Cuts Hair Cuts only public! No Two motions - Pdl, Udc - with different tones and digits are asking for more money for equal
in the next budget. While state they take off on drill 8 billion
cuts to the school? Yes, if public
The House: More funds to private
of EXCEPT Intravaia
more money to equal. While the Executive size 8 billion (and 134 000 people in three years) to public school because the government undertakes the Parliament in the coming months to increase its funding to private schools. The promoters of the motions passed by the House during the session last May 6 knows that the economy minister, Giulio Tremonti, is preparing the Budget for 2010. Two of the three motions that have met the approval of Deputies of the classroom, in substance, first asking private schools to return to the "ill-gotten gains" (read cut made by the Finance Act 2009) and, subsequently, to widen the purse strings.
The requirement to support private schools, which are involved in the field the Catholic Church, the Chamber has made a fairly broad agreement that involved a piece of the opposition. The motion without too much preamble calls on the government to "increase the resources allocated to the system equal" is signed by thirty members of the PDL (including Cicchitto and Cota, two men very close to Prime Minister Berlusconi), the League and the Movement for the autonomy of Raffaele Lombardo.
The issue is approached from afar. We need to "realize interventions - the text reads - to facilitate and promote the conditions for true freedom of choice of families among educational state schools and equal. "A request that may appear legitimate even if it does not allow the fact that" delivering such conditions " necessary to "increase, since the draft budget law for 2010, the resources allocated to the system equitable." However, not all. To "facilitate the educational choice for families" need "a specific legislative instrument, with additional resources of the State, carries out special operations in support of freedom of choice in education "of Italian parents.
I deputati hanno le idee chiare in merito. La risposta è data da "mix di strumenti quali: buoni scuola per la copertura, in tutto o in parte, dei costi di iscrizione e di frequenza in scuole paritarie; detrazioni fiscali a favore delle famiglie che iscrivono i figli presso scuole paritarie in misura adeguata a ridurre significativamente gli oneri, calibrate a scalare per le famiglie con i redditi più bassi". Sarà d'accordo Tremonti che l'anno scorso ha fatto andare su tutte le furie i vescovi italiani tagliando 133,4 milioni al sistema paritario, per poi dovere tornare sui suoi pass and return 120?
What is more unaccounted for 13.4 million of which the private schools do not intend to give up. And with a rather cryptic formula invite applicants for the government "to take steps to recover the missing resources for the funding situation at the private school for the financial year of 2009 amounted essentially to those allocated in financial year 2008": about 500 million . Equal to the amount that managers seems to be insufficient and could be increased by another 100 million.
Even the UDC, with nine members, takes the field in favor of private schools asking the government to "provide certainty of funding and timing of disbursement of resources for private schools" and "the full restoration of the resources taken away from economic measures to private schools." But not only: Members of Pier Ferdinando Casini flying cash for hundreds of millions of euro. We need to "restore the 2009 - says the request - the financing of 240 million euro for the system of vocational education and training, recovering also the 440 million euro for the two previous years."
May 11, 2009 )