What's cooking? these are the first results of so-called "federal"
Everything seems to begin with, in an almost random, with the establishment of a technical committee for the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome
( http://www.beniculturali.it/sala/dettaglio-comunicato.asp?nd=ss, cs & id = 2978), which becomes the occasion for the minister to launch the initiative Biondi, inexplicable, commissioner of two of the most important archaeological superintendence of the world, that of Rome and Ostia Antica.
Unexplained because the press does not explain the reasons for it and the fact that there are particular problems of public policy, it's Mafia infiltration, or any other serious reasons that may justify even the appointment as Commissioner Special Bertolaso.
We are amazed by the fact that he has agreed not represent the Minister and the Government that there had been no earthquake.
Unfortunately, the measure, implicitly highlights the lack of consideration of both the government, the minister, to the professional skills of managers and all technical and administrative officials of concerned superintendents, and more.
While governments and ministers go, it is more serious is the silence of the Secretary-General and Director-Generals, who lives about the real operating conditions of the superintendents.
waiting to hear official statements of the minister or his office press and why not, from the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome Dr. Bottini, as regent of the Superintendent of Ostia Dr. Moretti, we can only highlight the superficiality of certain decisions and certain statements that go further to mortify the daily work of thousands of employees, despite the lack of attention by governments and central bodies still remaining in their work and their talents to the preservation and compatible development of the cultural heritage that history has assigned to Italy.
As succinctly stated and for the thirty years of professional knowledge and direct and personal with all the staff and the staff of the Archaeological Superintendence Rome and Ostia Antica, as a union of professionals and high professionalism PHEIC-TECSTAT-MINISTRIES, we can not refrain from stigmatizing those procedures and those ads that formulated in these terms leaves everyone puzzled, we also report, as endorsed, the various contributions on the network and to join and sign letters of protest from colleagues.
The Secretary-General
arch. Danilo De Girolamo
source: Aug PRESS 30/01/2009 20:01
(AGO PRESS) was sworn in today, in the presence Minister for Arts and Culture, Sandro Bondi, and the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, the technical board for the archaeological problems of Rome. The table will work for the protection, enhancement and promotion of the whole site through slums, the safety of monuments and a communication strategy to make places accessible and recognizable to visitors. During the meeting, Bondi was planning to propose to the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, a separate order that requires extraordinary powers, including civil protection, to solve the problems of the entire archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome and Ostia Antica, through the appointment of the Secretary State, Guido Bertolaso, as extraordinary commissioner, councilor of the Municipality of Rome and the Politics of Planning and Territorial Planning, Marco Corsini, as project supervisor.
Cultural Heritage, and De Biasi Ghizzoni Minister Bondi little doubt commissioner supervision
Ghizzoni and De Biasi, "will present parliamentary question"
"We have many concerns about all ' Bondi plans announced by the Minister of Commissioners of the Rome Superintendency for solving the problems of the entire Roman archaeological site of Ostia Antica. " The state leader of the Democratic Party in the House Committee on Culture, Manuela Ghizzoni and the secretary of the Bureau of the Chamber, Emilia De Biasi on the decision of the Minister for Cultural Heritage to propose the appointment of Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200band Marco Corsini, respectively Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner for the extraordinary and archaeological sites of Rome and Ostia Antica.
"We do not share - stress - the decision to use a different organism than those institutionally responsible for the protection of cultural heritage and the intention to act at variance with the existing legislation." "Both the Constitution that the Code of Cultural Heritage - specify - give the functions of protection on the part of the state, represented at the highest level by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, on the territory through the Superintendent of the field. Issues relating to the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome, mentioned by the minister, are the result of choices they have in recent years led to the chronic shortage of qualified scientific personnel and resources, compared to an urban area with the highest density of archaeological site in the world . In this regard the use of special tools
a striking contrast with the decision not to ban any place for archaeologists in the region during the recent national competition and with the drastic reduction of funds allocated to Mibac for the next three years. "
"As previously reported da alcune associazioni, tra le quali dall’Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (Ana), Italia Nostra e PatrimonioSOS in questo modo il Governo esautora il corpo degli Archeologi, degli Architetti e di tutto il personale tecnico-amministrativo della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma della pienezza del proprio ruolo istituzionale. In questo modo si determina
uno svuotamento di funzioni, in evidente e gravissimo contrasto con ogni criterio di economicità e di controllo della Pubblica Amministrazione, e un pregiudizio per la produttività dell’Ente pubblico tanto proclamata dal Governo e in particolare dal Ministro Brunetta”.
“Sulle ragioni del commissariamento - conclude - presenteremo una interrogazione parlamentare”
Roma, 3 febbraio 2009
No al commissariamento della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma
Data di pubblicazione: 04.02.2009
La reazione, fermissima, del personale della Soprintendenza romana in stato di agitazione permanente per difendere l’articolo 9 della Costituzione, 3 febbraio 2009 (m.p.g.)
Il corpo tecnico-scientifico della Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, avuta notizia dell’annuncio da parte del Ministro Bondi della richiesta di un commissariamento straordinario del proprio Ufficio, ricordando il dettato Constitution, existing legislation and its institutional obligations in relation to the protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage of Rome, not plausible considering the reasons given in support of such a serious measure, which only a 'civil protection emergency might justify declaring a state of permanent agitation.
The appointment of a Special Commissioner, currently Head of the Department of Civil Protection, a deputy actuator (inconsistent Deputy Mayor of the City of Rome) and external scientific and technical consultants, as well as to place the activities of the protection of the out of ordinary, in fact deprives the body of Archaeologists, of Architects and the entire administrative staff, the fullness of its institutional role leading to an overlap (or maybe a better emptying) function in stark contrast to any serious policy of economy and control of public administration, as well as the enhancement its productivity as proclaimed by the Government and in particular the Minister of Public Administration.
It 'clear that the objectives are other than those stated in the press to create a single use of the Archaeological Center of Rome, which would be enough for a simple memorandum of understanding between state and municipal offices, which was ratified by the bodies administrative control for the economic recovery of tickets, as well as with regard to the need for urgent works aimed at the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, since it is well known to all as the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage Rome, with constant efforts and technical and scientific competence has been able to respond positively to challenging other extraordinary events such as the Law Biasini, Capital of the law for Rome, the Jubilee 2000, the National Plan for Archaeology and the funds of the Lotto game , showing spending power and breadth of results.
This maneuver is linked instead to the most serious political confrontation - whose roughness is known to all - on the transfer of power in Rome on capital preservation and enhancement of historic and artistic heritage, particularly archaeological. The management (and revenues), because this is it, Monumental Archaeological Areas of global significance, such as the Colosseum, the Domus Aurea, Fori Imperiali, are the real driving force behind that story, which is a prelude to a new management structure Perhaps privatization of law?
The technical-scientific body of Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Rome forcefully denounced - and appeals to every citizen, institutional representatives, parliamentary and political, for each lawyer and constitutional expert, each institute national and international research, each member who wants to share this view - the risk of the mandatory destruction of an office for the protection of great historical and cultural significance, with an unbridgeable gap for knowledge, the protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage of Rome, by determining the urban area of \u200b\u200ba 'high-income Archaeology "and'" Archaeology without income, "the basic principles of the Republic, as guaranteed by Art. 9 of the Constitution, for which the value of the protection of cultural heritage is superordinate to all other interests, including economic.
Anna Paola Ines Anzidei
Luigia Attilia
Giovanna Bandini
Mariarosaria Barbera
Maria Bartoli Calogero
Marina Bertinetti
Anna Silvia Borghini
Buccellato Antonio Federico Daniel Caiola
Alessandra Capodiferro
Francesco Caputo Paola Tiziana Catalano
Fiorenzo Catalli
Laura Cianfriglia
Antonio Cirillo
Olimpia Colacicchi
Matilde De Angelis d'Ossat
Roberto Egidi
Maria Grazia phyletic
Fedora Filippi Filippini Paola Rosanna
Carmelo La Micela
Maria Gloria Leonetti
Marina Magnani Cianetti
Piero Giuseppe Morganti
Simona Morretta
Patrick Paoloni Stefano Musco
Elio Paparatti
Debora Papetti
Rita Paris
Marina Piranomonte
Fulvia Polinari
Paola Quaranta Rossella Rea
James Remaining
Cristina Robotti
Miria Roghi
Daniela Rossi Rita
Renato Sebastiani
Mirella Serlorenzi
Francesco Taviani Spicaglia
Antonio Tomasello Maria Antonietta Tomei Laura
Luigi Antonello Vergantini
Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Ostia
COMMUNIQUE 04/02/2009
The staff of the Superintendency i Archaeological Heritage of Ostia Antica is recognized and does just the press of the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome, of their intended commissioner of both offices.
future identity is emerging, in fact, even for the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bOstia Antica, according to the release of 01.30.2009 of the Minister Bondi, will be included within the specific order that will provide for "extraordinary powers, including civil protection ... ... ... .. through the appointment of the Secretary of State Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200bas Special Commissioner and Councillor of the Municipality of Rome to the Policy Planning and Territorial Planning Marco Corsini as implementing body. "
In agreeing with the analysis made by colleagues from the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome is a must emphasize that the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bOstia Antica, as you can see any visitor, not in objective situations of degradation and emergency justifying the use of extraordinary powers (including civil protection), or on it there is a problem of overlapping responsibilities between the State and local authorities who, according to the statement by Minister Bondi, will be "resolved" with the establishment of the technical board member sworn in on 1/30/2009 to identify a Common address protection, enhancement and promotion. "
The announced measures, which, it should be remembered, is to le aree archeologiche più prestigiose e considerate a più alto “reddito” della nostra regione, mortifica, inoltre, la professionalità di tutto il personale di Ostia (dai tecnici, agli amministrativi, agli addetti alla vigilanza) e svuota, di fatto, di contenuti l’attività della Soprintendenza impegnata da sempre sui due aspetti fondamentali ed inscindibili del proprio lavoro: la tutela dei beni e la valorizzazione della aree archeologiche e dei monumenti di competenza.
Ci uniamo, dunque, all’appello dei colleghi della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma affinché chi condivide le nostre opinioni, dal singolo cittadino sino ai rappresentanti istituzionali, faccia sentire la propria voce a difesa del Here are the common heritage
Adriani Marina
Luigi Amato Giovanna
Archpriest Peter Barraco
Margaret Bedell
Biondi Claudio
Buttacavoli Calogero
Cerquetti Viviana Casu Mirella
Colaianni Nunzia
Conticello Giuseppina Costabile
Joseph Cucinotta From
Paul D'Aleo
Di Maria Di Giacomo
Casimirri Ileana Adriana
Giuliana Genovese Anna Falchi Stefania
Germoni Paola Stefania
Giampaolo Maria Teresa Franco
Masciangioli Marco Marzi Patrizia Melis
Susanna Morelli Marco
Morelli Cinzia
Notaro Roberta
Orlando Adriana
Pandolfi Sabrina
Paroli Lidia
Pecoroni Giancarlo
Pellegrino Angelo
Pietrini Stefania
Ponzo Orlando
Prestopino Alfredo
Renda Ida
Rinaldi Marta
Roglia Paola
Romanelli Franchino
Rossigno Grazia
Rossigno Laura
Segantini Giorgio
Seno Manuela
Sgreccia Fabiola
Spanu Mario
Stanco Lucia
Stani Stefano
Stronati Giuseppe
Tartabini Giancarlo
Tomei Patrizia
Tortora Franca
Virzì Margherita
DA http://groups.google.com/group/quartieredragoncello/browse_thread/thread/702b49b2002a1ac7
E 'these days, the proposal of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Sandro Bondi, Commissioner of the Superintendence of Rome and Ostia, entrusting to Bertolaso \u200b\u200b(Civil Protection) and instructing the City's planning department of the City of Rome , Marco Corsini, as the subject actuator. This is a clear plan to kick off the worst speculation not only planning (withdrawing all the controls and constraints) but most of 'business' on OUR Cultural Heritage. Empty the powers of the Superintendence is unacceptable. Will contracts 'fast' to create a sort of Disneyland with gladiators and centurions, as indicated by Deputy Mayor Cutrufo is ridiculous.
We have seen in recent visit to the level deterioration of the assets of the XIII Municipio, due not to the Superintendency of Ostia, but the lack of funds allocated to this way of working poor and the Departments of Rome (including the right of Marco Corsini). You do not need extraordinary powers, but serves to restore the ordinary. They are destroying our country, we must stop them.
We send each of us (diffondiamola) an email at the following addresses (remember that the Public Relations Office - Office of Public Relations, was established by Law 150/2000 "Regulation of information and communication activities of public administration" to ensure the exercise of rights to information, access and participation for citizens, referred to L.241/1990):