Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sports Shoe Parts Diagram


finally approved the 'related work', repealing the incentive-design and re-cut for the umpteenth time to l 2% incentives for technicians to public administration , as referred the 92, paragraph 5, of D. Legislative decree 163/2006.

But when? The effect of rules on the recovery of the incentive

In two separate rulings by the Court of Auditors had once provided advice on the implementation of the reduction in incentives question, put forward by local authorities in the light of the succession of laws on the subject. In particular, the Court, assuming the prohibition of retroactivity of the law is a general principle of confirmed by the Constitutional Court had considered that the reduction would be valid only for tasks assigned after 01/01/2009, the date of entry into force of the rule specifically provides that the reduction of 2% to 0.5%.

opinion to the contrary had been released instead of the General Accounting Office , which considered that the provision limiting the cap on incentives had retroactive effect, thereby extending All benefits not yet paid .

This interpretation is la più logica, in quanto trattandosi del ripristino di un diritto acquisito, sarebbe ingiusto che le stesse prestazioni venissero liquidate in quantità diverse, solo per l’indeterminatezza delle norme adottate dal parlamento e dai suoi continui ripensamenti.

Inoltre anche poiché la PA ha sempre impegnato il 2% nella contabilità, sarebbe ben strano che il fantomatico fondo per i dirigenti, che dalla data di promulgazione della norma no esisterebbe più, ora, ricevesse risorse economiche.

Comunque sino alla pubblicazione in GU, continueranno ad essere pagati allo 0,5%.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Remove Stud With Round Backing?

against immoral earnings of the Board of IREN

of Giorgio Ricci *

Communist Refoundation brought to City Council in Montecchio Emilia, Monday, Oct. 18, the issue of hefty compensation awarded to directors of IREN. The agenda submitted by the PRC are considered to be immoral choices taken by the Board of Directors on remuneration of IREN President (500 000 Euros), Director (400 000 €), CEO (€ 470,000) and Vice-President (70 000 € ) and calling for a reduction of fees until equiparali to those receiving a Regional Council of Emilia Romagna (no more than 44 470 euro per year).

At a time like the present it is essential that the policy gives a strong signal to reduce its costs, proponents of the agenda and asked the Mayor, who along with other mayors of Reggio Emilia is a significant part of its public shareholders IREN, to serve as ambassadors.

It said that in early October, the Board had already voted for a paltry 10% of self-reduction of fees, as required by the majority of mayors of Reggio Emilia, among them the Mayor of Montecchio, but it was a planned reduction on an increase in fees by almost 50% compared to those received by the same directors before the merger Iris - Enia, ie, with an increase in fees "only" 40%, he makes little effort to look democratic by granting to give up a little slice!

sharing, hoped and expected, of advancing an agenda that demands sobriety had to overcome political divisions, has not reached if not in words, as too many other times we had to see, at the time of the vote, a majority confused and unprepared on the issues under discussion, did not have the courage to substantiate the sentences in concrete decisions and consequent actions. The agenda was then rejected after general allegations presenters to make easy demagogy on the economic difficulties of the citizens, and to put excessive restrictions the hefty fees, without considering that this could compromise the quality of essential service offered by the multi-utility.

We believe that the law - duty to control the public shareholders should be exercised, even more so in consideration of essentiality of services (electricity, gas, district heating, water services, environmental services), in a strict and uncompromising, not neglecting to acknowledge and act on the salaries of even an untouchable apparatus -
ruling caste.

* Parent Communist Refoundation - City of Montecchio Emilia

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Do I Get Heartburn From White Wine

Centrality of public school funding to private schools and

opening of the new school year Italy has woken up to the last place among the OECD countries, investment in public education, and after us there is only Slovakia and makes us better than even Brazil. In percentage terms, to make the idea, only 9% of our public spending is earmarked for the school, while the average of other OECD states is 13.3%.
for our province, this means: in less than 150 teachers in schools of all levels, increase class size, gradually reducing the time in primary school, from thirty to twenty-seven hours per week, in spite of the different demands of the families and despite all efforts, publicly took the minister to respect the choices expressed parents; fragmentation of hours of teachers, in order to cover hours not covered in chunks over several classes (in the face of the teacher only!) drastic reduction of administrative and technical support staff, with the result that some comprehensive schools fail to ensure supervision of children or minimum services for the proper functioning of schools, lack of funds for project activities and / or workshops that qualify the training offer.
All this while the Minister says it will draw, for her daughter, a better school (probably does not refer to the public!) And defines "social evil" all those who for decades have provided temporary operation of the public school every opening of the year, but everything goes as planned, school leaders have had any indication to appease protests of teachers and hold the parents, while the three-year plan to reduce jobs is inexorably making.
Let it be clear that this does not happen "in the absence of the Italians," as he likes to say Gherardo Colombo in his wanderings among the Italian schools, we must take direct responsibility for all what happens, because we wanted to, not only by voting but also failing, failing to vote, failing to attend, failing to train the young generations, the ball then passes to local administrations, the first interface between citizens and the State, we ask to meet the cuts imposed on public education, with compensatory resources (such as asking the same PD in those in which government was in opposition), not shirk its responsibility for dealing with the quality of public school Today more than ever, means reoccupation of our future, invest in securities, make antibodies.
The economic crisis, job losses have forced many families, the municipalities of the province, to give the school full time for the difficulties to cope with the lines of the table, as many have been and will be forced not to enroll their children to educational tours, sports or recreation courses, summer camps (for many, the only alternative to the road during the long period of closure of schools), do not take to heart all these situations, not to intervene with subsidies that qualify more time to stay in school and enhance the educational offer, not to increase educators in the face of cuts to support teachers, operated by the government, confirming the negative value means that culture is only for those who can afford it and if there is not really a school for all and for all. If all this happens without the local government tried to go for broke, we lost not only the best schools which have aroused the envy of the world-renowned educators, as well as everything that has been the result struggles, achievements, research, discussion, but most will have lost confidence in the future of the younger generation, confidence in the possibility of change and therefore participation. We're playing a generation, we believe that, today more than ever, it is necessary that the Administration intended to focus the resources of the school, the only public school, the only state affected by the cuts, moreover, if the cover is short must have the courage to choose which way to pull it!