Friday, June 11, 2010
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Il Coordinamento Scuola Mantova, aderente al Coordinamento Precari della Scuola (CPS), invita tutta la cittadinanza, i partiti e i sindacati ad un presidio martedì 15 giugno dalle 17 in piazza Mantegna, per protestare contro i tagli previsti dalle Riforme della Scuola del 2008 e 2010 del ministro Gelmini.
Il coordinamento degli insegnanti mantovano chiama tutte le forze di opposizione a raccolta per dire un fermo NO al ddl Aprea e Goisis, alla Legge Brunetta e all'ultima manovra finanziaria del governo che indebolisce e impoverisce ulteriormente i dipendenti pubblici e privati e non produce nessuna norma per combattere realmente il precariato e la disoccupazione giovanile.
La mobilitazione rientra nella due giorni di sciopero della Scuola (14-15 giugno) proclaimed a national level by Cobas and other unions.
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Coordination School Mantua, adheres to the National School Precarious Coordination (CPC), returned to the streets, in Mantua, on the day of 15 June.
is not a random date, the initiative is, in fact, in the national mobilization of school workers, who are putting in these hours of the strike ballots, called by Cobas and other unions with a large number of participants from North to South
The public school is increasingly affected by the laws of this government: the reform Gelmini-Tremonti, Brunetta the law, passing the bill-Goisis Aprea, League's proposals to the federal school.
Not only staff reductions, but also the depletion of financial resources at the expense of the quality of teaching and school organization.
should not forget the non-renewal of contracts for teachers and the lack of increase in salaries last financial maneuver that all the more striking public workers.
The center-right government, moreover, with the support of the President of the Lombardy Region, is heralding the privatization of public schools.
These attacks do not lead us to remain steadfast and immovable, but to claim our rights as workers, enshrined in the Constitution.
We ask the parties, unions, political movements, associations, who oppose the economic and social policies of this government, to support and give support to our struggle.
E 'important in this historical moment, unite against the crisis, points out that public school is a guarantee of democracy in our country and for this reason is for everybody.
You can not just leave thousands of workers since last year are affected by the indiscriminate ax cuts.
need a common response and firm!
NO NO cuts to the dismantling and privatization of public schools
NO depletion of resources and education.
Coordination School Mantua Calls at all, citizenship, political parties, unions, associations and movements take to the streets on June 15, Mantua, Mantegna in the square, from 17.00, to start from there a common way of opposition, the fight and find concrete solutions to the crisis!
It also requires to sign this appeal to our e-mail address:
Coordination School Mantua
Saturday, June 5, 2010
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The new direction Mibac
In 2007 we organized two appeals to the Head of State against the tender of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture for ... .. various skills in the role of managers (specifically architects Supervisors) that no one knew anything, the years went by and participated in the competition also challenged the ranking, but this time all deposited directly to the State Council together with a copy of the previous appeal the notice "illo tempore" deposited at Mibac.
The State Council required the Ministry of the reasons for which he had never submitted its counter to the first appeal (to law), setting the hearing on May 24, 2009.
Now after almost a year, the SC public against the sentence attached to the applicants, arguing among other arguments that the ban has not been challenged.
But as it happens, the appeal is against:
a) the contract and the integration of the notice;
b) the rankings;
c) the appointment of the selection board;
d) all additional and various measures.
The reasons for the rejection - which has about 4 small pages to write which the Council of State took approximately one year after the meeting ("Hearing") of May 27, 2009 - I think the level of the contents of the decision is equal to the form in which the sentence is addressed to the "Direction genital
I wonder if the Minister and the Minister Brunetta Bondi (despite the cuts) are aware of the existence of this new Ministerial Direction.
The comment we leave it to readers, but the question arises: is it possible, in a state of law, that the ministry receives two applications to the Head of State, signed a PHEIC TECSTATministeri and one signed by seven architects of the administration both regularly acquired and protocols and the deposit does not comply promptly, so as to effect more than one year from the date of his sentence?
possible that it is claimed that the ruling was not appealed against the ban and calls for an indefinite and unknown ministerial opinion of April 1, 2009 (which can be requested to acquire).
We would also like to know why there is no response to the appeal dell'USPPI, who decided not to respond? The Secretary-General
Arch Danilo De Girolamo