E' stato costituito il COMITATO ACQUA PUBBLICA MOLISE, a breve riceverete ulteriori informazioni sulle iniziative. Intanto vi invitiamo ad aggiungere il contatto del comitato su Facebook e a lasciare la vostra mail a noi o all'indirizzo comitatoacquapubblicamolise@gmail.com.
Di seguito pubblichiamo il documento di adesione del MDF al comitato per campagna referendaria per l’acqua pubblica.
Movement for Degrowth Felice
National Coordination for Water
With the approval of the Ronchi Decree, November 18 2009, the House of Representatives to complete a process in place for several years.
A trail that is exacerbated at the beginning of this new millennium when the prevailing economic thinking has managed to deprive the water of the status of a "common good" by describing it as a "commodity" to which you are entitled upon payment of a price.
Through the art. 15 L. 166/09 is definitely excludes the public and the community from the management of water supply, giving the water control groups and economic power to multinational companies.
MDF recognizes the principle that water resources should be considered a "heritage belonging to all communities of the living", a "common good" that humanity must safeguard and protect on behalf of all creatures and for future generations.
Water management as a principle of democracy and participation by citizens involving individual responsibility and collective sugli usi e consumi e sul governo di tali risorse.
Poiché, ora più che mai, tali principi sono stati calpestati e messi in pericolo, MDF ha aderito al Comitato Promotore della “campagna referendaria per l’acqua pubblica” promosso dal Forum Nazionale dei Movimenti per l’Acqua (http://www.acquabenecomune.org/).
La campagna referendaria si caratterizza per l’assetto che si è inteso dare all’intera organizzazione.
Esiste il Comitato Promotore “titolare” dei 3 quesiti referendari composto unicamente da associazioni e not by the parties.
Then there is the supporting committee composed solely of the parties.
This choice is supported by the desire not ever characterize the campaign in view of the opposition against the government. Articles repeal do not go back to the work of one government and the water is everybody's problem and as such are all citizens, not political parties, to promote the referendum.
Therefore, in any territory at all times, the committees should never ask the public's attention with other stated objectives of the campaign since the only purpose is to catalyze as many subjects around a single, unambiguous message: the referendum in favor of public water.

The referendum campaign
is divided into three basic steps.
1) On March 20, 2010, with the national demonstration in Rome to "the ripubblicizzazione water, for the protection of common assets, biodiversity and climate for participatory democracy", will officially launch the campaign.
To carry out the entire campaign, the Forum intends to avail itself of all the members of the Organizing Committee and the Comitato di Sostegno che a livello dei singoli territori sono chiamati a costituire i comitati locali i quali a loro volta è bene che si coordino e si aggreghino andando a costituire dei comitati regionali. L’organizzazione dei comitati territoriali dovrà preferibilmente rispecchiare la struttura nazionale.
2) A partire da aprile, per tre mesi sino a luglio, prenderà il via la campagna vera e propria con la raccolta firme a favore dei tre quesiti referendari (occorrono 650.000 firme comprensive del margine di sicurezza). Precedentemente e durante questa fase i comitati locali e le singole sigle aderenti, avranno il compito di promuovere ed organizzare eventi ed incontri che coinvolgano e sensibilizzino tutta la cittadinanza on water.
3) After the petition and took admission of the three referendum questions, the local committees will be asked to continue with awareness campaigns and dissemination activities in preparation for the actual conduct of the referendum planned for 2011.
Directions to clubs and supporters
In accordance with the provisions of the Promotion Committee, MDF may be useful to the cause mainly by mobilizing local clubs and individual supporters.
Where have already been set up local committees, the call è a mettersi in contatto con questi e a confluirvi collaborando a stretto contatto.
Se non siete a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un comitato a voi vicino, verificatene l’esistenza al seguente link: http://www.acquabenecomune.org/spip.php?article=223
Entro breve dovrebbero essere aggiornati gli elenchi dei referenti dei comitati locali. Al momento sono presenti vari contatti non più validi.
Laddove non esistano ancora dei comitati locali l’invito è a costituirne di nuovi fungendo da nucleo di aggregazione di altre realtà associative e partitiche. La tendenza è a costituire comitati a carattere provinciale o comunque rappresentativi di più Comuni, in grado to invite and accept whatever reality, whatever the area of \u200b\u200bpolitical or cultural reference.
When you're in a position to be able to establish a local committee announce your existence to the National Forum for Water Movements using the contact details at the following link. http://www.acquabenecomune.org/spip.php?article=376
We also invite you to report to the National Secretariat MDF your activities.
National Exhibition: Rome, Saturday, March 20.
To this day the invitation is to come together in Rome for what everyone wants to become the most important event and participated in all of 2010.
at 14:00 will be the concentration at the Republic Square. The parade will end at Piazza Navona.
The CGIL, which supports the referendum initiative, in many provinces has already been activated by providing their own secretariats and the logistics of organizing the buses that will converge on Rome.
The details of the day and the necessary materials (files) are available at this link:
See you in Rome .
up the good work.
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