Friday, February 25, 2011

Samples Letters Disconnection Of Water

The company's decrease happy

"who believes that exponential growth can continue indefinitely in a finite world is a fool or an economist," so the thought of the American economist Kenneth Boulding. What may seem a reflection of all logic and undisputable, there seems to be the line of thinking that has characterized economic development belonging to the company's growth. The concept of development, which in its historical evolution has produced several models ideals, has always been closely related to the economic factor. We have built a mythical view of the concept, to meet the wishes and aspirations of all, a process that allows humans to develop their personality. You under the eyes of all the development we are talking about has never been achieved in any country, and in many cases has helped to widen the gap between the countries of Northern and Southern countries, making it the first draft plan development aid that are dealt with vaguely humanitarian, with the ultimate aim of alleviating the problems arising from economic and monetary crises of the same energy in developed countries. The development actually exists can be defined as a process that leads to commodify relationships between men and between men and nature. The fortunes of this concept is due to its application in the Second World War and the impetuous advance of the nineteenth century. The development has never released from the (erroneous) belief that the welfare of a country depends upon the growth of its Gross Domestic Product. In this respect, it is assumed that an increase of this indicator corresponds to an improvement in living conditions. This quest for improvement has also taken an ethical value, earning as much as possible is a real objective morality "always work harder, produce more and more, yet consumes definitely save and invest without limit." The company's growth has linked its fate to an organization founded on the accumulation unlimited and soon there will be a slowdown will have a crisis. To survive, the system needs a few ingredients like advertising and product obsolescence.
The first element is the second budget in the world after arms, while the second crucial element is the weapon of consumerism: lifetimes of objects as possible and excessive repair costs. All this helps to clog the landfills with mountains of refrigerators, dishwashers and other appliances. The impact on the environment turns out to be devastating, in fact, are burned in a few decades has produced resources that the planet millions of years. In addition to natural disasters and climate change, we will soon face of wars for oil and even more important will be those for water. The cause of all this are the styles of life fondati sulla crescita illimitata che portano gli individui ad essere definiti tossicodipendenti della crescita. In questa situazione ciò che risulta necessario per risolvere i problemi è un cambio di rotta. Questa sterzata deve essere netta e può essere realizzata soltanto dalla società della decrescita. Innanzitutto bisogna abbandonare la concezione della crescita illimitata; altrettanto importante è il cambiamento degli stili di vita degli individui. Realizzare la decrescita felice è una necessità per salvare le nostre vite. Ma cos'è la decrescita felice?
Bisogna chiarire il fatto che essa non rappresenta lo sviluppo sostenibile decantato da tutti. Infatti questo è venuto fuori nell'ambito del vertice di Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and found a concept that seeks to change the terms without real change in things. The "sustainable" is so trendy that it is everywhere: social sustainability, financial sustainability, sustainable use, sustainable cities, sustainable management, organization development, sustainable consumption, sustainable democracy. The surface application of sustainability to save and continue to spread the current model of development, the greatest weapon of mass destruction conceived by humankind, as demonstrated by the ecological and social catastrophe, in practice they deal with the effects without ever considering the causes . The decrease happy is a real cultural revolution. It is a multidimensional concept that is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bvoluntarily reduce the production of certain goods which are not needed or are harmful, or that they are property. "The decline will simply overturn the lifestyles and restore the rational use of the human brain and the rational use of energy. The aim is to rediscover the pleasures of social life in a manner no more selfish but selfless. Rediscover the pleasure of food self of convivial life, of being together to address the problems of the local community having a holistic and pragmatic approach to the subjects addressed. Degrowth means reappropriation of public goods and protect them. It means to drink tap water but safe, means entrusting the management of the companies actually also made public by the citizens and not by a corporation SpA For all these reasons, the decline is not happy place amongst the current political spectrum, whether left or right, for the trivial reason that the rights are not of a political party, but of all. Eating healthy foods and quality, public drinking water and clean, use energy rationally, all this and more choices are pure common sense, are the result of policy actions that do not have a political flag. "It may seem impractical or a road possible only in our minds, but it is not. Indeed, there are several communities across Italy, which already apply the principles of R 8, or a practical strategy to achieve the decrease through 8 keywords (revalue, reconceptualize, refurbish, redeploy, relocate, reduce, reuse and recycle), theorized by Serge Latouche. The great transformation to build the company's decline can be represented as the articulation of these eight ambitious changes that reinforce iterdipendenti in a reciprocal manner. The actions of decrease as the energy savings do not want us to go back in time, but they are obtainable only through the development of advanced technologies capable of being able to consume, and then disperse, less energy. For example, a building that needs a smaller amount of energy contributes a ridurre il prodotto interno lordo. Tutte le innovazioni tecnologiche che riducono l'impronta ecologica, ovvero la quantità di superficie terrestre necessaria a ogni individuo per ricavare le risorse di cui ha bisogno, consentendo al contempo la loro rigenerazione, comportano una decrescita economica che contribuisce a migliorare la qualità degli ambienti e la vita degli esseri umani. Queste come le altre numerose azioni di buon senso saranno oggetto della nostra rubrica al fine di diffondere anche nella nostra regione miglioramenti della qualità della vita ottenibili solamente attraverso una diminuzione del pil; una decrescita felice. In una situazione del genere sarebbe molto utile riscoprire la saggezza della lumaca.
Come ci insegna Ivan Illich, la lumaca costruisce la delicata architettura del suo guscio aggiungendo una dopo l'altra delle spire sempre più larghe, poi smette bruscamente e comincia a creare delle circonvoluzioni stavolta decrescenti. Una sola spira più larga darebbe al guscio una dimensione sedici volte più grande. Invece di contribuire al benessere dell'animale, lo graverebbe di un peso eccessivo.
A quel punto, qualsiasi aumento della sua produttività servirebbe unicamente a rimediare alle difficoltà create da una dimensione del guscio superiore ai limiti fissati dalla sua finalità. Superato il punto limite dell'ingrandimento delle spire, i problemi della crescita eccessiva si moltiplicano in progressione geometrica, mentre la capacità biologica della lumaca può seguire soltanto, nel migliore dei casi, una progressione aritmetica." Questo divorzio della lumaca dalla ragione geometrica ci mostra la via per pensare una società della decrescita, felice e conviviale.

Fonti: S. Latouche, «Giustizia senza limiti. La sfida dell'etica in una economia mondializzata», 2003
J.P. Besset, «La scelta difficile. Come salvarsi dal progresso senza essere reazionari», 2007.
M. Pallante, «La decrescita felice», 2005.
M. Pallante, «Che cos'è la decrescita».
P. Carpentieri, «Cos'è la decrescita».
I. Illich, «Le Genre vernaculaire», 2005

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Doll For Men Masterbuation

Publiccate the rulings of the Constitutional Court on the admissibility of the referendum questions.

What it says the Constitutional Court:

a) in relation to the first question declared admissible:

confirms what has already been expressed with the sentence no 325, 2010, which expressly excludes the art. 23-bis constitute applications require the European Union law.

says that the repeal of Article. 23-bis not follow any revival of the rules repealed by this article: then there would be no revival, even art. Decree 150, # 152, the subject of our second question stated unacceptable!

says that the repeal of Article. 23-bis follows the immediate implementation into italiano della normativa comunitaria, che prevede la possibilità per gli Stati membri di normare il servizio idrico come servizio a interesse generale o come servizio a interesse economico generale e di applicarne nel primo caso la gestione pubblica e nel secondo caso tutte le possibili forme di gestione (compresa quella pubblica).

dice che, in merito alla pluralità dei servizi pubblici locali coinvolti dall’abrogazione dell’art. 23-bis, non poteva che essere così e che non sarebbe stato possibile formulare un quesito diretto ad abrogare la normativa dell’art. 23-bis solo per alcuni settori di servizi pubblici e non per altri.
b) in merito al secondo quesito dichiarato inammissibile :

poiché i quesiti vengono esaminati dalla Corte Costituzionale come quesiti a sé stanti e non nella loro connessione intrinseca, dice che, in mancanza dell’abrogazione dell’art. 23-bis, l’abrogazione dell’art. 150 del Decreto n.152 non è idonea a far venire meno l’applicazione al solo servizio idrico delle forme di gestione fissate, anche per tale servizio, proprio dal detto art. 23-bis. Ne consegue incertezza della normativa di risulta e di conseguenza l’inammissibilità.

c) in merito al terzo quesito dichiarato ammissibile :

dice che il quesito presenta i necessari caratteri della chiarezza, coerenza ed omogeneità. Infatti, attraverso l’abrogazione parziale del paragraph 1 of art. 154, and in particular by removing the reference to the criterion of "adequate return on invested capital," he pursued, of course, the purpose of enabling foreign to the logic of profit to the Government and water management.

What is clear from all of the above wrote:

a) with the victory of YES in the referendum to repeal dell''art. 23-bis follows the immediate application of Community legislation in Italian;

b) Community law provides for both the definition of the service of general application in the form of governance, is the definition of general economic interest, applying all the possible forms of management (including government);

c) in any case, Article. Decree No 150 of the Environmental 152 is repealed and remains;

d) with the victory of YES in the referendum to repeal the tariff of adequate return on invested capital, it is clear that by eliminating the profits from the water, among several possibilities under Community law above, the only form of management following the wishes expressed by voters-regardless of which defines the water service as a service to the public interest or economic interest as a service-general- will be the public management. And participatory, we add.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Confirmandi Letter To Priest


only 4 out of 30 IN GOOD HEALTH
"clone" of good practices to move from the hydrogeological the responsible management of river basins "
The census of 600 volunteers in the file that will be presented tomorrow From Rome
Basilicata good news: 3 rarest otter spotted and filmed in a pond a few hundred meters from the River Agri (photos and video on the site

E 'was a 30 rivers surveyed by WWF , the Agri River in the heart of Basilicata, to give a surprise to a few hours after the event, mostly from WWF in Italian rivers: three splendid specimens of the rare otter (Lutra lutra) intent on feeding in a pond, have been photographed and filmed by the local officials association. It 'happened in the heart of the Park Appennino Lucano, a great news after the tragic discovery of last year with 4 otters found dead. The new year so lets hope for the species to the biodiversity of that stretch of river, classified among the most 'abused' in the WWF's ranking with 51 illegal waste deposits mapped and 91 between sleepers and dams that interrupt the continuity label. From

map WWF rivers Melfa, Tagliamento, and cyan are Angitola those in good condition best. Followed in mid-table, in descending order, stream Arzino, Taro, Simeto Biferno, Sangro, Piave, Ippari, Magra, Adda, Ofanto, Oreto, Savio. Rounding out the rankings Volturno, Sagittarius-Aterno, Arno, Aniene, Agri, Tiber, Po Primaro and last but not least the Chiascio. This summary in the "picture" that emerges from the dossier WWF "Rivers of Italy" to be presented tomorrow at a conference in Rome at the Palazzo Valentini (Sala Monsignor Di Liegro - Via IV Novembre 119 / a) following the last census LIBERAFIUMI May, which involved over 600 volunteers throughout Italy to map the status of some thirty Italian rivers. The conference, which has the patronage of the Province Rome, attended by the President, Nicola Zingaretti.

delay political, institutional and cultural diversity in river management, combined with a failure to address endemic in time and responsible environmental problems are perhaps the main reasons to understand the evils of our rivers photographed by WWF census.
Mali as the conduit and the prevailing hydrographic network infrastructure, consumption and waterproofing of the soil, which should be left natural all'esondazione, the continued destruction of natural vegetation that grows along the banks, navigation schemes as a last excuse for quarry sand e ghiaia dal letto dei fiumi, l’aumento e la diversificazione degli usi dell’acqua, fino ad usarla in maniera indiscriminata per la neve artificiale.
A questo si aggiunga un devastante incremento dei piccoli impianti idroelettrici, incentivati con i fondi per le energie rinnovabili, soprattutto sull’arco alpino dove si tende a non “perdere” un goccio d’acqua, a scapito del minimo deflusso vitale e con buona pace per chi sta a valle.
Ma anche l’agricoltura, la florovivaistica e la zootecnia producono impatti ambientali estremamente pesanti ai corsi d’acqua e alle falde in molte parti del Paese, come nella media pianura padana tra l’Oglio, il Po e il Mincio o nella piana dell’Arno in Pistoia.
Excessive water withdrawals for different uses, often without coordination between them have distorted the natural regimes of rivers, emphasizing the extremes (floods and low flows) which recently have added the consequences of climate change.
In the report just completed by the European Agency for the environment is confirmed, in fact, as between 1998 and 2009 natural disasters caused in Europe a little less than 100 000 deaths, affected 11 million people and resulted in damage to 150 billion euro.

In this general situation of vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems in recent years there has been an increase in alien species (species introduced from other parts of the world) of animals and plants that have further contributed to impoverish native biodiversity and alter the habitat. The "red list" species of fish Italian shows an alarming situation a bit 'for all, especially the sturgeon, sturgeon and lamprey labdanum river, which in Italy are considered practically extinct. But even seemingly common fish such as eel, dace, tench, pike, rudd and the Latterino few years are considered "quasi-risk" and seem to continue their downward trend from the data collected by the census WWF. In contrast increase alien species that, due to the increasing vulnerability of river ecosystems and to the unfortunate nuisance, continue to spread is the case dell'Abramide of torpedo, the Pseudorasbora of pond loach Eastern Europe, which were added to the many existing and "naturalized" as the Persian sun, the largemouth bass, catfish, the Gambusia, pike-perch, carp, rainbow trout and many others. In total the studies identified at least 112 alien species of fauna, including invertebrates and vertebrates, in our country.

A section of the dossier is then devoted to illegal dumping of waste found along all the census tracts. Only on the Volturno have been detected 65, while agro (Basilicata) were 51 storage of waste, while 25 on the Sangro (Abruzzo) or 24 Ofanto (Puglia). Of river stretches surveyed by WWF over 12 are affected by the presence of asbestos deposits or, in the river Volturno of the 65 dumps found more than half contained asbestos. To move from the hydrogeological
the responsible management of water catchment areas, WWF has produced some concrete proposals.

renaturation: CONVERT TO 'BOMB' IN healthy and safe environments
the real answer to reducing the damage caused by landslides and flooding more frequent and the renaturation watercourses to restore the environmental and ecological function of ecosystems, because only a healthy environment can respond adequately to floods, droughts and landslides hydrogeological.
To do this we need to restore water quality, reduce water projects to exploit space and defense returning to the river (including through innovative urban relocation and changes), re-establishing the dynamics of fluvial geomorphology (balance in sediment transport, and can ramble flood in a diffuse way, restoring a flow regime closer to the natural one) and ecological corridor (re-vegetation of fascia riparia e del corridoio fluviale…).

Al di là di un necessario aumento delle disponibilità da parte del Governo, si dovrebbero poter utilizzare molte risorse che sono presenti sul territorio e che già, in teoria, dovrebbero essere utilizzate per far fronte al dissesto idrogeologico o per favorire la riqualificazione dei bacini idrografici. Le principali sono quelle derivanti dai canoni per l’uso dell’acqua, che, sebbene spesso troppo bassi, derivano dalla produzione idroelettrica,dalle ’attività agricole, dalle concessioni per la captazione di acque minerali e termali, dalle concessioni dei diritti di pesca, dalle concessioni per il demanio idrico…. Only by an intelligent use of these resources and cootrdinato have sufficient resources for a serious change of course.

WWF makes a number of proposals on the basis of a series of experiences and good practices in place including:

The Province Mantova, 2007, triggered the ecological and natural forestation purposes of public water areas in the floodplains of the Po, including the response to the proposals after the 2001 census WWF on the Po. The resources for the 1,000 hectares planted aim of the project are derived largely from "10.0000 hectares of new forests and green systems of multifunctional Regione Lombardia. The first priority "Rhodes Island" ended in 2009 with the planting of 60,000 plants of about 50 hectares and the remaining operations are in progress and will include the installation of additional 180,000 plants. And with the request for grant of other areas, the project is continuing, a heritage to bequeath to future generations.

Esino River Nature Reserve in the WWF Ripa Bianca is often subject to repeated floods affecting mainly agricultural land bordering the River.
The draft of the Reserve, which is one of the most important wetlands delle Marche, to manage the flood plan to transform the agricultural land in an area where the river can flow freely finding its natural areas in flood times, thus enhancing the ecological area and reducing the risk to areas downstream .

WWF Lazio in 2005 with the support and collaboration of the Province of Rome, began a program for the enhancement of knowledge and Aniene. The project has produced an environmental education program for understanding the river ecosystem by primary schools and conducting an educational workshop riverside. They were then prepared two manuals environmental education, for teachers and students to be promoted in other towns in the valley of media, which contains the most interesting examples of the educational experience conducted by the guys at Subiaco.

The problem of indiscriminate spread of hydropower can, at least in part, be addressed by a certification that takes into account the river basin as stressed by these activities. CH2OICE the European project, involving the WWF Italy, promotes appropriate criteria for "green dot" hydropower systems that respect as much as possible the integrity of the catchment area in all its environmental components. It 'been so developed, with the assistance of experts from five European countries (Italy, Slovenia, France, Slovakia and Spain), a certification methodology is technically and economically feasible for the production of hydroelectric power, on the one hand, allowing manufacturers voluntarily verify the compatibility of their systems with the good ecological status of watercourses affected the other, allowing the public and end-users to verify the environmental sustainability of energy produced. The official launch at the European level of this certification mark will be 25 February in Rome (

A trout conservation program was initiated since 1999 on the river Adda, thanks to the collaboration of the provinces of Lodi, Cremona, Italy with the combination of Spinning Club and other local associations. After collecting data on population status and habitat have been carried out actions to recover the precious fish eggs during the dry winter for them to develop hatcheries in the province and then reintroduce the fish fry in the appropriate period. In this way possible to preserve an important summer population of this endemic species of northern Italy

Rome, January 26, 2011
Office Print WWF Italy Tel 02 83133233 - 3298315718, 0684497377
