Monday, January 26, 2009

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posted by alias [25/01/2009 23:23]


For years the press tells us how the political class is forced to repeat the usual refrain: we want to reduce taxes and increase wages, but unfortunately you have to understand that the moment is serious, we first need to join Europe, then we are the towers of the World Trade Center, then the war on terrorism and missions around the world, now the financial crisis world, all interspersed by rising raw material costs, the Argentine bonds from Parmalat and so on and so forth, but to pay it looks like we are always and only us citizens.
The fact is that when there is so much flesh and devour the few we just smoke and mirrors.
Now there is a disagreement on reform of collective bargaining, which causes a new and incomprehensible to most divisions of the union on the contents, you are stupid that they have signed or those that have not signed or is there something wrong?
purge the text of the smoke from the statements of principle we can think of to identify the core of question that we can condense in two remarks. The first consideration is given
the method of calculation to determine the maximum amount of contractual increases national trade agreements, instead of the old index (a rip-off) of the target inflation rate, now we will use a parameter that is prepared by Eurostat and called IPCA.
Apparently an improvement, except that the HICP index is adjusted for the contribution to inflation caused by increases in energy prices (energy and raw materials for energy see gasoline), which are known to be the main component of ' inflation, although the petitioners may say otherwise, do not I have never seen in this country a reform or a change for the better.
This will determine the most likely reduction in the purchasing power of wages and salaries in the coming years.
If we consider that the recovery of the difference between actual inflation and inflation is measured by the HICP in the period following that in which the loss has occurred and that recovery is not automatic, but you get by negotiation and that the public sector should be consistent with the financial resources, becomes clear that each national contract will recover some of the purchasing power lost in the previous three years and not advance at all future losses of purchasing power.
The second key issue is that the remuneration of the increases in labor productivity can be considered only in the business of second-level agreements, while today the national contracts remunerate also what is called the average productivity of the sector. Tomorrow will no longer be possible.
These would seem the two most important structural points of the agreement, addition to another rule that prohibits industrial action during bargaining, just when it most needed to support the deal with the pressure of the workers. Because, as Lech Walesa said: a bargaining is not an invitation to a gala dinner.

partial synthesis Freely adapted from an article by Paul E on Ugly:

The text of the Agreement can be downloaded from the website:

are some pieces taken from the network.


From the site: -. html

(ASCA) - Roma, Jan. 23 -''The CGIL cultivate a thorough reflection on the evolution of society 'and whether Italian' that this new model is to provide effective responses to new demands of the workplace and of 'economy.'' E 'as it requires the UIL to review Course of Italy in the aftermath of the Palazzo Chigi on the reform of the bargaining system. This

''- says the unions - can 'and should also be an opportunity to open a debate on its model of union representation and in which workers and not politics are called upon to decide how to be represented with respect to choices that affect them.''

According to the UIL'' old system had long since exhausted its task''and''continuing to apply that system today, you program a systematic reduction in wages. This was no longer 'acceptable.''

With the new model, but''the real wage growth, which will be 'guaranteed by the full application of this model, will be' one of the levers to create the country's development. We can finally get out of the trap of low wages and low productivity '.
That 'was the vindication of this claim and Uil, with the signing of the agreement, and' was satisfied.''

From the site:

(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 GEN - The leader of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani fear that from now on for the renewal of contracts vigeranno "the rules of the jungle, the survival of the fittest." And after no agreement on new contract model asks CISL and UIL, who instead signed an agreement to give the last word to all workers, with a referendum. A tight around the no leader Luigi Angeletti and Raffaele Bonanni: the members of the CGIL union can not judge an agreement that their union did not sign, they say CISL and UIL leaders.

While the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, said: "The CGIL is fossilized on anti-historical stance that frankly can not understand how well they can do, not only to the CGIL itself. They are especially bad for workers." The debate is on the following day. The rejection of the first signed by 25 Italian trade union cartel between unions and employers' associations opens a difficult period of confrontation between unions, with industry, and between social partners and government. For a number of CISL, Raffaele Bonanni, "there is still time to recover even the CGIL. It is sincerely hoped that the CISL.

give "the last word" on all workers, Epifani said, "is a democratic state and unavoidable in this situation." We need a referendum, said from Genoa (where he participated in the commemoration of the union Guido Rossa, who was killed decades ago by the Red Brigades), "a formal request to CISL and UIL to conduct a debate in all places of work and outline the ways in which workers can freely express themselves. " Luigi Angeletti of the dry-no, for "a simple reason: it serves reciprocity - says the leader of the UIL -. We have signed an agreement that the CGIL disagrees, and wants its members to judge this decision. It is good only when you a pact, if from now on even our members will judge the decisions of the CGIL, which we do not share. "

And thinks so too Raffaele Bonanni:" We do not understand this very request of the CGIL, '"he says. For the secretary general of the CISL," the referendum has a meaning and a political value when it comes to unit agreements, while in this case "who signed the agreement will consult their members and employees." After pointing out his concerns in an interview to La Repubblica, Epifani, he insisted: not to have reached a shared understanding "is An error very heavy, especially to workers and businesses, and there is "a responsibility to Confindustria: it is useless for today calls for the president Emma Marcegaglia Cgil to return.

CGIL had said up to one minute before their availability and even more to touch that part of the proposal that would allow him to close the matter differently. What? Confindustria knows, did not want. He would not because he could not and that makes me say that it has a shared responsibility. "Since Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi, a comment also the position of banks' uncertainty about signing ABI makes it easy to joke that bankers CGIL and are united by a common logic conservative. "

Friday, January 23, 2009

Build A Wood Retaining Wall 4x4




1) CERASOLI GIANFRANCO nato a L’Aquila il 24/04/1961 Assistente Amministrativo in servizio presso la Soprintendenza B.A.P. Abruzzo L’Aquila

2) FELICIANI ENZO nato a Pineto (PE) 10/11/1952 Assistente Amministrativo in servizio presso Soprintendenza speciale Polo museale – Firenze

3) ESPOSITO FRANCESCA ANNA RITA nata a Salerno il 4//04/1953 Bibliotecaria Direttore Coordinatore in servizio presso la Biblioteca Nazionale di Bari

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How To Stop Heat From Inside Your Body


Congratulations to everyone who helped restore the incentive to 2% and a special recognition to the work of Gianfranco Cerasoli, secretary-general who led the UILBAC claim reported by nosta union!

E 'with great satisfaction for all professional public employees, which we quote the text of the circular UILBAC

Arch Danilo De Girolamo

Secretary-General PHEIC Tecstatministeri

Circular No. 1330
Dell' 09 / 01/2009
A Tutti i Responsabili UIL - BAC
Alle R.S.U.
A Tutti i lavoratori


Non ci credeva nessuno ma la Uil ostinatamente ci
ha fatto una battaglia chiamando a raccolta tutti i funzionari tecnico
scientifici del Mibac che in occasione della giornata di mobilitazione
nazionale del 16 ottobre 2008 , in migliaia , hanno sottoscritto la
petizione al Presidente della Repubblica , ai Presidenti delle Camere e
a tutti i Capigruppo di maggioranza and asking the opposition to the rule change in the law
133/08 Brunetta
the infamous law that cut with effect from January 1
fees for the projects carried out by technical staff.

You all remember this provision: Article 61 of law 133/2008
With effect from 1 January 2009, the percentage
provided for in Article 92, paragraph 5, of public contracts for works,
services and supplies provided for in Legislative Decree April 12, 2006, No
163, is for the rate of 0.5 percent
the purposes stated therein and to the extent of 1, 5 per cent, is paid to the appropriate
entry section of the state budget. How

Uil not confined ourselves to the national protest day god
also spread through You Tube under the title "Defending the Technical
MIBAC, found again at the following address: watch? v =-Q 1ipoWP9d3

But we also wrote and pointed out the amendment which calls for its repeal. 39-ocpies
Changes in Article 61, paragraph 8 of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112,
, with amendments, into law August 6, 2008, No. 133, in the field of
(additional spending measures and abolition share
participation in the cost of the benefits of specialized assistance).

Paragraph 5 shall be repealed

The news agencies (those that are read by politicians always) gave wide coverage to our struggle.

ADNK (CUL) - 15/10/2008 - 15:50:00
----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------
= THE ILO calls for the restoration of the incentive for
PLANNING TO 2%. Rome, October 15 -
(Adnkronos / Adnkronos Culture) - Il personale tecnico scientifico del
Mibac e' sul piede di guerra. Per domani, infatti, e' prevista una
mobilitazione nazionale: la Uil chiede rispetto della categoria ed il
ripristino dell'incentivo per la progettazione al 2%. Il segretario
generale della Uil dei Beni e attivita' culturali Gianfranco Cerasoli
ha inviato una lettera alle piu' alte cariche dello Stato per
richiamare l'attenzione sul problema delle professionalita' tecnico
scientifiche del Ministero per i Beni e le Attivita' Culturali. Questo
personale, che secondo una nota di Cerasoli, risulta quello pagato
peggio nei comparti della pubblica amministrazione, viene colpito
duramente dalla norma introdotta da Brunetta e Tremonti. "Con il
silenzio di Bondi - si legge nella nota - che riduce l'incentivo
destinato alla progettazione dal 2% al solo 0,50% con una
contraddizione in termini rispetto alla tanto conclamata intenzione di
tagliare le consulenze nel pubblico impiego. Questa norma, inoltre,
portera' al contrario ad un aumento delle consulenze con oneri maggiori
per le casse del Mibac". Per questi motivi domani, in tutte le
Soprintendenze, Archivi, Biblioteche, Istituti speciali, il personale
tecnico scientifico si fermera', per denunciare quanto e' avvenuto e
per richiedere la modifica di tale norma iniqua attraverso il
ripristino dell'incentivo al 2%.La protesta del personale tecnico
scientifico si sviluppera' anche mediante iniziative che porteranno
all'inevitabile rallentamento delle attivita' poiche' i tecnici sono
pochissimi rispetto alla mole di lavoro da svolgere. (Per/Pn/Adnkronos)
15-OTT-08 15:44 NNNN

ANSA (SPE) - 15/10/2008 - 17.50.00
TECNICO (ANSA) - ROMA, 15 OTT - Giornata di mobilitazione, domani, per
il personale tecnico scientifico del ministero dei beni culturali, che
protesta contro la riduzione dell'incentivo alla progettazione. Un
provvedimento, denuncia la Uil Beni culturali in una lettera
indirizzata ai presidenti di Camera e Senato e alle piu' alte cariche
dello Stato, ''che invece di consentire un risparmio per
l'amministrazione, finira' col fare lievitare le consulenze''. A
dispetto degli apprezzamenti che riceve a livello internazionale,
spiega il segretario generale Gianfranco Cerasoli, il personale tecnico
scientifico ''risulta quello pagato peggio nei comparti della pubblica
amministrazione''. E ora ''viene colpito duramente dalla norma
introdotta da Brunetta Tremonti, con il colpevole silenzio di Bondi,
che riduce l'incentivo destinato alla progettazione from 2% to 0.50% with only
a contradiction in terms than the much acclaimed
intention to cut the consultancy in the public service.''
For this, the UIL announced,''tomorrow at all Superintendents, Archives, Libraries
, special institutes, scientific and technical staff are
gonna stop ', to denounce what' happened, demand respect and to request the amendment of

unfair that rule through the restoration of the incentive of 2%.'' The protest, meanwhile, and 'landed
on You Tube: (ANSA). LB
15-Oct-08 17:49 NNN

Well, we managed to win a
battle to protect the extraordinary skills and professionalism of our staff of technical and scientific
such as architects, engineers,
archaeologists, art historians, surveyors, archivists, librarians,
chemists, physicists, biologists around the world envies.

Law Decree No 23 October 2008 162 (OJ No 298, December 22
2008) ratified by Law on December 22, 2008 n.201:
"Urgent measures with regard to changes in prices of construction materials
, to support sectors of road, of
'agriculture and commercial fishing, as well as funding
works for the G8 and the definition of the obligations Tax for
Marche and Umbria regions, affected by the earthquakes of 1997, "he
rescind the standard against the engineers.
Article 1. Provisions for price adjustment
paragraph 8 of Article 61 of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112
, with amendments, into law August 6, 2008, No 133,
is repealed.
With this circular we would like to thank all the
technicians who have joined our efforts and have supported us
in the battle that we have conducted themselves from the usual criticism of
CGIL CISL and who did not say a word in defense of the category.

also thank two technicians who worked with the National Secretariat
for the drafting of documents which are Edward Radolovich
and Danilo Di Girolamo.
Fraternal Greetings

Gianfranco Cerasoli
Secretary General

PS Here is our memory for use on the claim


Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma Tel 06/6723361 - 6792933 Fax 6782911
- E - Mail website

Circular N ° 1307 25/09/2008

Of all those responsible for UIL - BAC
All workers

October 16 National Mobilization SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF - THE
Law 109/94 (Merloni), followed by
Regulation 554/99 introduced for the first time, in addition to the figure of
Procedure manager for Public Works, a series of new tasks and
civil and criminal liability for designers ,
project managers, safety coordinator at
design and implementation of Law 494/96.
La Legge
Merloni introduceva altresì, all’art. 18, un incentivo alla
progettazione pari all’1% dei lavori effettivamente appaltati che,
considerati i costi normalmente sostenuti , anche per la sola
progettazione, consentivano un notevole risparmio per l’Amministrazione
rispetto alle consulenze o incarichi affidati a progettisti esterni.
titolo di esempio, su 500.000,00 Euro il costo per il solo
coordinamento per la sicurezza durante l’esecuzione ammonterebbe, da
tabelle ufficiali, a circa 12.0000,00 Euro ai quali andrebbero sommati
i costi per la progettazione, piano di sicurezza in fase di
progettazione, direzione lavori e collaudo.
L’1 % di 500.000,00
ammonta a € 5.000,00 dai quali, dedotto l’IRPEF e gli oneri
previdenziali ed assistenziali rimangono all’incirca 2 500,00 Euro.
alla progettazione viene ripartito, come stabilito dall’ultimo decreto
364/2001, tra il responsabile del procedimento, il progettista, il
direttore dei lavori, il progettista della sicurezza, il coordinatore
della sicurezza durante l’esecuzione, il collaudatore e tra i vari
collaboratori delle citate figure professionali.
Le contrattazioni
locali in larga parte hanno previsto, tra i collaboratori, restauratori
per la redazione delle schede tecniche, fotografi, assistant
yard, construction site managers, which include administrative offices
contracts and accounting and administrative staff of technicians
In many situations, the division, has been re
all staff as it was considered that the collaboration
Offices is provided, each in his own capacity and competence,
by all staff.
The incentive, with the various amendments to the Merloni Law
was high at 1, 5% and 2% after only
for Local Authorities.
The new Code of contracts - DS.L.vo
163/2006 - Art. 92 confirmed for all Public Administrations
the incentive to 2% this time specifying that all charges
reflexes (24.2% including social security and IRAP) were included in the same
Law 163/2008 - 2009 Budget -
art. 61, paragraph 8, it reduces the incentive from 2% to 0.5%
confiscate the difference (1.5%) in a separate section of the budget entry
The new legislation will result, given the inconsistency
obvious incentive, our reliance on outside professionals
darkened and design skills needed to run
of Public Works with severe economic damage to the Public Administrations and consequently
for the State.

addition to financial loss would have serious consequences on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
will fail because the contribution of first-person
those working in the field for years and are considered
"excellence" by the Minister Bondi.
to avoid further waste of public money and above all
to ensure continuity in the recovery, maintenance and
conservation of cultural heritage, in addition to the enhancement of professionalism
in the Ministry itself, the UIL promotes
Event National to be held September 16 through
meetings and assemblies throughout Italy In all schools so that our request is supported
which aims to restore full
art. 92 of the Procurement Code, and then the incentive of 2%. Of

below a note sent to the Presidents of the Chambers, the
President of the Council, Ministers and Leaders Group of the Chamber and Senate

All workers belonging to the Ministry of Culture
scientific and technical groups not only ask you to sign
the appeal to be sent to the highest echelons of the state and the
MPs so that we can find the banks to change the rule
unfair when discussion of the draft budget law by next
days of debate in Parliament.

The UIL has already prepared a series of amendments to restore
share of 2% on the assumption that it is not just an economic issue but also
the respect due to the category of technical and scientific
the Ministry of Culture.

executives are asked to hold the meetings in any place
work, explain the reasons for the National Mobilization and
to ask all employees to sign the appeal
taking care to collect the membership to be sent
at the National Secretariat who will forward it to the addresses indicated

Fraternal greetings.

Gianfranco Cerasoli
Secretary General


Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma Tel 06/6723361 - 6792933 Fax 6782911
- E - Mail site Internet

the President of the Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini
The Chairman of the Senate

Sen Renato Schifani

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers Silvio Berlusconi
The Minister for Arts and Culture
The Minister Sandro Bondi of the Civil Service

On Renato Brunetta
to the Minister of 'Economy and Finance Giulio Tremonti

group leaders of the House and Senate

Honourable Presidents

Honourable Ministers Ladies and Group Leaders

is noted with great disappointment, the total insensitivity of the government
to the work done efficiently and effectively
scientific technical apparatus of the state, particularly in the area of \u200b\u200bCultural Heritage and
represents excellence in national and international
In fact, unlike the contention of the Minister for Public Administration in
Mibac we
presence of professionalism and expertise so as to be universally recognized
point of reference for many nations in which our engineers are called to do
training and to implement measures of protection, preservation and restoration
just to name a few in Spain,
France, Britain, China, Iraq and many others. Here

not talk about "lazy", but professional
that despite the enormous difficulties with regard to the cuts that have hit the Mibac,
try with your personal commitment and with fewer and fewer resources,
of running the Superintendence , the Archives, Libraries in the exercise of constitutional

We refer to all those, disowned, deep personal commitment and skills
high level of culture to meet and respond to the needs of users
speak of all those who continue to carry out overtime without compensation.

than the huge civil and criminal liability borne by
scientific and technical officials, such as architects, engineers,
archaeologists, art historians, surveyors, archivists, librarians,
chemists, physicists, biologists, Parliament at the initiative of the Government has decided to reduce
for the design of the incentive provided by
Merloni law of 1994.
fact, with the Law No conversion
133/2008 published in the Official Gazette of August 21, 2008, was amended
paragraph 5 of Article 92 of the Code of public contracts
reducing the rate applicable from 2 to 0.5%, already foreseen in Article 18 of
Law 109/1994, the amount place based on race
a work or a job, to be allocated on the basis of a specific
bargaining, the various professionals involved in the administration

This provision was deleted
with a sponge the only recognition of professional technical and scientific
state, reducing this rate to ridicule
0.5%, including contributions to be borne by the government ..

This rule will only result is to increase the use of
consulting and outsourcing for a variety of assignments
with a further depletion of central institutions
peripheral and the Ministry of Culture and the staff
demotivated in their work.
If this was the objective of the Ministry of Public Function
, we have the courage to say publicly that this provision means
increased costs of public administration and in this case
a worsening
the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. In this attack, and

to this waste of public resources, the response of the scientific personnel
the Ministry of Culture will be tough because in a civilized and democratic
October 16 in all Superintendents, Archives, Libraries
, special institutes, engineers will stop through
partecipazione alle assemblee per denunciare quanto è avvenuto e per
richiedere la modifica di tale norma iniqua attraverso il ripristino
dell’incentivo al 2%.
La protesta del personale tecnico scientifico
si svilupperà anche mediante iniziative che porti a rallentare ogni
atto tecnico e professionale, dalla programmazione triennale dei
lavori, al collaudo, ai visti di congruità, agli stati di avanzamento
dei lavori, alle autorizzazioni, come al rifiuto degli incarichi
relativi alla sicurezza sul lavoro (non rientranti nelle prestazioni
retribuite) e sui cantieri temporanei e mobili, al rifiuto degli
incarichi di progettazione e direzione dei lavori.

rest are in the presence of professionals that even with a ratio of
public work can not be treated differently from those
the same activities as external to the individual
Rome September 24 '08

Gianfranco Cerasoli
Secretary General

appeal letter

the President of the Chamber of Deputies

The Chairman of the Senate

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers

The Minister for Arts and Culture
The Minister of Public Administration

The Minister of Economy and Finance

group leaders of the House and Senate

Honourable Ministers Honourable Presidents

Ladies Group Leaders

is noted with great disappointment, the total insensitivity of the Government and Parliament
to the work we do as belonging
technical scientific apparatus of the state,
that species in the field of Cultural Heritage
represents excellence in national and international levels. In fact, unlike

supports the Minister for Public Administration in Mibac
our professionalism and expertise are widely recognized by both
constitute a reference point for countless Nations
for which we are called to do training and to implement interventions
protection, conservation and restoration just to name a few
in Spain, France, Britain, China, Iraq and many others.

We are not "lazy", we have a professionalism that even in the presence of enormous difficulties
compared to the cuts that have hit the
Mibac, try with your personal commitment and with fewer and fewer
means of running the Bureaus, the Archives, the libraries in the exercise of constitutional
.. We

those employees who, disowned, and deep personal commitment
skills to meet the highest level of education and
respond to the needs of users. We
those employees who continue to carry out overtime without compensation.

compared to the huge civil and criminal liability which we
architects, engineers, archaeologists, art historians, surveyors,
archivists, librarians, chemists, physicists, biologists,
Parliament on the initiative of the Government has decided to reduce the incentive for
design provided by the Merloni law of 1994.
fact, with the conversion
Law No 133/2008 published in the Official Gazette of August 21
2008, was amended by paragraph 5 of Article 92 of the Code
procurement by reducing the rate applicable from 2 to 0.5%,
already provided for in Article 18 of Law No 109/1994, the amount put to tender
basis of a work or a job, to be allocated on the basis of a specific
bargaining, the various professional figures
Administration involved in the work.

This provision was removed with a sponge
recognition to the only technical and scientific expertise of the state, reducing this rate to ridicule
0.5%, including contributions to be paid
government ..
This rule will only result
to increase the use of consultancies and contracts awarded
outside a variety of positions with
a further depletion of central and local institutions with the Ministry of Culture and the
staff demotivated in their work .

If this was the objective of the Minister of Public Administration, we have the courage
to say publicly that this provision represents an increase of
costs of public administration and in this case
a worsening of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities
In this attack, and this waste of public resources
our response as a scientific technical staff the Ministry of Culture will be tough because
in a civilized and democratic
put in place initiatives that will lead to run with the times due to any act
technical and professional, from three-year program of work, the
test, visas of appropriateness, the states of progress,
authorizations, such as the refusal of the tasks related to
safety at work (not included in the benefits paid) and
on temporary and mobile, the refusal of assignments
design and construction management.

Moreover we are the professionals who
albeit with a public employment
can not be treated differently from those who perform the same activities as
external to individual government departments.

endorses the event of October 16 in all
Superintendents, Archives, Libraries and Institutes, Special, and signed on with the
this appeal, requesting the amendment of that provision unfair
through the return of the incentive 2%.