Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Senior Gifts Track

which rejects war raise your voice REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL RELEASE

L’arresto dei tre medici di Emergency , le inaudite dichiarazioni di esponenti della maggioranza e del governo contro l’organizzazione umanitaria, dimostrano che si vuole eliminare ogni testimone dalla guerra sporca che si sta svolgendo in Afghanistan.
Il ministro Frattini ha affermato che se le accuse ad Emergency to be true would be ashamed to be Italian. We would like to ask the minister: why is ashamed of three doctors who treat all victims of war and does not spend a word of anger when NATO troops, which are part of the Italian soldiers, massacre civilians? The Italian government
burns 2 million euro per day to support a government like Karzai, alleging electoral fraud, corruption and the management of the warlords of the opium market. At the same time unexpectedly lashes out against the best of our country in those areas that prejudice the good name of Italy muddied by our participation in the war. While again called on the government to demand the immediate release of the three doctors were arrested, we join the call by Gino Strada for citizens and city to sign the Emergency solidarity with the organization's site ( Italy rejects war that raise your voice, without the shame.


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