Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tricks To Spot Fake Seizure


E 'absolutely useless to follow the government, that of cultural heritage in particular, in continuous legislative measures of self-reform and self-reorganization.

attempt after attempt, failure after failure, everything seems to serve only to adjust the shot and preserve the status quo, while the whole cabin sinks for lack of resources and personnel.
In reality all these operations can not leave anything good for people working in it for users, it per la tutela dei beni culturali.
Infatti dalla lettura di ogni provvedimento si percepisce chiaramente che la lunga sequenza di competenze riservate alle Direzioni Generali serve esclusivamente per giustificare e mantenere delle poltrone per dei sederi eccellenti, ma nulla hanno realmente a che fare con l’efficienza ed una seria organizzazione della struttura.
Bisogna avere il coraggio e la volontà di riformare per semplificare e rendere più efficiente l’apparato o il coraggio di tornare indietro.
Dov’è, quando serve, il ministro Brunetta, è forse assenteista, connivente o latitante?
Non trova anche il signor Ministro che sia ridondante ed inutile mantenere delle direzioni generali nazionali, quando practically all powers are in the hands of Regional Directors and the Secretary General?
not believe Mr. Minister that it is counterproductive and harmful and costly incremented with the creation of the new Directorate General of Museums.
Why now, after 69 years that we need a general direction to the museums, if not since 1939 if they have never felt the need, there is perhaps another reason? Why
in 1974 all the protection of cultural heritage was in the hands of one general direction to the antiquities and fine arts and now they are even more than 30, perhaps the directors back then were much better prepared for current and competent? Or maybe the new
museum director is instrumental in identifying the bad-company-in-chief to keep the state and give the "meat" of the museums a few friends entrepreneur, along the lines of Alitalia.
You must decide once and for all, or you actually want to identify an overall strategy and an organizational framework seriously, simple, clear and functional way to revive the Ministry or to close, and if that is the goal, at least death is rapid, which do not let yourself die slowly administration and all its players, but we have the courage to end it with a bang and decided, in short, a coup de grace. In the face of

Secretary General

arch. Danilo De Girolamo