Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Metronidazole Concieve

Rifondazione against tax increases for workers and retirees

Giorgio Ricci, the municipal council of the Communist Refoundation, voted against the proposed doubling of additionality income tax proposed by the municipality. Since 2012, in fact, the surcharge will go from 0.35 to 0.6 regardless of current income. As usual will be the employees to pay the consequences.
PRC had proposed raising the exemption threshold up to a flush or income under 25,000 € gross per year (average income from employment), the request then lowered to € 15,000, before applying to income above 0.6%. Proposal and even considered by the majority who were willing only to a dichiarazione di intenti, senza cifre, non tecnicamente possibile.
Aumento delle addizionali irpef, fasce irpef ingiuste e inique, federalismo fiscale, evasione fiscale e la probabile riduzione dell'irap scaricano su lavoratori dipendenti e pensionati la riduzione delle tasse a ricchi e imprese. E' ora che si abbassino le tasse a lavoratori dipendenti e pensionati e che chi più ha, più paghi.
Sappiamo da che parte sta il governo Berlusconi. Ancora una volta ci chiediamo, questa amministrazione da che parte sta?

Cb President George Problem

The French side of the secretaries!

Wholesale Mopeds For Resale

Monicelli, a great director, a Communist Refoundation Communist

Mario Monicelli ha deciso di non essere più in our midst. Through cinema - great tool of modernity - this slender and great man, with dignity and a sense of humor, always fought for justice and equality.
He talked about war, friendship, communism, history, feminism, and even a few months ago of "revolution." His eye has always been the humble, those who fight. "Hope said, is a trap devised by the owners. We must have the courage to rebel ... and look for redemption in Italy there has never been."
I want to remember him, unrepentant Communist, who honored us with his enrollment at Chapterhouse and with the support of campaigns. Thanks Mario, for your work.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Interests To Put On A Resume For A Clothing Store

December 4th relaunch the campaign a referendum.

Brescia December 4, 2010
At the Summit Global Climate Change in Cancun, re-launched the campaign in favor of public water
What if the crisis reaches the earth at the same time that man? This is the time of the water and political accountability. Because water is a human right, is thirsty and hungry, and the environment, employment and unemployment, exclusion and poverty, it is war or peace. One million four hundred thousand people have signed in favor of the referendum for public water. We ask the government for a moratorium on the privatization process on hold that citizens express their will through the referendum vote in 2011.
Program of the day
HOURS 14:45 Opening Session - Salon Piamarta-Brescia Via San Faustino
HOURS 15:00 Debate "What future for the common resources?" Leaders spoke of the Water Committee and the Common Good of the environmentalist world Brescia Brescia
17:15 HOURS Public Speeches
17.45 Close of hours of discussion to follow screening of the film "Home"
HOURS 19.15 Closing of the Water Festival.

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