For years the press tells us how the political class is forced to repeat the usual refrain: we want to reduce taxes and increase wages, but unfortunately you have to understand that the moment is serious, we first need to join Europe, then we are the towers of the World Trade Center, then the war on terrorism and missions around the world, now the financial crisis world, all interspersed by rising raw material costs, the Argentine bonds from Parmalat and so on and so forth, but to pay it looks like we are always and only us citizens.
The fact is that when there is so much flesh and devour the few we just smoke and mirrors.
Now there is a disagreement on reform of collective bargaining, which causes a new and incomprehensible to most divisions of the union on the contents, you are stupid that they have signed or those that have not signed or is there something wrong?
purge the text of the smoke from the statements of principle we can think of to identify the core of question that we can condense in two remarks. The first consideration is given
the method of calculation to determine the maximum amount of contractual increases national trade agreements, instead of the old index (a rip-off) of the target inflation rate, now we will use a parameter that is prepared by Eurostat and called IPCA.
Apparently an improvement, except that the HICP index is adjusted for the contribution to inflation caused by increases in energy prices (energy and raw materials for energy see gasoline), which are known to be the main component of ' inflation, although the petitioners may say otherwise, do not I have never seen in this country a reform or a change for the better.
This will determine the most likely reduction in the purchasing power of wages and salaries in the coming years.
If we consider that the recovery of the difference between actual inflation and inflation is measured by the HICP in the period following that in which the loss has occurred and that recovery is not automatic, but you get by negotiation and that the public sector should be consistent with the financial resources, becomes clear that each national contract will recover some of the purchasing power lost in the previous three years and not advance at all future losses of purchasing power.
The second key issue is that the remuneration of the increases in labor productivity can be considered only in the business of second-level agreements, while today the national contracts remunerate also what is called the average productivity of the sector. Tomorrow will no longer be possible.
These would seem the two most important structural points of the agreement, addition to another rule that prohibits industrial action during bargaining, just when it most needed to support the deal with the pressure of the workers. Because, as Lech Walesa said: a bargaining is not an invitation to a gala dinner.
partial synthesis Freely adapted from an article by Paul E on Ugly:
The text of the Agreement can be downloaded from the website:
are some pieces taken from the network.
From the site:
(ASCA) - Roma, Jan. 23 -''The CGIL cultivate a thorough reflection on the evolution of society 'and whether Italian' that this new model is to provide effective responses to new demands of the workplace and of 'economy.'' E 'as it requires the UIL to review Course of Italy in the aftermath of the Palazzo Chigi on the reform of the bargaining system. This
''- says the unions - can 'and should also be an opportunity to open a debate on its model of union representation and in which workers and not politics are called upon to decide how to be represented with respect to choices that affect them.''
According to the UIL'' old system had long since exhausted its task''and''continuing to apply that system today, you program a systematic reduction in wages. This was no longer 'acceptable.''
With the new model, but''the real wage growth, which will be 'guaranteed by the full application of this model, will be' one of the levers to create the country's development. We can finally get out of the trap of low wages and low productivity '.
That 'was the vindication of this claim and Uil, with the signing of the agreement, and' was satisfied.''
From the site:
(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 GEN - The leader of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani fear that from now on for the renewal of contracts vigeranno "the rules of the jungle, the survival of the fittest." And after no agreement on new contract model asks CISL and UIL, who instead signed an agreement to give the last word to all workers, with a referendum. A tight around the no leader Luigi Angeletti and Raffaele Bonanni: the members of the CGIL union can not judge an agreement that their union did not sign, they say CISL and UIL leaders.
While the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, said: "The CGIL is fossilized on anti-historical stance that frankly can not understand how well they can do, not only to the CGIL itself. They are especially bad for workers." The debate is on the following day. The rejection of the first signed by 25 Italian trade union cartel between unions and employers' associations opens a difficult period of confrontation between unions, with industry, and between social partners and government. For a number of CISL, Raffaele Bonanni, "there is still time to recover even the CGIL. It is sincerely hoped that the CISL.
give "the last word" on all workers, Epifani said, "is a democratic state and unavoidable in this situation." We need a referendum, said from Genoa (where he participated in the commemoration of the union Guido Rossa, who was killed decades ago by the Red Brigades), "a formal request to CISL and UIL to conduct a debate in all places of work and outline the ways in which workers can freely express themselves. " Luigi Angeletti of the dry-no, for "a simple reason: it serves reciprocity - says the leader of the UIL -. We have signed an agreement that the CGIL disagrees, and wants its members to judge this decision. It is good only when you a pact, if from now on even our members will judge the decisions of the CGIL, which we do not share. "
And thinks so too Raffaele Bonanni:" We do not understand this very request of the CGIL, '"he says. For the secretary general of the CISL," the referendum has a meaning and a political value when it comes to unit agreements, while in this case "who signed the agreement will consult their members and employees." After pointing out his concerns in an interview to La Repubblica, Epifani, he insisted: not to have reached a shared understanding "is An error very heavy, especially to workers and businesses, and there is "a responsibility to Confindustria: it is useless for today calls for the president Emma Marcegaglia Cgil to return.
CGIL had said up to one minute before their availability and even more to touch that part of the proposal that would allow him to close the matter differently. What? Confindustria knows, did not want. He would not because he could not and that makes me say that it has a shared responsibility. "Since Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi, a comment also the position of banks' uncertainty about signing ABI makes it easy to joke that bankers CGIL and are united by a common logic conservative. "
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