"who believes that exponential growth can continue indefinitely in a finite world is a fool or an economist," so the thought of the American economist Kenneth Boulding. What may seem a reflection of all logic and undisputable, there seems to be the line of thinking that has characterized economic development belonging to the company's growth. The concept of development, which in its historical evolution has produced several models ideals, has always been closely related to the economic factor. We have built a mythical view of the concept, to meet the wishes and aspirations of all, a process that allows humans to develop their personality. You under the eyes of all the development we are talking about has never been achieved in any country, and in many cases has helped to widen the gap between the countries of Northern and Southern countries, making it the first draft plan development aid that are dealt with vaguely humanitarian, with the ultimate aim of alleviating the problems arising from economic and monetary crises of the same energy in developed countries. The development actually exists can be defined as a process that leads to commodify relationships between men and between men and nature. The fortunes of this concept is due to its application in the Second World War and the impetuous advance of the nineteenth century. The development has never released from the (erroneous) belief that the welfare of a country depends upon the growth of its Gross Domestic Product. In this respect, it is assumed that an increase of this indicator corresponds to an improvement in living conditions. This quest for improvement has also taken an ethical value, earning as much as possible is a real objective morality "always work harder, produce more and more, yet consumes definitely save and invest without limit." The company's growth has linked its fate to an organization founded on the accumulation unlimited and soon there will be a slowdown will have a crisis. To survive, the system needs a few ingredients like advertising and product obsolescence.
The first element is the second budget in the world after arms, while the second crucial element is the weapon of consumerism: lifetimes of objects as possible and excessive repair costs. All this helps to clog the landfills with mountains of refrigerators, dishwashers and other appliances. The impact on the environment turns out to be devastating, in fact, are burned in a few decades has produced resources that the planet millions of years. In addition to natural disasters and climate change, we will soon face of wars for oil and even more important will be those for water. The cause of all this are the styles of life fondati sulla crescita illimitata che portano gli individui ad essere definiti tossicodipendenti della crescita. In questa situazione ciò che risulta necessario per risolvere i problemi è un cambio di rotta. Questa sterzata deve essere netta e può essere realizzata soltanto dalla società della decrescita. Innanzitutto bisogna abbandonare la concezione della crescita illimitata; altrettanto importante è il cambiamento degli stili di vita degli individui. Realizzare la decrescita felice è una necessità per salvare le nostre vite. Ma cos'è la decrescita felice?
Bisogna chiarire il fatto che essa non rappresenta lo sviluppo sostenibile decantato da tutti. Infatti questo è venuto fuori nell'ambito del vertice di Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and found a concept that seeks to change the terms without real change in things. The "sustainable" is so trendy that it is everywhere: social sustainability, financial sustainability, sustainable use, sustainable cities, sustainable management, organization development, sustainable consumption, sustainable democracy. The surface application of sustainability to save and continue to spread the current model of development, the greatest weapon of mass destruction conceived by humankind, as demonstrated by the ecological and social catastrophe, in practice they deal with the effects without ever considering the causes . The decrease happy is a real cultural revolution. It is a multidimensional concept that is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bvoluntarily reduce the production of certain goods which are not needed or are harmful, or that they are property. "The decline will simply overturn the lifestyles and restore the rational use of the human brain and the rational use of energy. The aim is to rediscover the pleasures of social life in a manner no more selfish but selfless. Rediscover the pleasure of food self of convivial life, of being together to address the problems of the local community having a holistic and pragmatic approach to the subjects addressed. Degrowth means reappropriation of public goods and protect them. It means to drink tap water but safe, means entrusting the management of the companies actually also made public by the citizens and not by a corporation SpA For all these reasons, the decline is not happy place amongst the current political spectrum, whether left or right, for the trivial reason that the rights are not of a political party, but of all. Eating healthy foods and quality, public drinking water and clean, use energy rationally, all this and more choices are pure common sense, are the result of policy actions that do not have a political flag. "It may seem impractical or a road possible only in our minds, but it is not. Indeed, there are several communities across Italy, which already apply the principles of R 8, or a practical strategy to achieve the decrease through 8 keywords (revalue, reconceptualize, refurbish, redeploy, relocate, reduce, reuse and recycle), theorized by Serge Latouche. The great transformation to build the company's decline can be represented as the articulation of these eight ambitious changes that reinforce iterdipendenti in a reciprocal manner. The actions of decrease as the energy savings do not want us to go back in time, but they are obtainable only through the development of advanced technologies capable of being able to consume, and then disperse, less energy. For example, a building that needs a smaller amount of energy contributes a ridurre il prodotto interno lordo. Tutte le innovazioni tecnologiche che riducono l'impronta ecologica, ovvero la quantità di superficie terrestre necessaria a ogni individuo per ricavare le risorse di cui ha bisogno, consentendo al contempo la loro rigenerazione, comportano una decrescita economica che contribuisce a migliorare la qualità degli ambienti e la vita degli esseri umani. Queste come le altre numerose azioni di buon senso saranno oggetto della nostra rubrica al fine di diffondere anche nella nostra regione miglioramenti della qualità della vita ottenibili solamente attraverso una diminuzione del pil; una decrescita felice. In una situazione del genere sarebbe molto utile riscoprire la saggezza della lumaca.
Come ci insegna Ivan Illich, la lumaca costruisce la delicata architettura del suo guscio aggiungendo una dopo l'altra delle spire sempre più larghe, poi smette bruscamente e comincia a creare delle circonvoluzioni stavolta decrescenti. Una sola spira più larga darebbe al guscio una dimensione sedici volte più grande. Invece di contribuire al benessere dell'animale, lo graverebbe di un peso eccessivo.
A quel punto, qualsiasi aumento della sua produttività servirebbe unicamente a rimediare alle difficoltà create da una dimensione del guscio superiore ai limiti fissati dalla sua finalità. Superato il punto limite dell'ingrandimento delle spire, i problemi della crescita eccessiva si moltiplicano in progressione geometrica, mentre la capacità biologica della lumaca può seguire soltanto, nel migliore dei casi, una progressione aritmetica." Questo divorzio della lumaca dalla ragione geometrica ci mostra la via per pensare una società della decrescita, felice e conviviale.
Fonti: S. Latouche, «Giustizia senza limiti. La sfida dell'etica in una economia mondializzata», 2003
J.P. Besset, «La scelta difficile. Come salvarsi dal progresso senza essere reazionari», 2007.
M. Pallante, «La decrescita felice», 2005.
M. Pallante, «Che cos'è la decrescita».
P. Carpentieri, «Cos'è la decrescita».
Fonti: S. Latouche, «Giustizia senza limiti. La sfida dell'etica in una economia mondializzata», 2003
J.P. Besset, «La scelta difficile. Come salvarsi dal progresso senza essere reazionari», 2007.
M. Pallante, «La decrescita felice», 2005.
M. Pallante, «Che cos'è la decrescita».
P. Carpentieri, «Cos'è la decrescita».
I. Illich, «Le Genre vernaculaire», 2005