Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stop Bleeding In Mouth

Appeal against abstention


A dull desire to abstention or blank ballot, check this campaign. There's even those who do not vote for explicit propaganda. The desire to avoid the choice is not without reasons. The show offered daily by the majority of government and its leader is nothing short of disgusting. And surely they are highly damaging for the vast majority of Italians policies that the government is doing. Not only the evils that beset the country are rapidly escalating - unemployment, backwardness of the industrial system, criminal infiltration and decline of the South - but the management of government interventionism, symbolized by the bulimic expansion of civil protection assistance, shows only an unstoppable momentum predatory. If you can reduce to a simple formula that happens, we suggest the following: we are eating the living. If this were not enough, the country has been invested, at the initiative of the governing parties, by a mean wind of racism, which is eliminating the most basic principles of democratic society: tolerance and respect for others. Nausea all That, and many other things, is a good reason not to vote.

On the other side, sadly we can not see the absolute inadequacy of the opposition. Which, with rare exceptions, seems resigned to live parasitically on the shoulders of the judiciary. The Italians are well aware of the extremely morality of those who govern us, as they are well aware of his determination to trample every rule but to secure impunity. For some, this is irrelevant. For others it is not for nothing, but the opposition does not seem to be able to do much more than remember. We need to hear about jobs, environment, education, public services decline. Sentiamo parlare solo dei misfatti del premier e dei suoi tentativi di sottrarsi alla giustizia. È troppo poco, anzi è nulla. Deprimente è anche in gran parte il personale che affolla le liste elettorali della sinistra. Il più dequalificato Parlamento della storia repubblicana lo è a destra come a sinistra. La mediocrità dei candidati è in piena sintonia con lo stato del Parlamento e non offre di sicuro grandi motivi per votare. Eppure noi riteniamo che il non voto sia un gravissimo errore. In special modo nell'attuale congiuntura politica. Una vittoria di Berlusconi, dovesse anche contrarsi il suo elettorato a causa di una larga astensione di destra, verrebbe subito decifrata come un mandato a promuovere un'ulteriore involuzione della democrazia Italian. Berlusconi, however, is likely to voice to a response of any polls. But we can not give excuses. Nor can we induce him to believe that part of the electorate is resigned to his initiatives.

There is another element that we should all reflect. The state of Italian politics is disastrous. Scandola is right, is depressing the left, Casini toiling in the middle. In turn, the popular left, or radical, has been devastated by the desire to annihilate it by Veltroni, but also by the narcissism of his leadership. However, it remains to be seen whether we have the right to call out. It 's too easy. Politics is, after all, the mirror of the country. We do not, ciascuno di noi, qualche responsabilità del suo stato? Certo, le procedure democratiche sono state ricongegnate in modo da ridurre il voto a una procedura di acclamazione, dell'uno o dell'altro leader, minimizzando il coinvolgimento dei cittadini. Ma mille esempi dimostrano che l'esclusione non è assoluta, che è possibile aggirarla, che la domanda di rinnovamento può anche salire dal basso e diventare ineludibile. Di contro è sicuro che se il disgusto o lo scoramento hanno la meglio, magari amplificando, tramite l'astensione o le schede bianche, il seguito elettorale della destra, nulla di buono può venirne. E, per come stanno ormai le cose, potrebbe anche non esserci un'altra occasione. Votiamo, e votiamo per qualcuno, even if we like very little. It 's a civic duty, now as never before. Help us first to circulate this appeal.

The Editors of Clouds -

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When You Dream That You Lose Your Hair


E' stato costituito il COMITATO ACQUA PUBBLICA MOLISE, a breve riceverete ulteriori informazioni sulle iniziative. Intanto vi invitiamo ad aggiungere il contatto del comitato su Facebook e a lasciare la vostra mail a noi o all'indirizzo

Di seguito pubblichiamo il documento di adesione del MDF al comitato per campagna referendaria per l’acqua pubblica.

Movement for Degrowth Felice

National Coordination for Water

With the approval of the Ronchi Decree, November 18 2009, the House of Representatives to complete a process in place for several years.
A trail that is exacerbated at the beginning of this new millennium when the prevailing economic thinking has managed to deprive the water of the status of a "common good" by describing it as a "commodity" to which you are entitled upon payment of a price.
Through the art. 15 L. 166/09 is definitely excludes the public and the community from the management of water supply, giving the water control groups and economic power to multinational companies.
MDF recognizes the principle that water resources should be considered a "heritage belonging to all communities of the living", a "common good" that humanity must safeguard and protect on behalf of all creatures and for future generations.
Water management as a principle of democracy and participation by citizens involving individual responsibility and collective sugli usi e consumi e sul governo di tali risorse.
Poiché, ora più che mai, tali principi sono stati calpestati e messi in pericolo, MDF ha aderito al Comitato Promotore della “campagna referendaria per l’acqua pubblica” promosso dal Forum Nazionale dei Movimenti per l’Acqua (


La campagna referendaria si caratterizza per l’assetto che si è inteso dare all’intera organizzazione.
Esiste il Comitato Promotore “titolare” dei 3 quesiti referendari composto unicamente da associazioni e not by the parties.
Then there is the supporting committee composed solely of the parties.
This choice is supported by the desire not ever characterize the campaign in view of the opposition against the government. Articles repeal do not go back to the work of one government and the water is everybody's problem and as such are all citizens, not political parties, to promote the referendum.
Therefore, in any territory at all times, the committees should never ask the public's attention with other stated objectives of the campaign since the only purpose is to catalyze as many subjects around a single, unambiguous message: the referendum in favor of public water.

The referendum campaign

is divided into three basic steps.
1) On March 20, 2010, with the national demonstration in Rome to "the ripubblicizzazione water, for the protection of common assets, biodiversity and climate for participatory democracy", will officially launch the campaign.
To carry out the entire campaign, the Forum intends to avail itself of all the members of the Organizing Committee and the Comitato di Sostegno che a livello dei singoli territori sono chiamati a costituire i comitati locali i quali a loro volta è bene che si coordino e si aggreghino andando a costituire dei comitati regionali. L’organizzazione dei comitati territoriali dovrà preferibilmente rispecchiare la struttura nazionale.
2) A partire da aprile, per tre mesi sino a luglio, prenderà il via la campagna vera e propria con la raccolta firme a favore dei tre quesiti referendari (occorrono 650.000 firme comprensive del margine di sicurezza). Precedentemente e durante questa fase i comitati locali e le singole sigle aderenti, avranno il compito di promuovere ed organizzare eventi ed incontri che coinvolgano e sensibilizzino tutta la cittadinanza on water.
3) After the petition and took admission of the three referendum questions, the local committees will be asked to continue with awareness campaigns and dissemination activities in preparation for the actual conduct of the referendum planned for 2011.

Directions to clubs and supporters

In accordance with the provisions of the Promotion Committee, MDF may be useful to the cause mainly by mobilizing local clubs and individual supporters.
Where have already been set up local committees, the call è a mettersi in contatto con questi e a confluirvi collaborando a stretto contatto.
Se non siete a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un comitato a voi vicino, verificatene l’esistenza al seguente link:
Entro breve dovrebbero essere aggiornati gli elenchi dei referenti dei comitati locali. Al momento sono presenti vari contatti non più validi.
Laddove non esistano ancora dei comitati locali l’invito è a costituirne di nuovi fungendo da nucleo di aggregazione di altre realtà associative e partitiche. La tendenza è a costituire comitati a carattere provinciale o comunque rappresentativi di più Comuni, in grado to invite and accept whatever reality, whatever the area of \u200b\u200bpolitical or cultural reference.
When you're in a position to be able to establish a local committee announce your existence to the National Forum for Water Movements using the contact details at the following link.
We also invite you to report to the National Secretariat MDF your activities.

National Exhibition: Rome, Saturday, March 20.

To this day the invitation is to come together in Rome for what everyone wants to become the most important event and participated in all of 2010.
at 14:00 will be the concentration at the Republic Square. The parade will end at Piazza Navona.
The CGIL, which supports the referendum initiative, in many provinces has already been activated by providing their own secretariats and the logistics of organizing the buses that will converge on Rome.
The details of the day and the necessary materials (files) are available at this link:

See you in Rome .

up the good work.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kyaking Birthday Cakes

The Federation of the Left of Reggio Emilia are members of the general strike on Friday, March 12, 2010 issued by the PRC Communist CGIL

The Federation of the Left of Reggio Emilia are members of the general strike on Friday, March 12, 2010 organized by the CGIL.

Here we go again. While the country's economy collapsed, millions of people lose their jobs and layoffs increase alarmingly (+130% over the same period in 2009 although black - INPS data), this government, instead of thinking of protections for workers , use the crisis to plan a further increase in insecurity working conditions and to attack the conditions of democratic life in the country. We
of the Federation of the Left because we adhere to the general strike: to block the layoffs, we want a real contrast to relocation, seeking an increase in wages and pensions, we want a fairer tax, which affects the income and wages and pensions; want to block the latest attempt by Berlusconi to delete Article 18, calling for the repeal of Bossi-Fini law and the abolition of the crime of illegal immigration in order to counter new forms of slavery.

Specifically: the "related work" decided and approved by the Government in the Senate contains provisions that deconstruct Contracts and, in fact, nullify the protections provided by Art. 18 of the Statute of Workers. We
Federation of the Left in Reggio Emilia we stress that this new and very serious attack on labor rights and democracy, further separate the poisonous fruit of the contract system, must be rejected with the greatest mobilization of workers and employees.
Through individual certification may be asked to women and when hiring workers to sign contracts in derogation from the national conditions and also for the pejorative terms that relate to the just cause. Support will also be signing the waiver request to appeal the judge's work for any litigation concerning the employment and dismissal.
The use of arbitration as an alternative to an employment tribunal becomes a standard "cord" that will be submitted to the employee in the act is more or to blackmail when he was hired. In this way, the protection of Art. 18 is canceled and made unfit for use. It 's a clear plan to restore an authoritarian power and undeniable that the employer seeks to cancel one hundred years of struggle with which he has won the right in the work. Other
unacceptable aspects of the law approved by the government, which appears as a genuine counter-law at work are: the limitation in time to challenge the dismissals, the quantitative limit for access to the benefits of early retirements "worn out", the lowering of the age to 15 years of apprenticeship, which gives the right to study at the lowest European levels, the delegation of 24 months to the government to make reform of the social and employment policies for women's work, which deprives these matters to Parliament and the comparison with the social partners.

The Federation of the Left calls all the working men and women to the streets March 12 for the general strike at this point should have the basic point defense of the national contract and Art. 18 and must be the start of a real struggle against the government and Confindustria.

Federation of the Left (Communist Refoundation, the Italian Communists, Socialists 2000, Labour and Solidarity)
Reggio Emilia