Monday, November 23, 2009

Can I Use Thermasilk Shampoo On My Dog

No Berlusconi Day - Manifestazione Nazionale Opposizione Sociale

All opposition political parties
The unions' associations

Civil society

The economic crisis is causing increasing social distress. The increase in job insecurity, loss of jobs, wages and pensions with which they struggle to make ends meet are a common scene across the country.
The government instead of intervening to resolve this situation with the serious cuts in social spending and education, with the compression of wages and pensions in the attack on the national labor contract is just the latest. In addition, the Executive shall make every effort to foment war between the poor with racist and xenophobic measures on immigration.
What's more, the Government has introduced measures such as the tax amnesty that legalized tax evasion and malfeasance, has earmarked a huge amount of money to the banks for the purchase of fighter jets and unnecessary for major works such as the Strait of Messina bridge.
The Government therefore serves to aggravate the crisis, defends the powers that be and the same time seeks to destroy Italian democracy carrying through the implementation of the plan of P2 Licio Gelli. The proposals of tampering of the Constitution are accompanied by a daily act of undermining the Constitution of the material, the attempt to gag the freedom of information, to limit the autonomy of the Judiciary, of distorting the role of the union and to silence workers.
To counter this operation which is both anti-democratic, fascist and socially unjust, we must build a policy response generally strong and unified.
We are committed to build mass opposition to restore democracy in the country and in the workplace and requiring the government to change economic and social policy.
is why we demand the resignation of Berlusconi in the light of his clear moral unworthiness to occupy the post of prime minister. And
offer to all opposition forces to call for the next 5 December a joint demonstration against the policies of Government and to demand the resignation of Prime Minister.

Antonio Di Pietro - Paolo Ferrero

We are organizing buses for the No Berlusconi Day For information or reservations please call 348 1728077 or write to

Friday, November 20, 2009

Poptropica How To Find Out Multiverse

Rifondazione Comunista con le lavoratrici e i lavoratori della UniMac Gherri

Refoundation Communist participated in this morning to guard the workers UniMac Gherri before the establishment of Montecchio. The UniMac Gherri, announced the closure by the end of the year the production unit of Parma (18 employees laid off in July from zero hours) to centralize all activities on the site of Montecchio Emilia (20 employees, in part, from now in laid off).
Blockade of layoffs, the extension of unemployment benefits to all workers and workers who lose their jobs, the creation of a social wage for the unemployed, the demand for higher wages and pension general, the fight against insecurity , are the main points of our proposal and our claims.
The Communist Party of the PRC - European Left sided with the workers of the UniMac Gherri Montecchio Emilia and supports all forms of struggle that will be democratically decided and that workers are willing to continue to achieve economic and social conditions that safeguarding work and wages, to ensure for themselves and their families, dignity and future.
ask the property to propose a plan of exit from the crisis that protects all workers involved.
We also urge the Mayor of Montecchio, which this morning has brought his greetings to the workers, to work for the reopening of the institutional table.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chamomile Teal With Valerian

Rifondazione Comunista per l'acqua bene comune

The Berlusconi government, deaf as expected protests by thousands of citizens and civil society in these coming weeks against the Bill Ronchi, who made privatization of the Italian public waters, has placed a vote of confidence in the Senate, the armored decree. As we Rifondazione chosen to adhere to the call made by the Forum Itallie movements to the water that has asked the Italian Parliament to withdraw the decree 135, which the decree to privatize water in Italy. The defense of water as a common good has been one of the battles that characterize the history of the communist PRC. The choice of the Senate to privatize the water in addition to being wrong and dangerous, as this will become an essential commodity, common to all citizens of a privilege and profit for the few, is also in contrast to the choices that other countries that had previously opted for the path of water privatization, which now are back to where they started and that water services are ripubblicizzando-PRC community has been and will be present in all the mobilizations in defense of public water and will require all its elected in local government to undertake to support the defense of water as a common good and public good. The PRC finally agrees to make the issue one of the major themes of public water in the event of December 5, No Berlusconi Day

Agenda submitted to the City Council on principles for the protection, governance and public management of water and provisions for water service ripubblicizzazione

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do Id Scanners Detect Duplicates

Il lavoro e la crisi: we demand answers

In Italy, in the last quarter of 2008, in the central north unemployment increased, while in the south, there was a hemorrhage of jobs, the unemployment rate in the country for the second quarter 2009 results to be 7.4%, the working population. In this way we could determine the conditions for an increase of one million more disoccupati.Grandi industrial groups are also at risk of closure for political masters of speculative (see the case of the ten thousand employees of the Group Eutelia / Agile / Phonemedia , which in addition to the threat of layoffs have been in recent days, at the headquarters in Rome, a vile assault squad). The FIAT
refusing to submit the business plan and establishments, such as Pomigliano, are extraordinary in layoffs.

We strive to

Block layoffs for the next 36 months.

Tackle the relocation , predicting that companies that relocate should be required to return all the contributions and financial support received.

Generalizing social safety nets overcoming the elements of division between workers with different employment relationship.

radical overhaul of unemployment benefits and create the social wage for the unemployed.

Raise the contrast to the precariousness of labor relations and the law 30, overcoming the distinction between fictional and quasi-subordinate employment.

Building public policy tools for the ecological reconversion of the economy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Credit Creator For Poptropica

general mobilization - LAST DAY TO DO SOMETHING!

Parliament privatization of water!
E 'urgent and essential to mobilize extraordinary!
The Senate, November 4, approved the Art 15 of Decree 135/09, which deprives the public drinking water tap, the most valuable asset, to deliver it, in 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business for individuals and banks.

Decree 135/09 will arrive in the Chamber of Deputies from Tuesday, November 10 (in Affairs Constitutional) and will be discussed in the courtroom Monday, November 16.

The Italian Forum of Water Movements Calls citizenship, the "people of water", the social and spatial networks, environmental protection and the protection of common goods, trade unions and student movement, for extraordinary mobilization.
mobilize to prevent the conversion of the law decree 135/09!
all participate and all the garrison!

Thursday, November 12 10:30
Presidium of Parliament (Piazza Deputies) and in all territories
Every reality declines to suit mode, times and places mobilization


The process of DL 135/09 has accelerated: the measure will be discussed starting Tuesday November 10 in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and Monday, November 16th is already scheduling classroom. The final vote is expected on Tuesday 17 or Wednesday 18. Only if you changed will revert to the Senate for final consideration. However
be possible until the whole process must be completed by November 24. Consequently
also our enforcement actions have to adapt to these very short notice.
Below is a calendar of initiatives planned for the next few days:

* Tuesday, November 10 - mailbombing components on the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies (about )

* Tuesday, November 10 - Delivery to leaders of the House's amendments to the Water Forum of the Movements in Art. 15 DL 135/09

* by Wednesday, November 11 should be sent to the secretariat of the Forum ( ) all signatures on the appeal on-line collections of local (in digital format, Word file or files. pdf), which will be delivered to the President of Room G. Purposes at the garrison or at least Monday, November 16

* Thursday, November 12, 10:30 to 13:30 hours - Dean of the Parliament and in all the territories - actually declines each mode to suit your needs, when and where the mobilization. Learn more about

* Thursday, November 12 - mailbombing all Deputies

* Friday, November 13 - mailbombing all Deputies

* Monday, November 16 - mailbombing all Deputies

Tuesday * November 17 - mailbombing on all the deputies (where the examination of the decree continued)

Paul Carsetti
Secretariat Italian Forum of Water Movements


November 10 mailbombing components on the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies

The Senate, November 4, Art 15 of the approved DL 135/09.
This measure will land at the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on November 10.
If enacted into law, Decree 135/09, deprive citizens and the sovereignty of the Regions and Communities drinking water tap.
We think it is an epilogue to avoid, is inviolate for a concept that includes water as a universal right and not as a commodity, but for the devastating effects that privatization could lead to the citizens on the basis of growth rates.
Therefore, in light of the foregoing, the conclusion of the examination before the Senate and in anticipation of discussion of this measure in the House of Deputies (scheduled for early November 16) is necessary to implement a mailbombing on members of the Commission in order to put some 'pressure by requiring that our demands are supported in the debate. In order for the

mailbombing produce effects, it is important that the sending of mail is made simultaneously by as many people as possible, concentrate all day on Tuesday 10 Follow the site in November all initiatives that will field the Italian Forum of Water Movements.

Or contact: Paul
Secretariat Italian Forum of Water Movements Via di S. Ambrose # 4 - 00186 Roma Tel / Fax. 06/68136225 Mon.-Fri. 15:00 to 19:00

privatize the 'WATER!