintendence and officials and professionals working in strict accordance with the principles of protection and therefore, probably have bothered to pursue those interests that want to help circumvent the rules and regulations prescribed by the law of cultural property and on public works.
Moreover, the decision to appoint a commissioner who has no competence in the field of cultural heritage and a deputy commissioner as project supervisor, Marco Corsini, appalesa clear conflicts of attribution because it creates a situation where there are multiple controls having that the dual function would be performed by the same individual institutions.
This is in line to dismantle the system of Superintendents and the role of the Ministry of Heritage and cultural activities in line with what is foreseen that the federalism in particular on the role to be given to the City of Rome.
The National Secretariat of the UIL is not totally agree with this approach and calls for a reversal of the decision of Commissioners and for this reason called the fight for all workers of Cultural Heritage, from those of Rome and Lazio proclaiming since d ' now the national mobilization with the concurrent request to open a political table with the Minister for Arts and Activities Cultural warning right now that in the absence of answers will be put in place all necessary actions to fight to block the measure and its effects.


INSTITUTE __________________________________________________________________________________________


_________________________ NAME NAME _______________________ COGNOME____________________________

Press CGIL

A disgraceful operation: Commissioners Archaeology in Rome

With a genuine
colpo di mano si commissaria l’Archeologia a Roma.

Una operazione discutibile, addirittura indecente, per come è nata e per i risvolti e gli obiettivi che si pone. Il Sottosegretario Giro dovrebbe vergognarsi delle incredibili affermazioni con le quali rivendica il merito del commissariamento: le Soprintendenze Archeologiche di Roma e Ostia hanno rappresentato e rappresentano una straordinaria esperienza professionale invidiata universalmente, altro che decenni di degrado, contribuendo al recupero ed alla valorizzazione della più importante zona archeologica del mondo, così come puntualmente espresso nella lettera petizione a firma del corpo tecnico scientifico pubblicata sul sito “Patrimonio SOS” e ripresa dalla stampa.

The commissioner comes with a pretext, an operation designed to share with the full table of the Minister of Bondi and with the support of Superintendent Bottini.

The Archaeology in Rome does not need the head of Civil Protection, which should more properly deal with real emergencies, not just the media-attractive.

Instead you use the mechanism of the supposed emergency that involves the indiscriminate use of the instrument of the ordinances, to pack an operation that will steal the state to protect this unique heritage to hand it concerned the Mayor of Rome, for obvious purposes of economic interests have little to do with the constitutional principle of the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.

FP CGIL is and will be with the workers and all those who care about the protection and preservation of our heritage and invites everyone to support the appeal launched on the world heritage site SOS ".

Rome, February 5, 2009

The National FP CGIL responsible MIBAC P. The Secretariat FP CGIL Lazio and Roma
Libero Rossi Claudio Meloni

National Coordination of Cultural Heritage
c / o Ministry Heritage and Culture - 00186 Rome - Via del Collegio Romano, 27
Tel 06 6723 2348-2889 6785 Fax 06 552 - - \u200b\




" The Minister for Heritage and Activities, Sandro Bondi continues to practice his favorite sport, as Commissioner - said Stephen Innocentini, deputy national secretary of the UNSA Confsal Cultural Heritage - Pompeii after the police without having obtained outstanding results he wanted to send a special commissioner also the Archaeological Superintendency of Rome and Ostia without a valid justification for the discredited practice ' function of the officials now say no to this decision of the Minister of the poet's cultural heritage. Superintendent
so up in arms - says the union - with the full support of the Cultural Heritage Confsal UNSA proposing a mobilization and a state of permanent agitation does not rule out a new closure of museums and monuments of Rome. The reasons
This special commissioner - Innocentini ends - are not plausible and do not support a measure that seems so much to start "selling" the Italian cultural heritage. Bondi back on his feet and I think that its action "reckless." We are tired of assisting the implementation of measures meaningless. If Bond does not understand that this will not behead the culture remains the institution of the resignation. "
Rome, February 5, 2009
Confsal - UNSA Beniculturali
Tel 06 6723 2348 / 2889

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What To Do After You Pop Your Cherry

What's cooking?

these are the first results of so-called "federal"

Everything seems to begin with, in an almost random, with the establishment of a technical committee for the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome

(, cs & id = 2978), which becomes the occasion for the minister to launch the initiative Biondi, inexplicable, commissioner of two of the most important archaeological superintendence of the world, that of Rome and Ostia Antica.

Unexplained because the press does not explain the reasons for it and the fact that there are particular problems of public policy, it's Mafia infiltration, or any other serious reasons that may justify even the appointment as Commissioner Special Bertolaso.
We are amazed by the fact that he has agreed not represent the Minister and the Government that there had been no earthquake.
Unfortunately, the measure, implicitly highlights the lack of consideration of both the government, the minister, to the professional skills of managers and all technical and administrative officials of concerned superintendents, and more.
While governments and ministers go, it is more serious is the silence of the Secretary-General and Director-Generals, who lives about the real operating conditions of the superintendents.
waiting to hear official statements of the minister or his office press and why not, from the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome Dr. Bottini, as regent of the Superintendent of Ostia Dr. Moretti, we can only highlight the superficiality of certain decisions and certain statements that go further to mortify the daily work of thousands of employees, despite the lack of attention by governments and central bodies still remaining in their work and their talents to the preservation and compatible development of the cultural heritage that history has assigned to Italy.

As succinctly stated and for the thirty years of professional knowledge and direct and personal with all the staff and the staff of the Archaeological Superintendence Rome and Ostia Antica, as a union of professionals and high professionalism PHEIC-TECSTAT-MINISTRIES, we can not refrain from stigmatizing those procedures and those ads that formulated in these terms leaves everyone puzzled, we also report, as endorsed, the various contributions on the network and to join and sign letters of protest from colleagues.

The Secretary-General
arch. Danilo De Girolamo

source: Aug PRESS 30/01/2009 20:01

(AGO PRESS) was sworn in today, in the presence Minister for Arts and Culture, Sandro Bondi, and the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, the technical board for the archaeological problems of Rome. The table will work for the protection, enhancement and promotion of the whole site through slums, the safety of monuments and a communication strategy to make places accessible and recognizable to visitors. During the meeting, Bondi was planning to propose to the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, a separate order that requires extraordinary powers, including civil protection, to solve the problems of the entire archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome and Ostia Antica, through the appointment of the Secretary State, Guido Bertolaso, as extraordinary commissioner, councilor of the Municipality of Rome and the Politics of Planning and Territorial Planning, Marco Corsini, as project supervisor.

Cultural Heritage, and De Biasi Ghizzoni Minister Bondi little doubt commissioner supervision

Ghizzoni and De Biasi, "will present parliamentary question"

"We have many concerns about all ' Bondi plans announced by the Minister of Commissioners of the Rome Superintendency for solving the problems of the entire Roman archaeological site of Ostia Antica. " The state leader of the Democratic Party in the House Committee on Culture, Manuela Ghizzoni and the secretary of the Bureau of the Chamber, Emilia De Biasi on the decision of the Minister for Cultural Heritage to propose the appointment of Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200band Marco Corsini, respectively Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner for the extraordinary and archaeological sites of Rome and Ostia Antica.
"We do not share - stress - the decision to use a different organism than those institutionally responsible for the protection of cultural heritage and the intention to act at variance with the existing legislation." "Both the Constitution that the Code of Cultural Heritage - specify - give the functions of protection on the part of the state, represented at the highest level by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, on the territory through the Superintendent of the field. Issues relating to the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome, mentioned by the minister, are the result of choices they have in recent years led to the chronic shortage of qualified scientific personnel and resources, compared to an urban area with the highest density of archaeological site in the world . In this regard the use of special tools
a striking contrast with the decision not to ban any place for archaeologists in the region during the recent national competition and with the drastic reduction of funds allocated to Mibac for the next three years. "
"As previously reported da alcune associazioni, tra le quali dall’Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (Ana), Italia Nostra e PatrimonioSOS in questo modo il Governo esautora il corpo degli Archeologi, degli Architetti e di tutto il personale tecnico-amministrativo della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma della pienezza del proprio ruolo istituzionale. In questo modo si determina
uno svuotamento di funzioni, in evidente e gravissimo contrasto con ogni criterio di economicità e di controllo della Pubblica Amministrazione, e un pregiudizio per la produttività dell’Ente pubblico tanto proclamata dal Governo e in particolare dal Ministro Brunetta”.
“Sulle ragioni del commissariamento - conclude - presenteremo una interrogazione parlamentare”
Roma, 3 febbraio 2009

No al commissariamento della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma
Data di pubblicazione: 04.02.2009

La reazione, fermissima, del personale della Soprintendenza romana in stato di agitazione permanente per difendere l’articolo 9 della Costituzione, 3 febbraio 2009 (m.p.g.)


Il corpo tecnico-scientifico della Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, avuta notizia dell’annuncio da parte del Ministro Bondi della richiesta di un commissariamento straordinario del proprio Ufficio, ricordando il dettato Constitution, existing legislation and its institutional obligations in relation to the protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage of Rome, not plausible considering the reasons given in support of such a serious measure, which only a 'civil protection emergency might justify declaring a state of permanent agitation.

The appointment of a Special Commissioner, currently Head of the Department of Civil Protection, a deputy actuator (inconsistent Deputy Mayor of the City of Rome) and external scientific and technical consultants, as well as to place the activities of the protection of the out of ordinary, in fact deprives the body of Archaeologists, of Architects and the entire administrative staff, the fullness of its institutional role leading to an overlap (or maybe a better emptying) function in stark contrast to any serious policy of economy and control of public administration, as well as the enhancement its productivity as proclaimed by the Government and in particular the Minister of Public Administration.

It 'clear that the objectives are other than those stated in the press to create a single use of the Archaeological Center of Rome, which would be enough for a simple memorandum of understanding between state and municipal offices, which was ratified by the bodies administrative control for the economic recovery of tickets, as well as with regard to the need for urgent works aimed at the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, since it is well known to all as the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage Rome, with constant efforts and technical and scientific competence has been able to respond positively to challenging other extraordinary events such as the Law Biasini, Capital of the law for Rome, the Jubilee 2000, the National Plan for Archaeology and the funds of the Lotto game , showing spending power and breadth of results.

This maneuver is linked instead to the most serious political confrontation - whose roughness is known to all - on the transfer of power in Rome on capital preservation and enhancement of historic and artistic heritage, particularly archaeological. The management (and revenues), because this is it, Monumental Archaeological Areas of global significance, such as the Colosseum, the Domus Aurea, Fori Imperiali, are the real driving force behind that story, which is a prelude to a new management structure Perhaps privatization of law?

The technical-scientific body of Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Rome forcefully denounced - and appeals to every citizen, institutional representatives, parliamentary and political, for each lawyer and constitutional expert, each institute national and international research, each member who wants to share this view - the risk of the mandatory destruction of an office for the protection of great historical and cultural significance, with an unbridgeable gap for knowledge, the protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage of Rome, by determining the urban area of \u200b\u200ba 'high-income Archaeology "and'" Archaeology without income, "the basic principles of the Republic, as guaranteed by Art. 9 of the Constitution, for which the value of the protection of cultural heritage is superordinate to all other interests, including economic.

Anna Paola Ines Anzidei
Luigia Attilia
Giovanna Bandini
Mariarosaria Barbera
Maria Bartoli Calogero
Marina Bertinetti

Anna Silvia Borghini
Buccellato Antonio Federico Daniel Caiola
Alessandra Capodiferro

Francesco Caputo Paola Tiziana Catalano
Fiorenzo Catalli
Laura Cianfriglia
Antonio Cirillo
Olimpia Colacicchi
Matilde De Angelis d'Ossat
Roberto Egidi
Maria Grazia phyletic

Fedora Filippi Filippini Paola Rosanna
Carmelo La Micela
Maria Gloria Leonetti
Marina Magnani Cianetti
Piero Giuseppe Morganti
Simona Morretta

Patrick Paoloni Stefano Musco
Elio Paparatti
Debora Papetti
Rita Paris
Marina Piranomonte
Fulvia Polinari
Paola Quaranta Rossella Rea

James Remaining
Cristina Robotti
Miria Roghi
Daniela Rossi Rita
Renato Sebastiani
Mirella Serlorenzi
Francesco Taviani Spicaglia
Antonio Tomasello Maria Antonietta Tomei Laura

Luigi Antonello Vergantini

Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Ostia

COMMUNIQUE 04/02/2009

The staff of the Superintendency i Archaeological Heritage of Ostia Antica is recognized and does just the press of the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome, of their intended commissioner of both offices.
future identity is emerging, in fact, even for the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bOstia Antica, according to the release of 01.30.2009 of the Minister Bondi, will be included within the specific order that will provide for "extraordinary powers, including civil protection ... ... ... .. through the appointment of the Secretary of State Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200bas Special Commissioner and Councillor of the Municipality of Rome to the Policy Planning and Territorial Planning Marco Corsini as implementing body. "
In agreeing with the analysis made by colleagues from the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome is a must emphasize that the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bOstia Antica, as you can see any visitor, not in objective situations of degradation and emergency justifying the use of extraordinary powers (including civil protection), or on it there is a problem of overlapping responsibilities between the State and local authorities who, according to the statement by Minister Bondi, will be "resolved" with the establishment of the technical board member sworn in on 1/30/2009 to identify a Common address protection, enhancement and promotion. "
The announced measures, which, it should be remembered, is to le aree archeologiche più prestigiose e considerate a più alto “reddito” della nostra regione, mortifica, inoltre, la professionalità di tutto il personale di Ostia (dai tecnici, agli amministrativi, agli addetti alla vigilanza) e svuota, di fatto, di contenuti l’attività della Soprintendenza impegnata da sempre sui due aspetti fondamentali ed inscindibili del proprio lavoro: la tutela dei beni e la valorizzazione della aree archeologiche e dei monumenti di competenza.
Ci uniamo, dunque, all’appello dei colleghi della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma affinché chi condivide le nostre opinioni, dal singolo cittadino sino ai rappresentanti istituzionali, faccia sentire la propria voce a difesa del Here are the common heritage


Adriani Marina
Luigi Amato Giovanna
Archpriest Peter Barraco
Margaret Bedell
Biondi Claudio
Buttacavoli Calogero

Cerquetti Viviana Casu Mirella
Colaianni Nunzia
Conticello Giuseppina Costabile
Joseph Cucinotta From
Paul D'Aleo
Di Maria Di Giacomo
Casimirri Ileana Adriana
Giuliana Genovese Anna Falchi Stefania

Germoni Paola Stefania
Giampaolo Maria Teresa Franco

Masciangioli Marco Marzi Patrizia Melis

Susanna Morelli Marco
Morelli Cinzia
Notaro Roberta
Orlando Adriana
Pandolfi Sabrina
Paroli Lidia
Pecoroni Giancarlo
Pellegrino Angelo
Pietrini Stefania
Ponzo Orlando
Prestopino Alfredo
Renda Ida
Rinaldi Marta
Roglia Paola
Romanelli Franchino
Rossigno Grazia
Rossigno Laura
Segantini Giorgio
Seno Manuela
Sgreccia Fabiola
Spanu Mario
Stanco Lucia
Stani Stefano
Stronati Giuseppe
Tartabini Giancarlo
Tomei Patrizia
Tortora Franca
Virzì Margherita


E 'these days, the proposal of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Sandro Bondi, Commissioner of the Superintendence of Rome and Ostia, entrusting to Bertolaso \u200b\u200b(Civil Protection) and instructing the City's planning department of the City of Rome , Marco Corsini, as the subject actuator. This is a clear plan to kick off the worst speculation not only planning (withdrawing all the controls and constraints) but most of 'business' on OUR Cultural Heritage. Empty the powers of the Superintendence is unacceptable. Will contracts 'fast' to create a sort of Disneyland with gladiators and centurions, as indicated by Deputy Mayor Cutrufo is ridiculous.

We have seen in recent visit to the level deterioration of the assets of the XIII Municipio, due not to the Superintendency of Ostia, but the lack of funds allocated to this way of working poor and the Departments of Rome (including the right of Marco Corsini). You do not need extraordinary powers, but serves to restore the ordinary. They are destroying our country, we must stop them.

We send each of us (diffondiamola) an email at the following addresses (remember that the Public Relations Office - Office of Public Relations, was established by Law 150/2000 "Regulation of information and communication activities of public administration" to ensure the exercise of rights to information, access and participation for citizens, referred to L.241/1990):